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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. Come to think of it, a patent examiner looking at your suggestion that people might use a robot to clean stuff up would probably be aware of this "Prior art". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roomba
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymethylpentene
  3. Nobody questions that you made the suggestion. Since we probably accept that you didn't copy the idea we accept that you are an inventor. What we question is whether you were the only inventor, the first inventor or- most importantly- the relevant inventor. You have provided no evidence of that. Given the evidence, a patent examiner might form the opinion that perhaps someone else- perhaps the truck driver- might be the inventor. He would ask the driver. The driver might very well say "My boss told me..." Someone would actually check. Most importantly- they would start checking at the right end of the chain.
  4. Founded so that a maniacal king could continue screwing around, and the basic reason why the UK has yet to break the link between the state religion and the legislative system. Somehow I think humanism looks like a better template for behaviour
  5. He was, and the irony amused me- which is why I cited him. However, there's a much bigger issue here. Was the idea of a soul ever seriously "bunked" in the first place? If not, what is there to "debunk"? It's like asking if science has debunked the Hobbit.
  6. You would be in well documented company. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_of_Ockham#Efficient_reasoning
  7. (Cough) "Is it rational to deny that humans and other apes share a common ancestor?"
  8. Was that meant to be a serious question? It's got nothing much to do with the topic but...
  9. Well, you seem to be half right. I am right, and there are atheists in foxholes. https://ffrf.org/outreach/atheists-in-foxholes
  10. If a tree falls in the forest or under 3 feet of dirt, it still makes a noise. People are better at noting things than they usually recognise. It may not have been a factor- but just because you didn't notice it, doesn't mean it wasn't.
  11. Well, I'm not a Canadian; and I think you are a jerk. But, more importantly, if you don't like us- for whatever reason (rational or otherwise) feel free to leave- we won't try to stop you
  12. Trying to scientifically debunk the idea of a soul is like trying to arm-wrestle a cloud.
  13. How many people tried dowsing, didn't find anything + didn't post. (my brother+ I tried it as kids- no use at all.) And that's before we consider that a leaky pipe makes a noise.
  14. Beijing games?
  15. Boric acid a weak acid. Concrete is actually quite a strong base (in both senses) The tiles are likely to be near neutral.
  16. Well, it's not entirely wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptorchidism
  17. He makes people mistype things like act.
  18. Maybe we should ask them why we think that the West is Satan? My guess would be that (1) They have been told this by their religious leaders and also (2) because we cat like Satan. If wed stopped doing 2 we might make it harder for 1 to work.
  19. Because the institution supports people who do evil things. Here's on example- but the problem isn't unique to any single institution https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases
  20. "Has anyone here witnessed events on divining; failed or successful ?" No.
  21. Imagine you look back on this from "some time later". The sensible assessment of the "success rate" in killing is Number of dead / number of killers, What's the probability distribution (for a given hit rate for killers). How can it differ from the hit rate?
  22. Not to my knowledge. Feel free to cite counter-examples. However every schoolteacher knows of broadly the symptoms you describe...
  23. People who are concerned about the thermal insulation of apparel are clos minded. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clothing_insulation#Units_and_measurement
  24. We don't; and it doesn't matter that we don't. We say "the door is open" or the door is closed". But we don't say "the door is close", unless we mean it is nearby (and we would pronounce it differently).
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