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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. He looks "balanced".
  2. The "traditional" breathalyser works by dissolving alcohol from breath into water and using it to drive a fuel cell- the voltage from the cell gives an indication of the alcohol content. Other methods are sometimes used- the reduction of acid chromate to chrome (III) is another option. What does that have to do with IR spectrometry?
  3. Really? Chloromethane is a gas. How are you containing it?
  4. Unless he stops being "stable". There seems to be a big argument about whether the disgraceful number of gun attacks on schools in the US is due to the availability of guns, or to some cultural factor. It's a valid topic for debate, but I don't think anyone denies that both are causative factors. However, you can legislate for better gun control, and you can't legislate for "better culture", so there's only one course of action for the government to take. Recent governments, (particularly, recent Right wing governments) have opposed doing the only thing that can do which would help. Perhaps these marches will convince them that there are votes to be gained from changing that position
  5. What diamine?
  6. I think we need to clarify that, while you are passing the screwdriver round yourself, you will rotate (a bit), but when you stop passing it, you will stop moving. You may be facing in a different direction at this point.
  7. One way to start spinning would be to punch a hole in your space suit so the air rushes out. Les lethal options would also ne possible. Imagine doing a similar experiment, but in a big black box floating in space. You start spinning and you notice that your arms get flung out to the sides because you are spinning, but because of the box, you can't see the stars. OK, stop the spinning . Now imagine that there are "stars " painted on the box in luminous paint and that, while you are not spinning, someone sets the box rotating round you- your arms don't suddenly get flung out by centrifugal force because you are not spinning. You might recognise that the stars have nothing to do with it. The forces on your arms are a function of your rotation.
  8. "Would an Artificial Trachea Cure Asthma?" No, because the problems are in the lungs.
  9. I can't promise anything, but if you post a copy of the protocol you are following I will look at it + see if I can spot anything. The problem with that is that your employer may not want that protocol in the public domain- in which case this web site can't really help you much.
  10. Slightly less credible than numerology.
  11. In general, science does not show that anything is true- it just fails to show that it is false. Ecology is no different.
  12. At least some carboxylic acids are fairly water repellent with or without mixing them with alumina. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatty_acid
  13. Why leap to the conclusion that adoption is a bad thing? (Obligatory jokes to prove I'm not going off topic) Q. What is the difference between a duck? A. One of it's legs are both the same. Q. What's brown and sticky? A A stick.
  14. My suggestion works better for blind drivers.
  15. Do you have any idea how inefficient lasers are, especially xray lasers?
  16. It's not that I think they do. It's a matter of record that they do. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-35390692
  17. And again... Where do you plan to get the X rays from?
  18. Thanks for letting me know what I think. If you keep on doing it, one day you might get it right.
  19. It seems you also don't understand what a false dichotomy is.
  20. Oh, I see now. The problem is that you don't understand the difference between asking a question or making a statement , and complaining? Well, I guess you are young enough to learn.
  21. And again... Where do you plan to get the X rays from?
  22. No, if you check it was more a matter of someone citing stats to try to show that Capitalism isn't rampant (who could that have been?) started me on the path to show that ... perhaps it is.
  23. Yes, it is. The shape of the income distribution may complicate things, as my the provision of a welfare state (and even the definition of "poverty". As I said, there's a better way to spot unrestrained Capitalism- the fact that the Rich are getting richer and the Poor are getting poorer. It ought to be one of the roles of government to restrict the extent to which that happens. At the moment very few governments seem to be doing so. This may be because most so-called democracies are de facto plutocracies. What you failed to show was that there was a causal link between his skills as an actor and his arrogance. Yes, he's both a good actor and he's arrogant. But one DOES NOT FOLLOW FROM THE OTHER, and that's what non sequitur means. So, can you show that he's good because he's smug? Isn't it at least as likely that he's smug because he's good?
  24. For a rate that should be zero, that's pretty poor. The unregulated nature of capitalism is shown up better by this statistic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Income_inequality_in_the_United_States#/media/File:Income_inequality_panel_-_v1.png Again, that's a non sequitur. Good, yet humble, actors exist.
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