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Everything posted by MedWatcher

  1. Oh btw... ofcourse there's another substance that works very effective in the treatment of cancer... it is called "Benzaldehyde." -- Benzaldehyde, which is produced when laetrile (vitamin B-17!) is broken down by the body, has also been tested for anticancer activity in humans. In two clinical series (case reports of a number of patients who are treated consecutively in a clinic), patients with advanced cancer who had not responded to standard therapy were treated with benzaldehyde. Some patients experienced a complete response (the disappearance of all signs and symptoms of cancer), while some had a decrease in tumor size. The responses to benzaldehyde lasted as long as the treatment continued. Almost all of the patients had been treated previously with chemotherapy or radiation therapy, but it is not known how soon treatment with benzaldehyde began after the other treatment ended. -- Isn't it interesting that people who were treated with the ALL cell destroying (cytostatic) chemotherapie responded extremely well to benzaldehyde? You know what's even more interesting? Apricot kernels (which contain high amounts of vit B17) are tremendously CHEAP! It's so laughable anyone would even dare to accuse someone offering this natural therapy of riching him/herself. Their goal is simple: everyone, rich or poor, has the right to be cured. And ofcourse it's time everyone discovers the repressed truth.. repressed for decades by the pharmaceutical industry.. MedWatcher
  2. So, tell me, how many BUCKS do you think the pharmaceutical industry makes on their wonderful perfectly 'safe' (haha don't make me laugh) ALL cell destroying CHEMOTHERAPIES.. Well? So many cancer patients haven't been cured and actually have gotten worse after chemo and radiation. Many have died. Think about that. There are well documented insights on the workings of vitamine B 17. It works! And tell me, how flawed is that so called study you presented? Let me guess, which company had the most vested interests? Who sponsored that study? See what I mean? Vitamine B-17 metabolizes in natural 'cyanide.' Don't worry because EVERY healthy cell in the body contains the enzyme 'Rhodanase' which symply neutralizes the therapeutic amounts. Now HERE comes the kicker. Cancercells do NOT have this particular enzyme and thus will eventually be destroyed by the 'cyanide' when proper doses of vitamin B-17 are taken. Natural 'chemo' however NOT destroying healthy cells as well!! It's perfectly clear the almighty pharmaceutical industry couldn't make ANY buck on this perfectly natural product. IT CANNOT BE PATENTED!.. So the whole machinery against vitamine B-17 is understandable in that light.. Now THAT is what I call quack!... something to think about...
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