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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. "Hunting bear and other fur-bearing animals with hounds is a romantic adventure." Stalking is when you go for a romantic walk with someone and only one of you knows about it.
  2. I'm puzzled. What does that mean? They can't afford it?
  3. "Is it possible to generate sulfuric acid from sodium sulfate without special membranes or special processes?" Define "special". Roast the sulphate with charcoal at high temperatures to reduce it to sulphide. Dissolve that in water. Set up some wine or beer making and lead the CO2 that it produces into the sodium sulphide solution. That will form hydrogen sulphide. Oxidise the hydrogen sulphide to sulphur dioxide by burning it in air. Oxidise the sulphur dioxide either with air (as per the contact process) or with ozone, to get sulphur trioxide and allow that to dissolve in water and you will have sulphuric acid. Is any of those steps "special"?
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethylene-vinyl_acetate I don't know. The polyurethane foams were notorious for doing that-but slowly. So, the foam would probably last longer than the HDD
  5. You could do that, but you would have to be an idiot. We have coins with his picture on it. So, all you really did there was show that you don't understand the nature of evidence.
  6. By about 17% Probably not going to make a difference.
  7. How often is this useful in a world where you have "always" a phone with you?
  8. Typo. "start" a thread. Not sure that "stat" is a verb.
  9. It's not obvious to me that I did, and I'm the only one here whose user name is John. I might choose to provide stats like these. https://countingthekids.org But it's off topic. (It's a little out of date) And I thought I'd been sarcastic enough when I said this
  10. The problem doesn't seem to be your English.
  11. Possibly because this thread is called "Exploding Pagers Injure Hundreds in Lebanon". My personal view is " a plague on both their houses, but that's beside the point. As far as I'm aware, that "technique" is novel and that's why there's a thread about it. Feel free to stat a "even during negotiations for a cease fire, Hamas is still killing kidnapped hostages from last October" thread.
  12. I guess String Junky thinks Hamas is 'civilized society'. Israel is deliberately blinding people- but not using lasers- so it's allowed under the conventions of war; on a technicality. It used booby traps but not on food, animals, toys or munitions, so, again, on a technicality, it didn't break the conventions on warfare. As such, to say it is "dragging the notion of military conflict into the gutter" is a reasonable assessment. And " it wants to sit at the table with civilised society". And those statements are at odds with one another (or they should be). And they are both true, even if Hamas suddenly turn into pine trees. It doesn't matter if Hamas are civilised or not, in this context. Hamas being "bad", or even "worse", does not stop us commenting adversely on what Israel is doing.
  13. If a question is so badly written as to be incomprehensible, is it a stupid question?
  14. How sure are you about that and would you like to discuss how it applies to the recent presidents of Russia, the USA and China?
  15. That depends on your definition. Ask the Taliban what they think of a car advert featuring a young woman in a short dress draped across the vehicle. The Brits are Europeans (albeit depraved or corrupted by American influence.)
  16. Just checking. Do you mean the prisoners held by criminals in Gaza, or do you mean the whole civilian population of Gaza which has been sealed off and strafed by the IDF? "It's not like more than 80,000 Israelis have been displaced from their homes thanks to Hezbollah." Cough! and so on.
  17. I don't think the calculation is the the tricky bit. By the mid 40s, people had worked out how to avoid them. If you fly "random" zig zags, then the computers launching missiles (In the technical sense- a thing that is thrown) aren't going to do very well. Of course, if you have a controlled missile which can change direction while in flight, you can improve the hit rate enormously.
  18. Most anti-aircraft weapons are based on a lot of luck. The ratio of bullets fired to bullets that hit is pretty big.
  19. When did "burglarized" become a word for burgled? Anyway, telling people that they didn't have an adequate coping strategy is telling them it's their fault.
  20. Just needs a bigger bullet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_bombardment
  21. The biggest reason is this. Mass of the sun: 1.989 × 10^30 kg Power output 3.86 x 1026 Watts about 0.2 milliwatts per kilo Mass of me 70Kg Power output of me about 2500 Kcal per day, i.e. about 125 Watts. About 2 watts per kilo I generate about ten thousand times more heat than the sun (on a mass for mass basis). The sun produces about as much heat as a compost heap. (Or so I'm told) The link is probably fine. Forgetting about the hours isn't.
  22. How? Why? Units...
  23. Interestingly the same thing would make them more vulnerable to a bullet that was simply hanging on a string. That's how barrage balloons worked.
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