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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. Perhaps we should set up a poll.
  2. Typically, when I ask for help, I get it. Most of the time I'm OK on my own, so it doesn't matter if most people are "selfish" most of the time. I'm much the same myself.
  3. Ignoring the acceleration is ignoring what is usually given as the actual answer to the paradox. It's absurd.
  4. So, considering just the chronic liar, (who is rare), the "bad thing" he does is tell lies, he doesn't do that most of the time, and that's the basis for your opinion that most people are evil. (even though he tries not to do it- which is obviously as "good" as he can be in the circumstances.
  5. Even the "chronic liar" tells the truth most of the time, otherwise how does he order a takeaway?
  6. If colour only exists in the brain, without any independent meaning, how come we agree on what colour an orange is?
  7. My view is that, if people were bad by default, the species wouldn't have got this far. My observation is that most people are good.
  8. Something plainly has. And it must be something which reaches your eye in order that you can make an observation of that colour. What would you suggest?
  9. The Sun is a pretty good approximation to a black body. This is also true of Rigel- which is blue, and Betelgeuse- which is red. It gets more complicated if someone gets a white spotlight and sets it up to shine a ring of white light round the yellow spot. The yellow spot looks brown. Of course, none of this matters because (at last according to some people), we can't see light.
  10. I never mentioned the word "dozen". I never mentioned the phrase "pump action" I never specified a number of magazines. Yet you implied that I did- which is what makes it a strawman All I did was point out that whatever you used to shoot a lot of birds could, in principle, have been used to shoot a lot of people. Cut to the chase, if you took the same guns + ammunition that you used to cull 30+ turkeys into a school room and started shooting at the kids, would it be counted as a mass shooting?
  11. One fundamental property of gravity is that (at least as far as we know) it is always attractive. The diamagnetism of the body (mainly the water in the body) is always a repulsive force. It's hard to see one as a mimic of the other. It's also important to realise that the levitating frog relies on the gradient of the magnetic field, rather than the field itself and that a much stronger gradient (and hence field) would be needed for a human. https://xkcd.com/118/
  12. When was that, or do you mean the first instance?
  13. Am I the only one who has heard of sit/ stand desks? https://sit-stand.com/desk-risers/123-yo-yo-desk-90.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI78W-kr3i2QIVBTgZCh35sQWzEAQYASABEgKs1_D_BwE Many other designs and brands are available
  14. It doesn't solve the problem. Which day do you go to church?
  15. You could start by explaining that Pascal's wager doesn't make sense. You are almost certain to end up in Hell anyway because you don't know which religion is "right" so you will follow the wrong one and, for example, go to the wrong church on the wrong day. I'm always puzzled that Pascal didn't spot this.
  16. At least part of the interaction doesn't take place in the stomach so the 2 hour residence time is irrelevant.
  17. I haven't had a n omelette for ages, but I usually had cheese and/ or ham. I am now feeling hungry.
  18. You don't need to worry about that. It's easy to refute; My electricity bill gives me an exchange rate of about three times as many pound per joule as my gas bill does. Incidentally, pointing out, and illustrating the concept of non sequeters is not troling, it's science.
  19. Make 2 or 3 and see how well they agree.
  20. It's not the square meters bit that's a problem Saying the square of something is two is an ambiguous definition of that thing. I might measure the length of a pendulum in some strange unit like square root of metres.
  21. Something like this https://www.coleparmer.com/i/dwyer-mark-ii-25-inclined-manometer-3-wc/6806258 though you may wish to make, rather than buy, one.
  22. Since that answer is ambiguous, it is not correct.
  23. I think Trump is "channelling" Wally. http://dilbert.com/strip/1997-08-04
  24. Well, I agree that would be nice. How do we go about it? An example of something which would be part of that would be gun control (in the US). Any ideas how we do that?
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