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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. Describing occupational asthma (which is a permanent condition) as a "warning mechanism" is, at best a poor joke. The measurement of "free isocyanate" is about as close to religion as analytical chemistry gets. Almost any technique that could measure it could also generate it, so it's a matter of faith whether the free isocyanate was present or not.
  2. It may be simplistic, but as far as I can tell the "circle of life" will continue to be important until a significant amount of material can be exchanged between this planet and another. We are currently "borrowing" more nitrogen from the atmosphere, but that's' where most of it still ends up.
  3. Isocyanates react with water (which is always present in the air). Even if the manufacturing process didn't get rid of them, the air woud. Some foams are potentially rather flammable, but there's no great risk associated with them.
  4. Got any proof that giving all the money to those who are already rich doesn't slow down growth? OK, Let's see the evidence for that. In particular, you need to show that capitalism is supplying those things, rather than human nature supplying them.
  5. You need to think back to where you heard that from. Now it has been made clear to you that the US does not- by any sensible measure- have the very best healthcare on the planet you need to realise that what you were told is not true. And you now need to put those two facts together. The source that told you that the US has the best healthcare lied to you. So, unless you want to deliberately avoid the truth, you should stop listening to that source.
  6. When you do that you show your ignorance of the origins of the word electronic. It comes from the Greek "elektron" ἤλεκτρον meaning amber Is half of your your Metatron really composed of sticky yellow tree resin?
  7. You can't "lead" if you are going in the wrong direction. " Your problem is that you can only see a government directed path." Historically, that's the one that actually worked. "To achieve comfortable prosperity we need to grow the economy create jobs," Great idea- guess what sort of government actually does it better- as a matter of historical record. "Sure capitalism is a free for all with winners and losers, but if the majority win, aren't things better for the nation? " That's a mighty big "if". Since, in fact, only a small fraction "win" under capitalism it isn't "better for the nation"
  8. Why continue? Nothing you have posted so far makes any real sense. It would be better if you read, rather than writing.
  9. Why?
  10. I guess the average temperature of a body in space would be near to that of the average temperature of the Earth- which is a body in space. However people don't have much radioactive decay heat so they would get colder. Also the Earth's usually only in the shadow of the Earth, but a body would be screened from the sun half the time. Both those suggest that the body in LAO would be rather cooler than the Earth, and that suggests it would freeze. I'm fairly sure that a shiny or black suit would affect the range of temperature from day to night, but not the average.
  11. My understanding of US corporate law is that they are pretty much required to pass it to shareholders. The money will go to rich people.
  12. Sounds like a fine idea.
  13. Relays are slow. What are you trying to do?
  14. I wonder if the dropper bottle contains Canada balsam. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_balsam A material that I have seen in every "microscope kit" I have ever seen, and nowhere else.
  15. His problem is failing (as you do) to understand that the best way to help the 4% of people who are Americans is to cooperate with the 96% who are not. That's why he isn't a statesman and it's also the reason he's neither good for the US nor for the rest of the world. He only helps people who need instability elsewhere to make their own position look good. Putin's doing really well out of Trump
  16. The density of a gas at constant pressure is pretty close to inversely proportional to its temperature. The plasma is hot enough to glow brightly. So it clearly has a much lower density than the surrounding air. So you are clearly talking nonsense.
  17. The UN isn't a member of the forum, but you are. So it's even more clear than usual that it's your job to address points raised in reply to your assertions. In what way does being a nationalist help us in the current economy? Nationalist or not, a statesman would be an improvement on Trump.
  18. The original tin cans were canisters coated with tin- which is less reactive than iron. But a lot of food is too corrosive to be stored for long without a varnish/ coating of some sort to protect the metal. (IIRC, tomatoes + soft drinks are particularly aggressive)
  19. Many or most tin cans used for food are lined with epoxy.
  20. So, in the limit, if I increased the friction by gluing the feet rigidly to the pan, you would expect it to turn? There are 4 torques involved here, they have axes coinciding with the 3 feet, and the stem.
  21. It's not clear what you are asking. Does this help? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketene
  22. Strictly, it's the imagined morality of the victim.
  23. That way people will understand it and not come up with comments you mislabel as "straw man arguments". It really is not our fault that you are unclear.
  24. OK, I see 3 feet resting on the pan, providing friction...
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