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Norman Albers

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Everything posted by Norman Albers

  1. Thanks! I spent time wondering why not open the outer side of the bucket, thinking of the centrifugal force. What matters is the instantaneous velocity, which is tangential...................What's big out here in Oregun are potato guns. I saw one fueled with hairspray shoot 100 yds.
  2. If the arm is too short you won't get much velocity. IF it is too long you will have a hard time swinging it around. It's some kind of kinematic optimal. David s'posedly did wipe out Goliath with a good sling, so I say go for it! There was an article in SciAm a handful of years ago about folks making catapults. Gloriously, the first shot went straight up, and predictably downward. Dear, dear. This was like a small European car body. Actually I will seize this chance to plug the cartoon Prince Valiant. You will, as a steady follower, learn many such techno hints and cultural goodies.
  3. Use it just because it is a mess if you don't! It would be nice to have multiple dimensions (first definition) of the same analytic dimension (second definition). I am dealing with that right now in my electron model. I am a pure theorist who deals with pure b******t. It is fair to ask me to put dimensions into my geometric models which were done with none. When you ask me to produce a number, at the very end, expect me to be in a panic for a few days. If you are good you can just pour rubber cement on the paper, and c's and k's stick where they should like glitter. I am having to be a little more thorough.
  4. RF, I respect your inner vision and say you are brave and graceful to put yourself out here to talk and to learn. I am doing this also. Dave, I am almost able to deal with what you lay out! I have been creating semiclassical theory thinking there is un unfilled void.
  5. In a radial sense time stops at an event horizon. In an angular sense, it stops at the center of my electron field! There is dielectric singularity to where at the origin permittivity goes as the inverse square of 'r'. . . . . . . . . . . . . .This business of proper time is strange. If the twin of the usual paradox returns after human culture has disappeared and there is no way to refuel and reprovision, they may not get to live out much more proper time at all! Those approaching an EH feel perfectly fine until tidal forces bum them out, but yes they have seen things asymptotically speeded up, looking out, and if this scenario is embedded in a universe of finite life, they don't get in. The last if is a gigantic mess! What'n'ell is embedded where? Would someone else please bail me out? I a.m g.e,t.t.i.n.g____ c.l.o.s.e____ a..n..d____ m..y____ s...i...g...n...a...l...s_____ w....i....l....l_____ b.....e_________ g.....e.....t......t......i......n......g___________ s.......p.......a.......c.......e.......d _____________ o........u..........t_________________ b..............a..............................d.............
  6. An important mathematical observation I can make is that my photon sheath can not be expressed as a Lagrangian. This is a critical thing to learn, and we can look at its cause, possibly moving further. I am able to express energy contributions from, say, P-dot-E, where P is a polarization density vector. We can say that current is 'proportional' to 'A', and we can identify current as P-dot. Therefore, P is expressible only as the integral of A, and a Lagrangian expression has three orders of time derivative, so it is not successful. The message is that we have imported some physics and have not completed our accounting. So can we do some accounting of the backdrop, and what am I saying is necessarily so about it?
  7. How are you at the horse races?
  8. I would guess that this fact was recognized by some cultures and not by other, lesser lights, or those with less cultural 'memory' passed down.
  9. We asked for it and I appreciate it, YT.
  10. Nice: I'll buy a round of beers on this. Are you saying the first simple eyes were sort of lensing mounds or something? I was hoping someone with the history would pop up here! The closed-down iris is a "pinhole", no? Was it last? Are 'the tree' and I crying in our beers for our theory? . . . . . . . I am intrigued about the comments of vision in other ranges. Infrared would be clearly useful at night in air. Isn't it strongly absorbed in water, so fish would not need it? How about ultraviolet, similarly examined. Is there only such a range that can be lensed?
  11. Sorry, we were connecting available frequencies and available chemistries for life forms, yah? . . . . . . . . . . . . Cap'n, did we then need to gather more? Your idea is so nice and simple that one would think this was the first evolutionary development: pinhole, retina, lens? Iris?
  12. Reefer to the entry by Bluenoise. . . . . . Eat salsa and JUST SAY NO TO COLDS.
  13. For another fave, I too love the magic contained in exponentiating pi-i. So much handy accounting. We are accountants of the arcane.
  14. That or aerogels.
  15. I don't care, go for it! I love PETER GABRIEL. . . . . . . . . . . . I just looked at one Cockroft Walton generator and I see many diodes and caps! Are zeners used? This drew an interestingly muted response from our friend!
  16. Here's To Shaking The Tree With You. Norm Albers
  17. To wit, Planck's constant is not a native characteristic of the radiation field. There is no quantization, shy of the Planck length anyway, without the defining of a length. Lengths are defined in universe radius, field fluctuations of whatever epoch, and bound 'particle' states. The vacuum itself is a string uncut and unstrung, not a 'ficticious oscillator'.
  18. Once I had a flash and called an electronics friend. To my pleasure he agreed that one could make a voltage doubler by alternately charging two caps and by appropriate switching, stacking them into the output cap on a duty cycle. Is this sort of what you have to do to dynamically balance your stack? Is there no way to Zener off excess cell voltage?
  19. Meditate on feeling the infrared sphere around you. We feel it more than we usually realize. Sit in a room whose air is 70 degrees, and change the temperature of different segments of the the surfaces in the entire solid angle surrounding. You, THE BODY, clearly feel the BLACKBODY around you. I find the back of my hand to be sensitive. You may see me walking around seemingly waving at myself. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I like HYDROCARBON OCEAN BEINGS. Can we cook this up and make some money?
  20. One day in 1954 or so when I was five and my sister seven years old, my parents both slipped out for a half-hour to vote. They came home to find my sister and I fairly naked and jumping, sliding onto the sofa. To their everlasting credit they did not freak out. We got dressed! If you need a theoretical statement here, and I hope you do not, sexuality is a smooth spectrum of cultural possibilities. Love is simply a matter of , "What is the appropriate form here?" If you find me naked and sliding on your sofa, I will understand if you find it not appropriate. With love, Norm . . . .GO TO 'Phi for all', and his reaction to the panties of his fiance's sister. You cannot make up stuff this good.
  21. Ultraviolet light is of higher energy than the visible light which was "canned" into carbon bonds. Thus it eats all organic materials left out in the sunlight. Could there be ultraviolet life forms? What molecular bonding regimes could give us some good sci. fi. here? . . . . . . . . . . . . . Try hangin out with a blind friend and talking for five minutes without using the word see! You're gonna feel stupid!
  22. Sounds like they are just getting light-weight, approaching batteries, but have high draw-down rate innately, and wear well.
  23. I'd like to hear how they 'pack it in' and have leakage down.
  24. I describe necessary vacuum currents to solve for what's implied when you say 'Gaussian wave packet'. This should be the RHS of the Maxwell current eq: j = (-lambda^2 + rho/U) A . THUS IS THE VACUUM NOT A VACUUM
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