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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. Right up until they tried to move them.
  2. Hypothetically, you can pray for about a ten thousandfold improvement in MRI scanners.
  3. You will not find a way to do that. Electrons don't go through solid material (they barely go through air). Actually it goes through the surface, rather than the bulk https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin_effect
  4. This is close http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/tiduaf0/tiduaf0.pdf You need a counter and comparator to "close the loop" to make it ADC
  5. I'm fairly sure that's an impossible goal. A pulse with a duration of a few femtoseconds is longer than a micron anyway.
  6. What was the question?
  7. You might not need to do the separation as such. Keep adding the mixture of chlorides to water until you get a solution which is dense enough. The potassium chloride won't do much harm . You may need to filter the solution or let it settle to get rid of suspended particles.
  8. As far as I can tell, yes, you have understood it correctly.
  9. The kennel club for one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedigree_Dogs_Exposed:_Three_Years_On#Inbreeding_and_genetic_diversity
  10. As far as I'm aware, they always were,
  11. That's a matter of definition People were using JANET 10 years earlier. It hardly matters. I didn't "grow up using the internet" but I use it a lot now, and have a pretty good understanding of it. It's like saying that my 85 year old dad can't understand television because it didn't exist when (and where) he was growing up. It's obviously nonsense.
  12. Laugh out loud. So, you claim to know better than everyone else- but you have not bothered to find out what everyone else knows. Do you realise how silly that makes you look?
  13. That is not what the experimental evidence says. If your model does not agree with the experimental observation then it is not because reality has made a mistake.
  14. Well, the title for a start...
  15. Weird, I'm using chrome; it works for me. Failing that, use the "quote" link at the bottom of the post and edit what it says. The forum will join together posts if nobody posts anything in between them.
  16. It may be browser dependent. If I drag the mouse cursor across some text in an earlier post a little box appears with "Quote this" in it. Clicking on that box generates a quote for me in the reply box at the end of the thread and I can add my reply there. It is hard to accept because: (1) it contradicts experience- for example it wouldn't allow diamagnetic materials. and (2) You have provided no evidence, or theoretical justification for it. Unless there is a day in the future when you resolve those issues you are wrong. Your day will not come.
  17. Yes I did. And I meant it. The likes of the Kennel Club only allow you to call a dog a "pedigree" Jack Russell, if both its parents were on their register as pedigree JRs. There's no way to get new blood into the breed. This has been happening for many generations so, they are all mating with their close relatives. If they are pedigree dogs I can trace their ancestry back to a very limited stock. The mother may not have been shagged by her father, but she was shagged by her cousin, and so were her grandfather, grandmother and great grandpa . (If they are not pedigree dogs then they are off topic)
  18. It doesn't matter. The electron can't be stationary because of the uncertainty principle. However, you were the one talking about static electrons. Does that post mean you have changed your mind? They may not be clear to you, but they are to the rest of us. Unfortunately, it seems that thinking is wrong. For example, it doesn't take account of the uncertainty principle.
  19. (and, for the record, it wasn't a toy, it was a real bb gun.)
  20. Based on observation, it isn't. You can have diamagnetic materials which allow you to set up stable repulsion. The interesting thing is that diamagnetism only works because the electrons are in continuous motion. This proves your idea wrong. You can stop wasting time on it now.
  21. That's nice for you. Are you aware that Earnshaw's theorem (as originally written) is wrong (or doesn't apply to the real world)? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_levitation#Diamagnetic_levitation
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