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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. Natural gas is mainly methane and is lighter than air. It makes sense to put a sensor at ceiling level, rather than near the floor. While you are up there, fit a smoke detector.
  2. We are held together by electromagnetic forces- essentially the attractions between electrons and nuclei. And, in zero gravity, we are still held together because the forces do not interact. If there were an interaction between em forces and gravity then the em forces would change when local gravity changes. they don't.
  3. Thanks
  4. That's because we are not designed for that sort of thing. It's like saying that , just because you could hold it up with a fast moving jet of air- and that would take lots of power- you must use a lot of power to hold it up. A shelf can manage to hold 20 kilos "for ever" without getting tired. My chair has no energy source. And none is needed- the "work done" is the product of the force and the distance. Since the distance moved is zero, the work done is zero.
  5. My chair has no power lead.
  6. And there are chairs where the springyness of some cushions counteract gravity. (strictly, that's the electromagnetic force too) If you hold a Geiger counter above a radioactive source you will find that the strong and weak forces can also counter gravity and fling particles at it. So what?
  7. You seem to have missed my earlier comment: But actually I'm just asking you to address the point that has been put to you. if "all things came to pass" about 2000 years ago, what are we doing?
  8. I forgot to mention that I'm currently in interstellar space, but I can still sit in my chair because the motors driving my ship are accelerating me at roughly 10 m/s/s Fortunately for me, the chair is still able to offer a force that ensures that I carry on accelerating with my ship, rather than " falling through the floor".
  9. Looks like dross to me. At best it might be able to tell carrots from turnips- it certainly won't tell you if they are fit to eat.
  10. I'm not in the USA (and nor are 95% or so of the world's population) but "and he said he will feel proud because he defended our freedoms" To me, "Freedom" includes not serving the military defending a system that I might not agree with. BTW, why just men?
  11. Currently sitting on an "anti gravity" chair. Should I get a job in advertising?
  12. I could write to them and ask them to confirm that the early Christian church did impose the death penalty for witchcraft (as an example; another example would be the endorsement of slavery, or "trial" by ordeal). And, in doing so I would prove that Christianity (under Christ and shortly afterwards) did actually follow the OT. And people could deduce from that that our society adopting a more restrained attitude was not due to the teachings of Christ or his church, but in spite of them. But actually I'm just asking you to address the point that has been put to you. if "all things came to pass" about 2000 years ago, what are we doing?
  13. That seems to miss the rather obvious point that if "all things came to pass" about 2000 years ago, what are we doing? Or, to be a little less subtle, it's obviously nonsense, and you know it.
  14. A point to remember- the further down you go, the less effect gravity has. Also, diffusion is an effective mixing process even without any other effects (like convection in the core) That's why the wine doesn't settle out with all the dense stuff at the bottom.
  15. What do you think "fulfil" means? Because the bit about "until all things have come to pass" hasn't happened yet, so the Law hasn't changed a jot.
  16. I'm fairly sure that you could, in principle, get enough to be visible- but I don't think it would have any meaningful "shape" or "pattern" so I don't see it meeting the OP's requirements.
  17. "What if it is possible to manipulate a visible amount of a pure element in a vacuum and create the circumstances for the visible element to behave as it would as a single atom?" It isn't. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_band_structure#Why_bands_and_band_gaps_occur Small clusters of gold atoms are typically red. Large lumps of it are typically golden and particles in between can be a number of colurs- puprples, reds and blacks figure quite often. So there's little chance that a bunch of gold atoms looks the same as a single on.
  18. I think you should learn to spell it correctly. You should learn to spell "it's" correctly too. Also, since it's not a sugar, it has nothing to do with the thread, so perhaps you should learn how the forum works while you are at it.
  19. If we dropped a few litres of DNA onto the surface of an earth-like but uninhabited planet the most likely outcome would be that it was destroyed by sunlight. If, on the other hand, we dropped a bucket of sea-water into their ocean we might start something more interesting.
  20. Hang on a minute. On a human scale the three litre estimate for enough DNA to store "everything" is very small. But packing all that into every single cell of an organism just isn't going to happen.
  21. "I have made a suggestion. I suggested that children in k through 12 public schools receive mandatory gun safety training. " So, guns in schools make kids safer? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law
  22. Unless they did because they want some of the silver in solution as the complex [AgCl2]- ion. Having said that, it seems an odd choice to me. Jandette, where did you get the recipe from? Are you able to measure the current flowing?
  23. The thing is that colour is entirely subjective so "white" means different things to different people at different times. BTW, if you want to be pretentious about the plural of octopus, it's "octopodes". If you are writing in English, it's "octopuses" and the one thing it never was nor will be is "octopi". Feel free to discuss this- in a different thread.
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