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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. Have you noticed that, unlike Obama, Trump's party has both houses?
  2. I'm not sure these days: is this irony? http://www.thepoke.co.uk/2016/11/11/google-wankpuffin-donald-trumps-face-top-result/ or is it a valid political comment?
  3. There are sound reasons why there are few, if any, FT uv/vis machines on the market. Essentially, you don't gain anything from it, and the mechanics are more difficult.
  4. So, you are delighted to undo the work of Obama. Which aspects do you have a problem with? 78 straight months of economic expansion. the longest period of private sector job creation in American history. Unemployment has dropped from 10.1% in October of 2009 to 4.9% by early 2016. The stock market continues to set new record highs since President Obama took office. The Federal budget deficit is shrinking. It’s been reduced by two-thirds since 2009. Under President Obama, government spending has increased only 3.3% annually, the lowest rate since Eisenhower was president For 95% of American taxpayers, income taxes are as low or lower than they were at almost any point in the last 50 years. Dependence on foreign oil has shrunk due to record domestic oil production and improved fuel efficiency standards. At least 18 million more Americans now have health insurance than before. The Affordable Care Act has added years to the life of Medicare. Since passage of the Affordable Care Act, we are seeing the slowest rate of increase in healthcare costs since 1960. We currently have fewer soldiers, sailors, and airmen in war zones than we did at any time in the last 12 years. There have been zero successful attacks by al Qaeda on US soil since Obama became president. We now successfully catch and deport more illegal immigrants than ever before. (from here) https://soapboxie.com/us-politics/14-Facts-About-The-Obama-Presidency-That-Most-People-Dont-Know Seriously, why are you so pleased to deliberately throw that away? What's not to like?
  5. Given the effect on the US economy All the voters are losers - whichever way they voted. On the other hand I'm a "winner" https://www.poundsterlinglive.com/gbp-live-today/5706-pound-to-euro-and-dollar-pairs-unfold-key-chart-movement-higher
  6. Putting Capital Letters on Almost Every Word makes It Difficult to Read. Can you retype it as properly formatted sentences? Then we might be able to understand what you are talking about.
  7. My genetic inability to breathe underwater is generally hidden by the presence of land in my environment. My goldfish has a different outlook. I think there's a related genetics notion called masking or some such.
  8. We know that there are bits of maths that can't be decided using logic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6del%27s_incompleteness_theorems What's less certain is whether or not any of that maths applies to the real world.
  9. All the "cloaks" I have seen so far require that you are only hiding from one person (preferably a cyclops), you know in advance what direction they are looking from, and they don't move. Will you forgive me if I'm less than totally impressed?
  10. Given that you set up a vote on a complex issue with only a binary outcome (i.e. not "it depends" option") then you presumably deal in absolutes and either see nobody as being allowed to vote, or everybody- in which case, yes, I expect that, to be consistent, you would argue that babies should get a vote. Did you not have that in mind?
  11. Many 4 year olds realise that, if they are caught doing something naughty, a very useful "defence" is to point at essentially anyone else in the room and say "She did a bad thing too!". It's already been established https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/04/colin-powell-condoleezza-rice-private-email-accounts-classified-hillary-clinton that a few others already got "caught" using private emails. I use the quotes, because it seems that the practice was considered accepatble. http://heavy.com/news/2016/08/did-colin-powell-use-personal-email-secretary-of-state-aol/ It plainly didn't lead to revocation of their clearance, nor to their dismissal. His story's just not viable. Again, I find myself wondering why he's telling it.
  12. Why would you need a word for it? How about "normality". For humans, the metabolite is vitamin C.
  13. Indeed, That's why they should have kept quiet until they actually knew what they were talking about. I wonder why they didn't? Was it an attempt to rig the election?
  14. I wasn't strictly sure if JK Rowling had more or less canonically defined "invisibility cloak." so I googled it. And Google offered- as one of the options for the search- you guessed it "search for images of invisibility cloak." I give up.
  15. So there was nothing to the story. http://newcenturytimes.com/2016/11/06/breaking-fbi-director-drops-new-stunning-statement-in-regards-to-clinton-emails-details/ I still wonder why they announced it so loudly.
  16. So far, you have failed to distinguish between an invisible cloak and an invisibility cloak. A polythene bag is fairly nearly invisible...
  17. The courts deal with laws, not ethics. For example?
  18. Science doesn't care what you believe, it cares what you can provide evidence for.
  19. Spoiler alert- the problem isn't you.
  20. Is that the same thing you posted earlier- where it didn't fit the bill as an explanation? If so, why did you think it would be better received now?
  21. Once again, the value of this thread is entirely decided by your ability to explain your method. Last time, you didn't even try. If you don't do better here the thread will almost certainly end up getting locked- and you might find yourself getting banned. So- which is it to be? The choice is yours.
  22. Yep, but they are quite happy to look at an angry face. Babies are sometimes clearly happy- even though they have no way to know whether their view is shared or not. And that proves that un-shared happiness exists. So the OP is wrong.
  23. One component of a two part polyurethene will be a diisocyanate. This will react with the glycol. That may or may not make a difference to the finished product. It will also react with any water present in the timber or from the air. The other component will probably be a glycol or other polyhydroxy alcohol, so adding a small amount of a glycol might not make much difference to the surface tension etc of the product.
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