Remember that electrons in a medium absorb protons and then re-emit them. Photons unlike neutrinos, that have no charge, do not actually pass through. It seems to me that you are saying that the barrier should be the speed of light. Clocks are static at LS. Pass BEYOND that barrier with infinite energy, and clocks have no choice but to run backwards screwing up causality. I really don't see anyway around this. And Don't forget the Schwarzschild radius, and inward and outward trajectories. In a non-rotating black hole light can escape a photon sphere barrier. What is your concept of clocks running backwards? What is actually happening?
You know at this point one can get real crazy and say that breaking the LS barrier bounces you into another universe and another timeline. After all, Hawking has used the infinite universes concept to explain information loss in black holes! But I won't go there! Wait! I just did!