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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. CH2 barely exists. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methylene_(compound) Sulphur burns in air. On the other hand, you can burn iron is sulphur vapour. Sodium (and lots of other metals) will burn in chlorine,. Practically everything burns in fluorine.
  2. Indeed. In fact the only thing we really know id that premature birth does not cause homosexuality. We know this because not all homosexuals were born prematurely and not all people born prematurely are homosexual. Let me know if something changes, otherwise this thread is dead. Of course there might be some interesting discussion about an apparent correlation between the two conditions. However, neither condition is well understood, so the chances of anyone finding a meaningful link are slim.
  3. I'm not sure I'd be happy living in the sort of area where they set up meth labs. If I moved into any new house I'd give it a fairly thorough clean- nothing complicated- soap + water. After that, I'd not expect to be able to find any residual contamination. 15 years of habitation by others - even if they weren't ken on housework- would probably have removed most of the materials you mentioned. I'd also like to know why somebody is marking your posts down.
  4. Be careful what you wish for... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatal_familial_insomnia
  5. Broadly, yes those materials all degrade (In some cases it's by reaction with air, rather than biodegradation) Also, if the previous tenants survived...
  6. "If it happens often that prematurely born lions die because they are straight" That's a mighty big if. It only works if there's some intrinsic- prenatal- link. If that link exists then you don't need some external factor like alpha male lions.
  7. Be careful saying things like that: someone might do what you say.
  8. It may be "in their interests" to be gay, but by that stage, either they were born gay r they were born straight. It's too late to do a lot about it. So your idea fails. Also, if your idea was correct then any form of long term health problem- say asthma- would be associated with homosexuality- and it isn't.
  9. That's a bit like asking "how big is a car?", then complaining when someone says that it depends- it could be this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peel_P50 or this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Super_Duty#Third_generation_.282011.E2.80.93present.29
  10. Or with precisely zero Watts if you use a shelf. So the answer seems to be "anywhere between none and lots- depending how you do it"
  11. Am I the only one who read the title and thought of this? https://wiki.lspace.org/mediawiki/Multiple_exclamation_marks Obviously, if the OP turns up with the million dollars I'm going to look foolish. But, if that happens I can reasonably claim that my on-line ID was stolen by someone who solved the p vs np issue.
  12. As long as we accept that the split between men and monkeys happened more than about 500 years ago we accept that monkeys didn't write Hamlet. How much earlier it was doesn't matter. This would be a creationist site if someone came up with valid evidence for creation.
  13. The Daily Fail isn't a newspaper. The sample size is small. Correlation is not causation.
  14. The Universe is "everything" no matter what you say.
  15. Don't post the same thing twice.
  16. No. Universe means "everything".
  17. For that to make sense you would have to produce a GIF of the neurons in your brain failing to understand physics. Sadly, I fear this will remain "in principle".
  18. In principle, I can cook up a GIF of me beating Donald Trump to death with a rubber chicken. That would be nice (at least, in the opinion of some people) Would you consider it as evidence or proof of anything significant? So why would your GIF be considered as proof or evidence of anything?
  19. Do you realise that you are saying the writings, based on the word of someone who is a suspect fraud, are the best evidence you can come up with? Do you see why we won't accept them as evidence?
  20. "Photons in space go 99.99999999999999999999 c. So if time truly "stopped" they should be colliding with planets in the position of when the photons were " You do realise that's only true from the proton's perspective don't you? And, from their point of view, the distance between them and the planet they hit is shortened by Fitzgerald contraction to such a degree that they do expect to hit it almost immediately- and that's exactly when they hit it. From our point of view- i.e. not moving so fast WRT the source of the photons ro the planet, the time taken is pretty much teh distance divided by C Essentially, you seem to have failed to understand time dilation and- because you are considering a wrong version that you made up, you think it doesn't work.
  21. There's a lot of porn out there which shows that people actually enjoy watching people have fun (whatever the voyeur's motivation might be). So, you are plainly wrong.
  22. You do know that it's common practice to boil lobsters alive, don't you?
  23. I guess he means this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lychee_and_Dog_Meat_Festival
  24. You are plainly wrong. Homosexuality is old enough to be mentioned in the Old Testament. So, it can't be caused by anything modern. Also your post is essentially a non sequitur. There is no reason for you to leap from the aspects concerned with sex to things about stress and diet.
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