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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. There's a few bigger problems. If you cool wet smoky air to about 1C most, but not all, of the water will condense. That water will dissolve some components of the mixture- notably CO2. Also, if you cool air to -80 C none of the CO2 will condense- the temperature of dry ice- about -80C is the temperature where solid CO2 is in equilibrium with the gas at a pressure of 1 atmosphere. But in ordinary air the partial pressure of CO2 is only about a three thousandth of an atmosphere. Gas sampling is difficult (I spent about 20 years working mainly in that field). What are you actually trying to find out.
  2. And you think you can get about one and a half sheets for $10-20 (That's before we ask how wobbly a 4 mm sheet would be once you loaded it up with specimens.) I Based the estimate of 200 on the idea that, once you have one box, you can often add the next one by just adding two more sides (It doesn't always wok but...) The point is that my initial estimate of about 200 is just a shade more realistic than your assertion that it was just 1. Personally, I think it's a good design and I might even buy one- but international shipping would be a killer.
  3. Well,after a while, sex looks like a really good idea.
  4. It is worth noting that it was a very important experiment. The view had been that the prism somehow "added" colours to the white light. Sending it through a second prism and having it turn white again disproved that idea.
  5. You are asking the wrong question. The end product is white because that's what we call it. What else could it be? if you arrange the two prisms correctly, the effects cancel out and the photons go pretty much straight through.
  6. OK, if this isn't a free state, what can't I do (note that if I lived in Texas I wouldn't be able to buy glassware so, legal restrictions of freedoms can't count). For the distinction to be meaningful, you need to demonstrate that I miss out some sort of freedom (other than tautologically) from not being allowed to have a gun and that freedom would need to be granted to me in the US because I am allowed one. In what way are the citizens of teh US more free than those of the UK?
  7. It matters. Because it is true it is possible that lots of people will come to believe it (in spite of the best efforts of others). And if that happens then the law will change. So it matters that it is true. If it wasn't true then it would be much more difficult to get people to accept it (not impossible- clearly). So, it matters.
  8. Of course it's possible. It happens. Why do you imagine that photons are "dissociated"? What do you mean by that? If I see white light from the sun that's because photons of different colours reach my eye and they both got to my eye after travelling 93 million miles so that's pretty close to the same path.
  9. What are you trying to do? If you have a pure liquid there is no point in analysing it.
  10. Many? I saw one and it's somewhere between dubious and invalid. I live in a counter-example. One counter example is enough to destroy the assertion that something is necessary.
  11. At a rough guess, it's about 200 pieces of plastic. I see the cell for nitrogen is already nearly full.
  12. It matters to the families of about 20 children a day.
  13. The word "Entangled" has a specific meaning and I don't think it applied here. The different coloured photons in white light are not entangled, they just happen to be following more or less the same path as each other.
  14. I'm guessing he can't type "sphere"
  15. By an interesting coincidence this Dilbert cartoon came out at about the same time as this thread. http://dilbert.com/strip/2015-09-11
  16. So, still not facing up to the fact that the amendment, as currently used, is based on an outdated idea.
  17. That the constitution might be wrong and need changing because it thinks that a lot of people with guns is the same as a well ordered militia.
  18. One man isn't a militia, and the last time I checked, the Federal government was still in charge in the US. The Constitution may have been simply wrong about the security needs of a modern industrial empire. So there's no justification of the right to bear arms. Now, can someone please explain that to waitforufo?
  19. My brother built on decades ago based on a book like this http://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Build-Your-Working-Microcomputer/dp/0830612009/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
  20. Is that anything but word salad?
  21. But the right answer to the question was either "Yes", "No" or "I don't understand". Well, you didn't manage the first two options so... Perhaps you can simply list the US militia's recent victories? Alternatively you can explain which militia in the UK (or France or Germany or Australia....)is responsible for "the security of a free State".
  22. Just because you don't understand he relevance doesn't make it a BS question, but it's interesting that you say both " if the Supreme Court would have ruled in that way it would be the law of the land " and "You see here in the US we tell the government what to do" And, re the pool- making things worse doesn't make them better.
  23. Nobody said they did, or that they would. It's called an analogy. So, try actually answering the question (sheesh! I know I said "baby steps" but...) Do you accept that it would have been a problem if they had said "US v. Miller defined arms as "ordinary military equipment" that "has some reasonable relationship to using unicorns to pull the ploughs on the music tree farms"? Broadly, this http://www.thefreedictionary.com/militia So, it's not of any relevance- it's just a random ad hom. OK So, you are the sort who leaves it around to be snatched up in a hurry, or perhaps by kids. You are that sort of "responsible" gun owner. OK. I wonder if that sort of behaviour is in any way related to the appalling mess that the thread is on about.
  24. Ok, let's try baby steps. Do you accept that it would have been a problem if they had said "US v. Miller defined arms as "ordinary military equipment" that "has some reasonable relationship to using unicorns to pull the ploughs on the music tree farms"? BTW, what is a "forelock puller"? And it's not (for example) an "opinion" that a gun is not available for defence if it stuck in a safe; it's a statement of the bloody obvious.
  25. I'm familiar with the J-T effect, and I'm also familiar with this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect Are you? Did it occur to you that the reason none of us mentioned it is that we know that it simply does not apply in this context, nor does it have anything to do with what you have been describing? Are you, in short, too ignorant to realise how liitle you know?
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