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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. And you get people who are white with OCA2 defects. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelman_syndrome https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prader%E2%80%93Willi_syndrome But according to your idea that's impossible. What you are saying that that these people have symptoms due to a defect in a gene they don't have. Incidentally, please don't waste time on wall of text replies citing ancient Romans or a shed full of pictures of dogs. You need to address the actual point. How can white people have problems caused by a defect in a gene that you say they don't possess in the first place?
  2. It's not an issue of genetics at this point, it's one of logic. It doesn't matter how many flavours of albinism there are- as long as they are all found in whites. As far as I can tell, they are.
  3. Lets have a quick look at the first line of the OP "we white people are thus not a race but mutated oculocutaneous albinos type 2. " If all white skinned people were albinos then there wouldn't be any albinos among the whites. How could the melanin be more missing in a group where it's already missing? But there are white albinos- so we know that the starting premise of this thread is wrong. (the situation is analogous to the demise of the "mongolism"explanation of Down's syndrome when it was discovered that you could find black skinned people with Downs) Might as well close the thread- it's not going to achieve much.
  4. Both are correct. Does the question say anything else?
  5. You have not yet put forward anything to counter. Anything asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. And the rest of that post does not actually support your assertion that ""normal" means carbon rich as in all healthy life forms opposed to carbon recessive as in albinos." So you still need to cite evidence to support it.
  6. Donald Trump's understanding of economics, politics and international relations.
  7. I suspect that strontium's major advantage is that it's not very toxic (unlike lead, barium and some others)
  8. Yes, but to me this "I'm just uv-proofing my entire apartment because I'm very sun-sensitive and I want to prevent aging from the sun. I don't want to wear sunscreen indoors when I'm not going out that day. I just want my apartment to be uv-free since I spend a lot of time at home and am kind of a hermit. I see no reason to take damage that I can prevent sort of thing, if that makes sense. A lot of people think I go overboard with it, so I didn't mention the reason upfront. " didn't sound like one. I'd have expected a mention of a medical condition. Perhaps the OP could oblige- though I release he might not want to mention a diagnosis- it would still make it easier to design a solution. Anyway, you could just use a sunblock- something like http://www.marksandspencer.com/ultrasun-extreme-formula-spf-50-ultra-sensitive-100ml/p/p22249947?extid=ps_gglpla_UK_Gen_,Men%20_PLAMen%20--%3E%20Summer%20Highlights%20--%3E%20Men%27s%20Holiday%20Shop%20--%3E%20Tanning%20&%20Sun%20Protection_M&S%20Very%20High%20Protection%20Sun%20Cream%20for%20Ultra%20Sensitive%20Skin%20SPF50%20%20100ml&s_kwcid=AL!2750!3!78146820976!!!g!124877057536!&ef_id=Ve8dbgAAAG1CjDd0:20160421202554:s which is based on TiO2 - on the windows.
  9. There isn't one. The reaction is not stoichiometric. Are you given any other data?
  10. Ignore the teeth for a minute and consider a rubber wheel running on a "rack" with a smooth surface. You say " I would think that if I wanted the size of the gear to be, say, 1/2 the length of the rack in circumference, " Yes, you can choose a "gear" that size. you can calculate the size of wheel whose circumference is half the length of the rack. Now imagine you cut teeth into the rack and the gear. We can start with the idea of lots of teeth and a finely toothed rack.But if there are a thousand teeth on the rack and you want them to match up to the gear then the gear has to have 500 teeth- and it still needs to have the same circumference (strictly- the same pitch circle) as before. If you have a gear with twice the circumference then, for the teeth to still match up with the rack, you will need twice as many teeth as before. But for each turn of the wheel it will then move 1000 teeth along the rack- so that' no longer the "half way" you specified in the first place. So. let's go back to the original question. " I have a rack with 20 teeth and I want a very small gear to fit on it. I would think that if I wanted the size of the gear to be, say, 1/2 the length of the rack in circumference, then the gear would have 1/2 the number of spurs " Well, if the rack is some length L then the pitch of the teeth must be L/20 And if you want the gear to have a circumference of half the rack length then that makes the diameter 1/2 L /pi That's it- it's a fixed size. You can't choose what size you want And - to get them to meet the teeth on the rack, the teeth on the gear will also have to have a pitch of L/20 What you can change is how many turns of teh gear you get for the length of the rack.
  11. You are right; you can't just "choose" the gear size.
  12. "Anything divided by itself equals one, except zero and Pi." No: pi/pi is 1 as well.
  13. just a thought- people typically live something like 30,000 days and during that time they rack up some level of damage. If you reduced the exposure 100 fold then, over the whole of your life you would get something like a year's worth of exposure during you whole life. Even a 10 fold reduction would mean you only got 10 years worth- or thereabouts. Well, most 10 year olds don't look sun damaged. So it's clear that 10 year's worth of sun isn't an issue- so there's no need to reduce exposure by more than about 10 fold. An ordinary window will do that. So the whole idea is pretty much pointless. You only need to worry about sun damage if you are outside- and that's what sun cream is for.
  14. Your failure to answer this question looks at least as much like an admission of guilt as his refusal to take a lie detector test.
  15. Be fair- the Chinese can write really good software...
  16. UV blocking windows are available- but expensive. http://windowfilmcentre.co.uk/index.php/commericalfilm
  17. And if the tolerance is +/- 100% is it still useful? Also, you seem to have forgotten to answer this. Are you really prepared to take a test that has a 50% chance of claiming that you are a liar?
  18. It's also unfortunate that the particular allegation is likely to induce a change in heart rate regardless of the truth of any allegation. Not many people can reliably talk about whether or not they wanted to have sex with someone and maintain a flat pulse rate and steady breathing.
  19. So it's trail by Hollywood. You think that's democracy? There's a collection of problems with lie detectors. One of the big ones is that if someone believes something to be true then a lie detector will support that belief- regardless of the facts. So if she believes she was treated improperly or unfairly, she would pass the "lie detector" test. However that says practically nothing about what a jury would consider to be inappropriate or unfair. It says even less about what would have been considered improper in 1991. He knows that "lie detectors" are unreliable (That's why they don't stand up in court) so why would he take the risk of it falsely labelling him a criminal? Would you? (Before you answer that, remember that typical accuracies are of the order of 50%)
  20. "Lie detector is just a single step from reading mind." In that both are science fiction "Trying to discredit lie detector is like trying to discredit finger prints, or trying to discredit DNA tests, but lie detection tests are more reliable." Except that only one is not accepted by the courts as evidence
  21. It is, to be fair, unrealistic to expect all our politicians to be sound scientists. The best that we can do is expect them to listen to the views of those who do understand it. So the question is; how well are they doing that? And the answer- at least in the UK at the moment- is that they are deliberately sticking their fingers in their ears and saying "lah lah la I'm not listening". Yes, really, they have explicitly pointed out that they do not want scientists to speak on such things. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-announces-new-clause-to-be-inserted-into-grant-agreements
  22. How romantic. And hardly a "choice"- it's possibly an outcome, but that's not the same thing.
  23. This thread was started in 2004 by someone who hasn't posted here since 2005. After 40 odd pages, it seems we may be more likely to find an end to the universe than an end to this thread. Is it time to lay it to rest? The conventional answer to the question is that space ends (or starts, depending which way you are facing) about 100 km from the Earth's surface.
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