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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. I look forward to you telling the tales of your experiences in the "only 2 points universe" so we can use the results of those observations to make progress on the thought experiments. In the meantime, we might choose to think of things that would happen in an environment we have not observed and never can.
  2. In the context of this thread, it is worth remembering that a thought experiment may be sufficient to falsify a theory. Ask Galileo about Aristotle...
  3. It rather depends how you calculate the error margins. If you express them as standard deviations then you add variances rather than adding absolute error margins.
  4. It's not my field but... If I shine a fast pulse of light at, for example, my hand and I look at it through a microscope focussed on a bone somewhere in the tissue I will mainly see a blur. But if I put a shutter on the microscope and only open it at the right time for photons to have left the laser, reached the bone + bounced straight back without scattering, then I will see a clearer image. Obviously that image won't be very bright, but I can repeat the process and sum the images.
  5. Has this worked? Or has blockade made it easier for those in Gaza weho want to stay in power (I'm not saying they are nice guys) to blame Israel for everything and thus to "justify" the continued use of rockets? No, but others have and that, you may remember, was the topic of the thread. I was rather hoping we might get back to it some time.
  6. Well, a rocket is smaller than $120,000 worth of food. The list of rocket attacks shows that the closure of the crossing didn't stop the rocket attacks. Closing a border post to stop rockets seems about as sensible as building a wall to stop Mexicans getting into the US. And none of this has much to do with the OP's question. It is perfectly legitimate to criticise the Israeli government. It is not legitimate to either close down that criticism by labelling opponents of Israel as "anti semitic". Nor is it legitimate to falsely accuse political opponents of "anti semitism" to discredit them.
  7. It's not anti Jewish because it's too busy being anti Christian, And Islamic and so on. I'm an atheist. I don't pick on Jews.
  8. Anyway, even if criticism of Israel wes totally misplaced, it wouldn't be anti-Jewish. Nothing I have heard of that Jeremy Corbyn has said was critical of Judaism or Jews.
  9. Are we talking about this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_disengagement_from_Gaza which says "Despite the disengagement, the Gaza Strip is still considered by the United Nations, international human rights organisations and most legal scholars to be under military occupation by Israel" and "The remaining settlements' greenhouses were looted by Palestinians for 2 days after the transfer, for irrigation pipes, water pumps, plastic sheeting and glass, but the greenhouses themselves remained structurally intact, until order was restored.[50][66][68] Palestinian Authority security forces attempted to stop them, but did not have enough manpower to be effective. In some places, there was no security, while some Palestinian police officers joined the looters.[69][70] The Palestine Economic Development Company (PED) invested $20,000,000 and by October the industry was back on its feet.[66] Subsequently, the harvest, intended for export via Israel for Europe, was essentially lost due to Israeli restrictions on the Karni crossing which "was closed more than not", leading to losses in excess of $120,000 per day.[69]Economic consultants estimated that the closures cost the whole agricultural sector in Gaza $450,000 a day in lost revenue." And, given that behaviour, it's not unreasonable for the Palestinians to elect a government who wanted to destroy their enemy occupiers.
  10. Good. Do you also recognise that being anti Jewish is different from either? Please spread the word. I look forward to the day when people recognise the not all Semites are Jewish and not all Jews are Semitic. Better yet, when people understand that being rude about the government of Israel is not being anti Jewish any more than being rude about the government of the United Kingdom is being "anti British " or " anti Christian". For what reason(s) did the event happen. Why did " Israel withdrew its troops and around 7,000 settlers in 2005."
  11. My word! I hope so.
  12. Did Egypt invade Gaza land like Israel did? If someone is invading your land, and bulldozing your homes it may seem that stopping them is a higher priority than building a new target sorry, I mean hospital
  13. It came, but not in the direction you (and I ) expected. Apparently Trump's latest target is reality (as represented by Google) https://money.cnn.com/2018/08/28/technology/donald-trump-google-rigged/ I'm beginning to wonder if even his most blind supporters will swallow that. Sadly, I think many will.
  14. How fast that reaction will be is another question. It might be too slow to observe. If you mixed powdered ascorbic acid and potassium nitrate then set the mixture on fire there would be a very vigorous reaction.
  15. As I have pointed out before, it might go just fine- if she chose one of the bits of Gaza that is currently illegally occupied by Israelis.
  16. Last time I checked, hacking was illegal and this site doesn't provide help with plainly illegal activity.
  17. Politically, I'd not see eye to eye with Senator McCain, but I accept that he had integrity. He stood for what he believed in- and was prepared to serve as a soldier in defence of those beliefs. That's the mark of an honourable man and I'm sure we all respect him for it. Obviously I send my best wishes to his friends and family. His passing has given us a window into what his party now stands for- both in terms of Trump's petty minded insults and also this https://wokesloth.com/kelli-ward-accuses-mccain-of-dying-on-purpose/mariam/ With people like that in the Republican party, I wonder how anyone can support it
  18. People might find this perspective interesting https://israelpalestinenews.org/exposed-how-britains-anti-semitism-scaremongers-operate/
  19. No, let me explain it correctly. You are wrong. There is just one gravitational field. If you drop a small object it falls "down". That field is the sum of all the fields of all the things in the universe, the Sun, the moon, my pet goldfish, everything.
  20. Are you deliberately missing the point? You only see the effect when you change direction (say Winter to Summer). We don't have any 100 million year old pictures of the sky to compare to the current pictures- so we won't see the change.
  21. It is about 20 seconds of arc (OVER THE COURSE OF A YEAR). How big should the effect of our orbit round the galaxy be (OVER THE COURSE OF THE ROTATION OF THE GALAXY)? You might just spot a hint there. The effect will be roughly 20 * (an astonishing 220 km/s)/ (mere 30 km/s) seconds of arc. But it will take us 230 million years to go round the milky way so we can spot it. In the meantime, we can make measurements like the MM experiment which show that there's no ether.
  22. You seem not to have distinguished between "30 km/s back and forth" and "hurtling through space at an astonishing 220 km/s," Would you like to try again?
  23. I can assure you that not entertaining your view point is far from odd. Can you guess why? Then why didn't you when I asked?
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