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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. I want free money, let me know how it's done.
  2. Threatening someone with any sort of harm for burning a flag is the sort of thing Daesh would do. Does anyone really think Trump should be copying them?
  3. There are a few options; none is very practical for an amateur but if I was forced to try I think I'd go with electrolysis. YOu might find this interesting https://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0206076.pdf
  4. By far the least toxic of those liquids is the sodium polytungstate solution.
  5. "I didn't bother to look up the specific cannabinoids that reduce diskynseia" Perhaps you should.
  6. "But high moral ground was not available in this election." Yes it was- just don't vote for Trump. " I equally do not want to see the normalization of police killings and the demonization of all the average joes in the county. " OK, that's easy- don't vote for Trump. "I am trying to look out for everybody and everybody's rights. " Well, have a look at Trump's record on human rights- notably women and ethic minorities. The moral ground is, once again, quite easy to find. Don't vote for Trump. "It is unfortunate for the elite that there are these other 90 percent hanging around, doing goofy stuff, believing in God, sending people in Nigeria a thousand dollars to secure the inheritance of a long lost relative...all these dupable folk." On the contrary, it's very useful for the elite who con a large fraction of the 90% into voting for them. "Well I came to the conclusion that I should do what I can to use my superior intelligence to assist who ever I can. Put my capabilities at everyone's disposal, but not try and dupe anyone, or control anyone, or make myself believe I am morally superior to someone just because I am bright...or used to be, I am not as sharp as I once was." Then how come you keep supporting the Republicans in general and Trump in particular? "Like Hilary, he may say one thing in public, and another behind closed doors." A bit like Trump then?
  7. How come you were so dismissive of my question? "That idea would require someone or something who did the scrambling. Do you have any evidence for such an entity?" It's your job to answer it, or this will be a very short thread.
  8. I think he has mistaken detecting the gravitational effect from a plane- which is easy- for detecting gravity waves from that plane. It's like the difference between detecting light and demonstrating that light is a wave.
  9. "The Abrahamic religions claim to be scientifically provable. " That's news to me. Some adherents of some religions make that claim from time to time, but they have never got close to proving it.
  10. I didn't say they were deplorable (well, some are) most of them have been duped.
  11. All the more embarrassing because the Brexiteers did it a few months earlier.
  12. And here's the nerdy chemistry term https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maillard_reaction
  13. The good news is that neither plants nor batteries like chlorides. You won't have done the battery any favours- but you probably won't have done any real damage, and you almost certainly haven't done anything dangerous.
  14. Did it occur to you that there might be a good reason why you are in the minority?
  15. That idea would require someone or something who did the scrambling. Do you have any evidence for such an entity? (Hint: no there is no scientific evidence for such a being) Could someone move this to the right forum? It's not quantum mechanics.
  16. Seriously? You think building a wall isn't divisive? "However liberal republican haters like some on this board, (overtone) have earned a living on demonizing republicans and framing us all as Homophobes, Racists, Immigrant hating, KKK loving, cheating, selfish capitalists, that mean to stomp on the weak and establish a gulag." Strictly speaking, what we did was point out that you supported a set of candidates who did those things. Of course, if you oppose them, yet support a candidate who does them all, can you see why we might get confused? You might be interested in this but I suspect it warrants its own thread. http://bipartisanreport.com/2016/11/26/breaking-clinton-campaign-stuns-america-makes-big-recount-announcement-details/
  17. Why do you think a recount matters?
  18. "If you were Russia, you would be interested in making us distrust each other. " ​A good way to do that would be to support a divisive candidate- Someone who splits whites from blacks and men from women. That would be Trump, wouldn't it? " But once he is going to be the actual president, it is not good for any citizen to make him look bad or weaken him. " Yes it is- it might stop him introducing quite such insane policies. For examplpe, pointing out that the wall was a bloody stupid idea has led to him ditching it. Criticism of bad policies is always the best thing to do. " If the people of the country are not behind Trump, he cannot speak with as stern a voice to Russia. " Most of the people (remember that- he didn't get the most votes) are not behind Trump. How on earth do you come to believe that will affect how he speaks to Russia? However the fact that he is generally perceived as a clown will affect how Russia reacts to what he says. They might point out that, since he lies just about any time he opens his mouth, it doesn't matter what he says. "but important still, is to put the President elect, in a position where everyone has confidence in him," Nice idea, but how is it going to happen. Most people didn't have enough confidence in him to vote for him. Most people know that those who oppose him are the majority (and are also backed up by facts rather than Fox News). So how could the people suddenly have confidence in him, when they know he's the same dunce who got less votes than his opponent? BTW, if you are going to use Latin, do it right. Using vice-a-versa instead of vice versa makes you look pretentious and ignorant.
  19. Well, they are plainly wrong. Since they are wrong about something as obvious as this you probably shouldn't trust their opinion on anything else should you?
  20. CH bonds are a bit polar: CC bods are generally not.
  21. Thank you for clarifying the depth of your ignorance. We can now be sure that nobody needs to read any further through this thread. Perhaps it's time to lock it.
  22. It's certainly a possibility, but not one supported by that article.
  23. Like I said, you keep "knowing" things that are not true. http://www.factcheck.org/2015/09/social-security-bunk-again/ Yet you will not accept that you were misled by the people who told you those things. Why not?
  24. Because you clearly have absolutely no idea what you are on about. It can't be the universse as it is "now" because it's travelling at the speed of light and it only just got here. Also, http://wiki.lspace.org/mediawiki/Multiple_exclamation_marks
  25. A dropper bottle http://www.capitolscientific.com/Kimble-15035-30-KIMAX-N51-A-Clear-Glass-Pipet-Dropper-Bottle-with-Ground-Joint-30mL ?
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