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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. It doesn't mean it's a poor country; it may mean that a small number of people have most of the money. And they do https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jan/16/eight-people-earn-more-billion-economics-broken
  2. It seems to be a HEPA filter. They strip particulate matter from air. Is there a reason why you take it with a pinch of salt? Anything that didn't remove at least some pollutants from air wouldn't be an air purifier.
  3. They might say "I don't know". Even if you ask a question like "Do I have an elephant on my head?" they might still- for the purposes of a logic puzzle- say that they don't know. Logic puzzles don't work if you apply common sense.
  4. You really need to get out of the habit of using spurious accuracy. Citing the density of iron to 4 figures is meaningless, since that's the density at low pressures and the stuff deep in the earth has a variable, and rather higher density near 10 g/ml.
  5. Got any evidence for that? I ask because the Right wing politicians introduced competition; healthcare outcomes became worse because, instead of focusing on treating patients, they focused on gaming better numbers than the "competitors". It's not like selling groceries; if I'm ill I can't meaningfully "shop around" for a "better" hospital so competition doesn't really help.
  6. Anyone reading this thread is likely to know show many elements there are. Do you think anyone has measured the melting point of element 118?
  7. The phenomenon may not even have a name. Why not start by asking the people you know if they get this problem? Who knows- it might get named after you.
  8. The freezing point is the temperature where they stick together more often than they fall apart. Having an impurity present makes the probability of sticking together smaller. It doesn't matter much what the impurity is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freezing-point_depression
  9. Well, I could name 5 people among my acquaintances who suffer from this; but don't let your personal ignorance get in the way of your determination to ignore the issue.
  10. If this "Dr Luther “The effect of songs and music in anesthetizing the nerves is stronger than the effect of drugs.”" was even close to true the hospitals would employ singers, rather than anaesthetists. If this "In short high bloodpresure, insomnia, emotional instability mania and madness, nervous break downs, ulcers, heart troubles, diabetes, rheumatisms temporary permanent deafness and birth of deformed or disabled babies are the effects of music." was even close to true then (1) we would have noticed (2) deaf people would be immune to almost all of the things you cited. Realistically, it's just plain silly. You should have thought about it more carefully before posting it.
  11. It almost certainly isn't in tesla. A constant magnetic field has little if any effect on motor function. I think you are looking at some messy derivative of the field wrt time and position.
  12. Because the role of detoxification is generally ascribed to the liver + kidneys. The immune system's job is to stop things infecting us- pollution isn't infective. Pollution also compromises the reproductive system; do you think it's responsible for dealing with pollutants? What about the visual system?
  13. You already made it clear that you don't know what you are talking about. It's not a "fringe" group. It majorly debilitating and the pills have side effects, so, rather than pretending it's a non-problem, why not try to answer the question?
  14. No; (if it had been, I'd not have asked)
  15. The defining point of a liquid is that all the molecules are moving. So all it has to do is wait until the salt or glycerine moves out of the way.
  16. What happens to those people who get travel sick if they are in a car, but not the driver?
  17. Total nitrogen is probably easier and at least as relevant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kjeldahl_method or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dumas_method are commercially available.
  18. You have, in the past, claimed repeatedly, and without any supporting evidence, that geoengineering is a widespread current practice. There is no evidence that this is the case. If, as you say "When evidences are not provided by the author of a posting, I guess its pretty easy to use Google and search without harassing the author of false claims. " then the author of those claims should use google and cite evidence. The person making the claim is responsible for supporting it. The only meaningful threat that anyone on this forum can make is the threat to ban you. That action is only taken against those who persistently break the rules. The rules require you to do what you say is easy- they require that you provide evidence when asked. You have repeatedly not done so.
  19. I presume tkadm30 doesn't know what he's on about.
  20. Tom, Did you read through what you wrote before you posted it? If so, how did you come to the conclusion that this" If so then the universe was created though the word as God states ..." was some way anything but a non sequitur?
  21. It depends what you mean by "well structured debate". The problem is that you end up debating the meanings of words, rather than the substance of the topic.
  22. For the benefit of those of us with such abnormalities, could you please explain what on God's earth you think you are on about. Otherwise we will continue to believe that your posts are just word salad.
  23. The dissolution rate almost certainly depends on the radius but on so many other things that it's not important. Why are you trying to force a relationship where none exists?
  24. Bacon wrapped round nothing is still a thing. How does one mathematically model the squashyness of bacon wrapped dates.
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