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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. I have no firearms. I have liberty. You are simply wrong. Why would I need to ask someone else? Why do you keep saying things that are obviously wrong? Are you not aware that doing so makes you look like an idiot?
  2. "You want to become Gods?" Nope, all the "Gods I have heard of are imaginary; I' rather be real. "The very meaning of the word God gave you the desire to become Gods, " Clearly; no. That's just your rather weird belief. Why are you misrepresenting it as fact? Did you not understand that the real worlddoes not follow your personal dream? "And what will you do when you become Gods? " Logically, I will die. I will become something that has no existence outside the world of imagination. Stop trying to pretend that there are beliefs in our minds that don't exist there; it just makes you look silly.
  3. Just in case anyone wants to se the source of the data that shows that Republicans are the ones who seek to rule like kings. http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/disposition.html Incidentally, I think minus nine repo points for a single post in under a day may be a record.
  4. He seems to think this is a sensible question. If white Americans are descended from Europeans, how come there are still Europeans?
  5. The hologram on a credit card (or even some Christmas wrapping paper) is a metamaterial. The reason it reflects light that way is not the material, but the arrangement. The article is misleading in saying that they are not found in nature. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structural_coloration
  6. OK, so agriculture never started and we are all still apes living in trees. That's sorted that out and you can stop posting now.
  7. This whole tread is a bit silly. We are all born atheist. If that made us closed minded, none of us would ever adopt religion. Some do. So being an atheists does not make us closed minded. Can we be closed threaded instead?
  8. Can "God" explain that anything? Speak for yourself. Maybe it isn't and, in the absence of any evidence for the existence of "supernatural" it's sensible to assume it isn't.
  9. https://xkcd.com/285/
  10. There is a difference between "things can't explain yet" and "things that science can't explain in principle" And, as has been pointed out, science isn't finished yet. So, can anyone think of something that science can't, even in principle, explain? (I thought it was obvious that I meant that- sorry for not making it clear). Anyway: Why do magnets and electricity relate ? Because they are two aspects of an overall force called electromagnetism. human stupidity Partly because no system is totally reliable but largely because the brain has two separatte systems for reacting to the world- one is quick, instinctive and unreliable for complex problems; the other is slow, logical and much better at that sort of thing. We need both, because we need to address both sorts of questions. Why do humans believe we are superior to other animals? Because we are the only animals that can answer questions like these. Etc. It's also important to keep track of the other half of the OP's question. Having a God fails to explain anything. "Goddidit" isn't an answer; it's an acceptance of failure.
  11. What are you trying to de-ice? If it's plastic then we don't need to worry about corrosion, but the alcohols might attack it. How cold do you need to go? How much are you able to pay? Are you worried about toxicity? and so on.
  12. That's a sensitivity, not a resolution.
  13. Really? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_mobility The blunt truth is that most rich people had rich parents.
  14. The problem seems to me to be that light is never not in a medium. If there's a medium present then it goes through it to see how long it takes. How else does it manage the "least time" principle?
  15. Unless it isn't. The image arrives at the retina of the eye upside down, distorted, with bits missing and blurred except right in the middle. And the brain has to do a lot of work to convert that image into what we perceive. So if the eye was better (which you could easily describe as being "more acute") you wouldn't need to allocate so much brain to it. Also perhaps vision gets a big share of the brain, simply because it's more useful than the other senses. For example, it gives detailed information about the presence, position and movement of distant things. That's an enormously handy thing to have, and smell, sound touch and taste don't do it.
  16. No, it's like saying that light always travels at the same speed, which it does.
  17. What is the resolution of a nose?
  18. It may be significant that, in the presence of hydroxide: there are fewer hydrogen ions to react thus Fe +2H+ --> Fe++ + H2 And that Fe(OH)2 and Fe(OH)3 are insoluble so they get in the way of the reaction of Fe with O2 Rusting is complicated.
  19. When you put the word "physical" into there, you made it into a strawman. I also doubt the 0.3% figure, but it hardly matters.
  20. There are a lot more than 5 senses. And the question is meaningless. Does an onion smell more than the loudness of an organ?
  21. OK What evidence? For example there's this daft notion that "They" (It's never explained who "They" are) are putting barium into the air via jet fuel. So, here are a few questions. Why bother? If you wanted to put barium into jet fuel you would have a problem. In the jet it would get trashed. Lets join you in ignoring reality for a minute and pretend that you can get 1% by weight of barium into the fuel without killing the engine. The world gets through about 5000 barrels of jet fuel a day. That's of the order of a thousand tons a day. So 1% of that is about 10 tons a day. What is the proposed point of spreading that, when there's a zillion more than that much in the soil anyway? How do "They" avoid getting their share of whatever it is they put in the trails? The problem is that the claims just don't make sense.
  22. LOL I particularly like the idea that, in spite of all the variation there is in weather, you can say how long the trails will last. Anyway perhaps you might like to read something backed up by research, rather than paranoia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemtrail_conspiracy_theory
  23. Has anyone yet found an example of something that science can't explain?
  24. Can someone save me the trouble of looking up the shifts for HOD and CHCl3 in CDCl3? Those will be present in you add ordinary water (eg, from the air) to CDCl3
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