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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. If you want to buy more than 8 grams of the stuff at a time you do need to convince a trained pharmacist that you have a legitimate need for it. I think that's a control we have had in place longer than the US's ban on it. An important distinction is that it's very hard to kill someone else with paracetamol, and a "killing spree" is pretty much impossible.
  2. A 4 year old child is already learning a new word every 40 minutes or so, how to ride a scooter, how to tell the difference between a postman and a policeman, that there are many languages in the world, and, in some cases they are learning a second language. Anyone who underestimates the ability of a child to learn unexpected things just isn't paying attention. However, I take our point. It's unlikely that a 4 year old would manage what you described Butone thing's for sure. She will acquire the ability to get the gun before she has the full understanding of the consequences of what it does. So, do you plan to get rid of the guns by the time she's 5, or 8, or 10 or when?
  3. So, on balance, there isn't evidence in that paper which shows a causal relationship between acetaminophen and autism. We don't (yet) know what causes autism, but something does- there is some "causation event". Anything that happens after that event can not tell us anything about the event itself. So, a study of a change in painkillers* after the condition is noticed can't tell us what the causation event was. A study of children who don't have the condition also can't tell us much about it. To me, it seems that whole paper is nonsense based on a pointless study. It gives a clear outcome- fewer kids with ASD got acetaminophen- and yet they report this as "acetaminophen causes autism"- which is clearly nonsense. The resources they used would probably have been better employed elsewhere. * It's also important to recognise that the change of painkiller is an action by the parents, not the patient; so it's not directly related to any effect of the drug on the child.
  4. Read the date of the post you are replying to.
  5. That's what the last guy said- right up until he found out that she had watched him put the keys away. OK it's a hypothetical "last guy", but let's see how you rule it out...
  6. If I could be bothered I would look up the solubility of hydrogen in water- under great pressure. Marginally. Producing hydrogen under pressure requires a slightly higher voltage than at 1 atmosphere. In principle, the increased energy use in the cell is (unsurprisingly) the same as the energy that would be needed to compress the hydrogen if it had been generated at atmospheric pressure...
  7. This is in danger of becoming a "no true Scotsman" argument.
  8. Which makes her much more likely to be a shooter than if she lived in my, gun-free, house. Since there are deaths caused by 4 year olds with guns, the observation is not functionally useless- you can act on it by removing the guns from the house. Will you? Also, it's important to recognise that a "good man with a gun" might be even less use than shouting at Republicans. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-43164634
  9. ... by Trump...
  10. Is that really a serious suggestion?
  11. Submarines (at least the nuclear ones) are not noted for energy efficiency. I always assumed they vented teh hydrogen. It's not flammable under water, and by the time it gets to the surface, it is someone else's problem.
  12. Ask an American how to spell it. It's a comment on the fact that they just like to get my language wrong.
  13. You missed out the bit that makes it clear that you are talking about an instruction rather than an equation LET I=I+1 Granted, most languages permit that bit of sloppiness, in much the same way that chemical equations have energy changes bolted on with no regard for decorum. Especially if a banana costs 7 cents, and an apple costs 3. Or if a apple weighs three ounces, and a a banana weighs 7
  14. This For those outside the US, acetaminophen = paracetamol. isn't wonderful.
  15. Last time I checked, "race" wasn't a well enough defined term to be much use in science. On the other hand https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heterosis
  16. It should say HCL + 10 H2O = HCL(aq) If you are interested the energy released by this reaction is 16.61 kcal per mole of HCl or a tenth of that per mole of water. They got lazy.
  17. Roughly as wonderful as the inability to spell "colour", and equally irrelevant.
  18. The fact that they even mention the MMR vaccine is a big red flag. It doesn't get better when you read the actual report "fewer children with ASD vs. non-ASD children use acetaminophen as a “first choice” compared to “never use”" Read that through a few times. Yep, they say that fewer autistic kids use acetaminophen and then the conclude that acetaminophen may be a cause of autism. They go on to say "We found significantly more children with ASD vs. non- ASD children change to the use of ibuprofen when acetaminophen is not effective at reducing fever (p = 0.033) and theorize this change in use is due to endocannabinoid system dysfunction. ". I have a different hypothesis. Parents of kids with ASD are frazzled. If their child- who is already hard to deal with- gets a fever and is thus even more challenging, they are more likely to try another drug than the less frazzled parents of kids without ASD. To follow that they say "We also found that children with ASD vs. non-ASD children are significantly more likely to show an increase in sociability when they have a fever (p = 0.037) " Well, just for a start, how objective is a measure of "an increase in sociability"? But even more tellingly- what they are saying is that kids who are - as a baseline- not very sociable are more likely to become more sociable than kids who were sociable to start with. I'm not sure that a journal called "autism open access" is an entirely unbiased source.
  19. Yes. That's more a matter of sloppy use of language than an equation. (Lower case "l" in HCl BTW)
  20. You need to revisit what the law says about consent. It's also not consent if, for example, he says "I will kill you if you don't let me..." It's not consent if she's not old enough to ... whatever... It just wasn't consensual. Meanwhile, back at the topic...
  21. No the horse is a perfectly normal earthly nag. I just employed a rather unusual horsebox.
  22. Given that, for example, socialised healthcare and education plainly work in many parts of the world, why would anyone say that "they don't believe they work"? They must have been misled. Perhaps someone told them that socialist systems don't work.
  23. I can buy a MHz sampling CD quality A to D converter for less than the price of a decent beer https://www.mouser.co.uk/Semiconductors/Integrated-Circuits-ICs/Data-Converter-ICs/Analog-to-Digital-Converters-ADC/_/N-6j74v?P=1yrsx0d&Ns=Pricing|0
  24. My horse was delivered to my home by alien rocket ship and was, therefore, the fastest horse on the planet ever. But it's an old nag and can barely run faster than I can.
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