To state the existence of a tapered Gaussian wave packet of single frequency in propagation is to state the existence of a diffuse manifestation of charge and current which literally are the phased-array antenna (co-moving) which keeps it nondispersive. To allow such local response as I have cleanly characterized to first-order xpand, only, must lead logically to the realization that overall packet amplitude (total energy and total ang. mom.) is arbitrary. Locally energy density and ang. mom. density differ by omega. Now atoms emit only certain sized packets, namely our familiar quanta of h-nu. It is they which have selection rules of unit change in ang. mom., no? This does not say that fractional packets are not also possibilities of the field. I call this dark energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . My question of QM is, what is their virtual manifestation? I am saying that charge density is available at very small levels if there are packets. This allows reconsideration of the whole concept of vacuum fluctuations, which is somewhat of an embarassment, I feel. What magnitude was that ZPE?