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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. Come to think of it, the Bible teaches you not to be content; it teaches you to hate people who behave differently.
  2. As far as I can see the US currently has a mess of systems a bit like that in the UK in 1948 whe the NHS was set up. There is a precedent for improvement.
  3. Nope, It's possible that you can always find a multiple of an integer which is a palindrome. That palindrome will (obviously) be composite. But that's not the same as saying that all palindromes are composite. All it requires is that some palindromes are composite.
  4. Good point. Without going into details, the US pays roughly twice as much per head for healthcare as most of the Western world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_total_health_expenditure_per_capita And it does so without a correspondingly good set of outcomes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_life_expectancy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_infant_mortality_rate It seems reasonable to assume that a system more like they typical European or Aussie/NZ Japanese system would be a better approach. I understand that the Affordable Care Act was a step in that direction. Is my understanding correct?
  5. I guess the first question would be "why change the current system?"
  6. Imagine the OP's question had been asked 200 years ago. The same discussion would take place and presumably Raider would still believe that, we would stop looking for "the answer". Well, we haven't so far. Why imagine the next billion years will be different? Incidentally, in a billion years "we" will look back at today's humans from roughly the same perspective that people today look at pond slime which renders the question a bit meaningless- but that's philosophy for you.
  7. No we don't. 11 is a palindrome, but not composite. You are making the assumption that because all oranges are fruit , all fruit are oranges.
  8. Reality disagrees with you. http://www.packaging-gateway.com/contractors/materials/solvay/
  9. A sleeping baby is content. Nobody taught it to be so. It's not a matter of my recognition of the need. It's a matter of your failure to recognise that it is innate. Have you made any worthwhile contributions to this tread?
  10. The biggest practical problem is storing enough dry ice. If it's not kept cold it evaporates. Also, there's a fundamental problem A pound of water displaces more oxygen than a pound of CO2. Why would you use something more expensive than water, but less effective?
  11. I suspect that a large part of the answer is that male chimps are bigger + stronger than females.
  12. It doesn't need to be taught.
  13. To whom is this apparent? Did you plant them?
  14. Maybe it's a cultural thing. Where you live are windows generally glazed?
  15. Are you labouring under the delusion that oxygen permeates through glass or that all windows can be opened ? Obviously, you could try breaking a window- but that's not in the spirit of the question.
  16. My room has windows.
  17. In the limit, the depressurisation can't significantly xceed the speed of sound. The same thing limits the speed of compressed air guns.
  18. Yes I can provide the evidence. If any of this stuff was real they would have claimed the million dollars by now. Also, if you could really do these magic tricks you would have a great evolutionary advantage. So, such an ability would spread rapidly through a population and after a while, everybody would be able to do it. We can't, so the trait doesn't exist.
  19. I never said I was. I asked you for a specific example of things that the Bible might teach me. Thus far you have evaded any sensible answer. Is it because I have pointed out that you are wrong in your belief viz "I DO believe the bible to contains wisdom that seems to elude secularism."?
  20. Funny coincidence- the fire cause the ship to fail at exactly the same time it hit an iceberg.
  21. Would you like to try again with less self-serving dross?
  22. Really, Since I'm pretty solidly secular in my beliefs that implies that there's wisdom in the Bible which is lost on me. Please provide an example. Re "was never intended to be taken literally" Says who? ".it's a collection of stories and parables designed to teach other people how to be content" Specifically, it does this by telling you where to get your slaves and to kill children for disobedience. Have you read it?
  23. Wiki tells me that The word "jackalope" is a portmanteau of "jackrabbit" and "antelope", Jack is also used as a term for a bloke, so "jack in a box" makes sense. That's also the use in the context of steeplejack, jumberjack and the jack of all trades. The jack ass distinguishes it from a jill ass . The term jackass , as a term of abuse is based on the fact that no ass, (male or female) was ever perceived as very bright. I see the wrapper for Cracker jack https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cracker_Jack still features Jack tar- a sailor. I vaguely wonder if Blackjack https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baton_(law_enforcement)#Blackjack has the same origin i.e. as a metaphorical reference to a sailor
  24. Which one created the universe? Also, re" In the words of Lewis Black "Christians, stop reading the old testament, it's not your book arsehole.""It seems Christ missed the email telling him that. The Gospel truth is that Christ said that the old (Testament) laws still hold. "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Matthew 5 18
  25. The 1/r^2 law is also the only power law that gives stable orbits. Any other power law is impossible.
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