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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. false dichotomy.
  2. Which do you want me to do? I can use logic, or I can read your stuff.
  3. It would in principle, but the amount of water in the air is very large and very variable. Mankind makes only a relatively small change to it.
  4. The description as a greenhouse is a simplification. That's why there's snow on the tops of mountains, even near the equator. Yes, it does (and lots of other complicating factors).
  5. What did Ecuador do to deserve that?
  6. What are the unemployment figures like,and how many jobs are open at any given time? Do people always have the option of getting a job? If not, it's difficult to say that they are making a choice when they do something else.
  7. There are many aspects of the US that trouble the rest of the world but... https://www.facebook.com/Break/videos/10153729961537792/
  8. "speculation ˌspɛkjʊˈleɪʃn/ noun 1. the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence. "there has been widespread speculation that he plans to quit" synonyms: conjecture, theorizing, hypothesizing, supposition, guesswork; More ... The point is that even speculation needs logic to work from poor evidence. Just writing illogical stuff isn't even speculation.
  9. No. But you are not the first to try to split life into slices. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_the_world%27s_a_stage
  10. I guess it would be nitpicking to ask why you didn't do that, rather tan leaping to a conclusion about war gases. I suspect Fuzzword already answered the actual question. The OP's problem is that they have squared something for no good reason. (Technically, there are other problems too- the = sign or --> or whatever is missing and there are no units for the eqm constant,but essentially the real problem is already nailed.)
  11. Yeah, right. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_printing#Movable_type_.281040.29 Rather earlier than any of what's been mentioned.
  12. Not if it's obvious. Successful lying may well be a sign of intelligence.
  13. Just a quick thought.
  14. No course is teaching about phosgene. The course is teaching about equilibrium constants; it happens to be using phosgene as an example because the chemistry is reasonably well documented. I'd like to know what course taught you that the only thing you can do with phosgene is to poison people? It's an important industrial chemical.and, according to Wiki "World production of this compound was estimated to be 2.74 million tonnes in 1989." from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosgene#Production
  15. Let's face it he said this ages ago and he hasn't been able to support it yet, in spite of lots of requests to do so. I don't think he's suddenly going to do prove it now.
  16. There are more than 2. Also, if Fiveworlds thinks that dense gases accumulate in valleys to any meaningful extent, how does he explain that the people in these valleys don't die from CO2 poisoning. Perhaps he missed science 101; the properties of gases. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/science/chemical_material_behaviour/particle_model/revision/4/ Property of gases : They flow and completely fill their container.
  17. Foil is good. This stuff is better https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_blanket It's mainly plastic (rather than metal) so it is a much poorer conductor. And, since nobody has a very good vacuum pump as a "household item" there's no way that the assignment can really mean a Thermos (or Dewar) flask. The conductivity of low pressure air is (perhaps surprisingly) just as good as that of air at ordinary pressure . You need to drop the pressure to the point where the mean free path is larger than the separation between the inner and outer layers of glass.
  18. Nobody knows. If something comes to mind, it is necessarily a concept.
  19. Yes. (all other things being equal) and you can calculate the extent of the reaction too. http://www.chemteam.info/AcidBase/Henderson-hasselbalch-problems.html
  20. You might find this interesting.
  21. What can you say about the outcome, based on just two photons?
  22. "I need a reaction in which the product of the reaction is colored, while the products are not" Bad luck. A characteristic of D-A reactions is that they remove a conjugated double bond. That's almost bound to mean a shift in the absorbance to shorter wavelength
  23. No, it's straightforward criminality- but disguised as religious hatred. That way it's more difficult for tolerant societies to argue against.
  24. "Thread, I don't think that bombs are the answer. Nor do I think it best to provide the answer." Not going anywhere then.
  25. How? All the evidence seems to show that military action just helps groups like ISIS recruit by "proving" that they are right-- the West is evil. So, exactly what do you propose to do?
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