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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. I think you just lost a million. It's hard to be certain because the problem is poorly specified. Anything inside the event horizon of a black hole is "cut off" from the rest of the universe, but it is still part of the universe.
  2. If there's a "brexit" and if ( as seems quite reasonable) there's a consequent referendum on Scotland and Wales leaving the UK, please can we redefine the England / Scotland border somewhere near Birmingham? It's important to remember that UKIP are broadly the UK equivalent of the tea party. One important similarity is utter disregard for facts. On a related note I heard Ian Duncan-Smith (one of those who wants to leave (and is, coincidentally very rich)) being cited as saying that the whole discussion was based on the opposition running a "smear campaign" about the notion of leaving. In doing so he was, of course, "smearing" those who ran that campaign. he failed to note any positive points about leaving the EU I wonder how long it will take him to notice the hypocrisy.
  3. Guess again https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ammonium_nitrate_disasters OK, strictly speaking, there needs to be some sort of impurity, but it's still largely the decomposition of ammonium nitrate that does the damage.
  4. If ( that's a "big" if) most of the men in your area like blue eyed women, but not all the women are blue eyed then for you to be attracted to brown eyed women is an evolutionary advantage. You will have less competition for the brown eyed women. You might want to rejoice in the fact that, for whatever reason, you are one of the lucky ones who isn't trying to chase a stereotype.
  5. They did that when I was at primary school https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initial_Teaching_Alphabet And we stopped using it when we grew up a bit.
  6. I'm willing to look. But how much effort I'm prepared to put into a response might not be what you are looking for.
  7. "Right, since that's what the vitamin is basically, a bacteria that delivers cobalt. " Nonsense It's a single chemical- nothing like a bacterium. (And it's fairly cheap). It's true that some people have a serious problem with absorbing it from the diet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pernicious_anemia They won't be any better or worse off because, at the moment either they get supplements (prepared by fermentation) or they die- depending on whether they live in a rich country or a poor one. "Trying to argue that everyone can live without meat has no basis in reality. " Since some people do live without meat, please explain why- in principle- that can't be extended to everyone else? Don'y get me wrong, I'm not planning to give up eating meat- but let's actually stick to real world reasons for keeping it, rather than nonsense like " the vitamin is basically, a bacteria that delivers cobalt. "
  8. Well, you can split immigration into two. Immigration from the EU which is controlled by EU law and which is small- there are very nearly as many Brits in the rest of the EU as there are "continental" Europeans in Britain. On the other hand, there's immigration from the rest of the world- much of that will come through mainland Europe and not cooperating with the rest of Europe isn't going to help that much. Oh, and it's covered by other international treaties- so leaving the EU wouldn't help. We still have sovereignty over domestic finance- that's why Mr Osborne can continue with his plans to give money to rich people. Which laws that were introduced from, or via, the EU do you have a problem with? The Human rights act, perhaps? Mr. Cameron wanted to abolish it, but he never quite explained which bits of it he was unhappy with. Here's a list of the conventions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Convention_on_Human_Rights#Convention_articles Or do you have a problem with maternity leave, or what?
  9. Why make a change, unless you are seeking to solve a problem? What's the problem that is solved by leaving the EU?
  10. Two points. You can get B12 from bacteria I live in an area where it's too cold and wet to grow anything but grass. I can't eat grass, but sheep can; and I can eat lamb.
  11. "Through someone I met I know we have had plasma technologies within the department of defense for some time now and they have not stepped up to help." Do you know that a candle is a "plasma device"?
  12. Kant sea pore tie-pin been court bye ought toe cheque.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nina_Kulagina#Trickery
  14. For the same reason that aluminium pipes don't
  15. What's the issue here? SR is the "special" case of GR when there are no accelerations. So it doesn't work in an accelerating system It's like saying that the Bernoulli equation doesn't work for a compressible viscous fluid. Of course it doesn't; that's not the system it works in.
  16. His argument was already fallacious. If you argue that all cars are black and I show you a white one, then I have proved that there's a fault in your argument. I haven't tracked down what the error is, but I have proves that there must be one.
  17. Staw man argument. I said no such thing. I didn't mention them. I just pointed out that, since evolution happens, your claim that it does not must be wrong, either in the basis you are choosing, or in the extrapolation(s) you make from that basis.
  18. And yet it happens. So there's an error in your maths or your logic somewhere. I'm not going to waste my time looking for it; that's your job.
  19. Meanwhile, the Americans' spend twice as much on healthcare with outcomes that, at best, are not twice as good. And the Right wing in the UK want to introduce the same system here, which isn't a competent thing to do.
  20. program or programme Whichever- though some authorities use them to distinguish between computer code and a schedule of events. "cookie or biscuit" It depends on which side of the pond you are writing, Though I'm perfectly happy to accept "cookie"- especially as either a given name or as a trade or brand name. "potato or potatoe" It's "potato". Always. Did you not realise that?
  21. Come to think of it, there's nothing much you can do about it. Let's assume, for the sake of discussion that all the candidates are "criminals" in the sense that they all broke the speed limit while driving, of drank alcohol while under age or whatever. Technically, even without an accusation- never mind a conviction- they all committed some sort of crime. So exactly what might you do to stop them winning? Not a lot. So, when it comes down to it the reply to "I can't have a criminal or a socialist win. " is "Oh yes you can!"; if that's what the elections say then that's what you get. Of course, you can choose not to vote for anyone who you don't wish to support- that's your democratic right. And, if you like you can turn up and write "none of the above" on the ballot paper (or whatever the electronic equivalent might be). If you want to avoid voting for criminals or Socialists then, as has been pointed out, don't vote. (or get a grip on what "socialist" actually means ans stop pretending that Clinton is one.)
  22. One of the reasons put forward for banning Mr Trump from the UK was that his views on race etc might be considered criminal here.
  23. I suspect that, a lot of the time, good spelling indicates the use of a browser with a spell checker built in. While I accept that I'm probably influenced by bad grammar and spelling, I'd like to think that I base more of my opinion on what is written than on how it is written.
  24. Pretty much the same here, except that the "solution" they offer fro poor services is to sell them off to their rich friends (often American corporations) who will be more "efficient". For the record the US citizens pay roughly twice as much for their healthcare and don't have significantly better outcomes; by some measures- like age at death- they do worse. They did a similar thing with the prison service- selling it largely to a group called G4S who, among other things, got the contract to provide security for the London Olympics. A job they botched up so badly that the army got called in to do the job. G4S are still winning government contracts in spite of being demonstrably incompetent.
  25. Just in case anyone was wondering, the Republicans' counterparts on this side of the pond are no better. Here's how the current Prime Minister reacted to the leader of the opposition asking about the National Health Service (which is suffering as a result of current policy). http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/pmqs-david-camerons-behaviour-was-a-lot-uglier-than-jeremy-corbyns-suit-a6893496.html I'd be really embarrassed if I had voted for that rabble.
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