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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. It's not just that you have not answered Klaynos' questions; you don't seem to have the faintest idea what you are talking about. Perhaps you should start from something simple, and work up to a non deterministic computer.
  2. Somewhere between predictable and slacker I think.
  3. "All I observe is, gravitational acceleration "g is only an acceleration"." If gravity is an acceleration then you have been accelerating at that rate for a long time. 10m/s/s 600m/s/min 36000 m/s/hr 864000 m/sec/day and (neglecting relativity) about the speed of light after a year or so. Are you moving away from your antipodean cousins at roughly the speed of light? If so, how can you get news broadcasts from them? If not, it's clearly not an acceleration- so it must be, in effect, a pull.
  4. Ricky Gervais on Noah's Ark? I didn't realise he was that old. This guy's a bit different
  5. Needle free injections have been round since I was at school; why is this "news"? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_injector
  6. Since they don't know the difference between a virus and a bacterium, it's not sure how far we can trust this report. It's also common practice for Drs not to refer in any detail to the patient's identity when discussing a patient so the "a male patient" is pretty much irrelevant here There are millions of cases of strep throat; very few (thankfully) migrate to the gut. There's no clear reason to believe that there's a difference in the rates of this happening in men and women.
  7. As I understand it they look at things like zircon crystals. There may have been lead in the mixture from which they crystallised but, since lead is the wrong size and its ions have the wrong charge, it won't fit properly into a zircon crystal lattice. So, as the crystals form, any lead present is left behind in the liquid phase. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recrystallization_(chemistry)
  8. I think your office must have been designed/ built by the same crew who did our lab and fitted the temperature and humidity sensors for the air con just above the glassware washing machine...
  9. Alan, You and I agree that the "televangelists'" religions are self-serving protection rackets. Can you explain how you can be sure that the same isn't true of all religions?
  10. It isn't a better "solution" because immigration doesn't need "solving". Among the problems is dishonesty. Telling people that a wall is an expensive solution and that there is a better solution is a lie. It looks very much like you have fallen into the trap of believing the lie. I can't tell the difference between "Republican/conservative stance" and " wealthy fortress mentality ". However, I don't see the Labour Party or the Democrats proposing a wall.
  11. Yes, the bus is the one with your coat on it. When you find your coat, you can read the number off the bus. That stuff about upside down numbers doesn't uniquely identify the bus, but your coat does.
  12. And only for neuropathic pain at that. That's my point. The thread is asking "Why?" when we don't even know "If".
  13. Glass.
  14. Dave OK, to be fair, the question was ambiguous. I was not seeking to find your explanation of any change in the placebo effect. I was seeking to find your reason for thinking that such a change has actually taken place.
  15. https://www.google.co.uk Just checking on something here... Yep: you can simply type a link into the reply, and it will work Also, as far as I can tell Dave hasn't answered Dr P's question. He asked "Dave - why do YOU think placebos seem more effective these days compared to trials in the past?!
  16. You seem to have swallowed the Republican Kool Aid that tells you immigrants are a problem.
  17. I wonder what happens if I copy + paste that? (c)
  18. It's very annoying when you want to label a list (a) thing one (b) thing two © thing three (d) thing four
  19. Glad you got an over-ride http://dilbert.com/strip/1995-02-22
  20. LED lights typically have a "notch" in the spectrum between the blue/violet and the green. Like the one here http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/124095/how-to-generate-red-light-from-a-blue-dominated-spectrum So, if you had two light sensors with narrow filters and measured the brightness at, say 450 and 510 nm you could tell if the light was from an LED. However the suggestion from Mistermack is a lot easier and better.
  21. Why is that a problem? Does your country have a shortage of selfish people? Either their money is currently in your country- in which case you can keep it there, or it is invested elsewhere in the world, and thus not doing your country any real good.
  22. Probably the very low water content among other things.
  23. The obvious way to do it is to play white against one and black against the other + copy the other player's move. However, I suspect that a Grandmaster might refuse to play under those conditions; a computer wouldn't.
  24. I suspect I could only do that if the grandmasters were computer programs. I also think that the fact that Tom thought an on-line 20 question test was a reasonable measure of IQ tells you more about his intelligence than his score.
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