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John Cuthber

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John Cuthber last won the day on January 22

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About John Cuthber

  • Birthday 11/10/1965

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  • Chemistry Expert

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  1. A yes; body language. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1615756388457722
  2. It's good, but it needs more accordion.
  3. Somehow I was reminded of a rather unfair joke; Q What would you call 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?" A An improvement
  4. Trump's desire for Greenland, Gaza, Panama, Canada etc isn't some complex political plan. It's greed. There's a side order of bullying but the root is just that he wants it because he hasn't got it. Around here, J.C. MacSwell said it, and I'd like him to explain how Biden's causing inflation today.
  5. Can you expand on that? Is time travel involved?
  6. Looking back through this thread, I saw this. Covfefe!
  7. Dear Mr President. Maybe the guy who thought launching a car into space was a good idea is not perfectly qualified to identify wasteful spending. Also, what do you plan to do when the other 50% of Americans discover that tariffs are paid by the citizens of the country which imposes them? And finally (for the minute), if America was too cold to hold your inauguration outside them you certainly don't want Greenland, it's f%^&*&ing freezing. Yours etc
  8. 42 seconds in to this clip Trump says he was "saved by God so I can make America great again".
  9. Just as a philosophical question for everyone; compared to being forbidden to mention the Tiananmen square murders, is that 1 better 2 worse 3 pretty much the same?
  10. Would I, as a scientist, be allowed to say that egg prices are not dropping? From https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/eggs-us
  11. Space alien turns up in the US and says "please don't take me to your leader".
  12. And potassium hydrogen tartrate is about ten times less soluble. (0.57 g/100 ml (20 °C)) So, we both agree 66% is very soluble. We both agree that 0.57% is a low solubility. So you should realise that when I am talking about something with a low solubility, I'm talking about potassium hydrogen tartrate rather than potassium sodium tartrate. Especially when I explicitly say so. I'm not certain what you mean by "" But the forum labels me as such; it wasn't ever a secret. And you guessed that I meant potassium sodium tartrate even though I said potassium hydrogen tartrate. And you did it even though I made the point that it's not very soluble, so I couldn't possibly have meant potassium sodium tartrate. Also, Re. Guess again. Plenty of reactions with water are violent, e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhopal_disaster
  13. Would you like another guess? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_bitartrate#History If a chemistry expert tells you something has a low solubility, then they are unlikely to be talking about something that's very soluble.
  14. One possible problem you will face is that potassium hydrogen tartrate isn't very soluble. Another is that the process of dissolving sodium hydroxide in water can be violent, even without acids present. And your KOH is probably only about 85% pure- the rest is mainly water.
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