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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. How sure are you that this isn't psychosomatic?
  2. OK, let's consider one specific form of reduced fertility- men with only one testicle. Their fertility is reduced- but only slightly. In principle, that frees up the other testicle for evolution into some other structure. Do you realise that every example of "irreducible complexity" put forward has been shown to be wrong? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irreducible_complexity I have a more interesting question for you forex How can a rational person not believe in evolution? After all, as has been pointed out, there's a stack of evidence for it but more importantly, what would stop it? If some mutation brings about an advantage that lets that individual have more offspring, how would that trait not survive and become more common?
  3. John Cuthber


    At somewhere around 225 C it will melt. It will also decompose on heating to give a mixture of products that I doubt anyone has ever fully analysed. Why do you ask?
  4. The spatial variation of g is big, but, once you build an observatory and bolt a clock to the wall, the temporal variation in g is small. If the pendulum clock keeps track with the rotation of the earth (as measured by the apparent motion of the stars) then the clock must be keeping good time. If either g or G varied then the clocks wouldn't work and people would notice.
  5. By relying on g. 0.1% isn't a small amount; If,on the other hand it's claimed that the effect wound be undetectable because all means toe measure time would s be affected in the same way , then it' not clear that this is science. I'm amused to be discussing this with someone who keeps a tally of time to 14 digits or so as " the day job" .
  6. John Cuthber


  7. "A circular wire coil, preferably made of material with high resistivity so as to immediately quench the electrical current." No.
  8. Have you considered that it might not be a reaction at all? The sharp edges of the broken mica are acting as nucleation sites for air coming out of solution.
  9. They used to. These were used in astronomical observatories round the world and we would have noticed if they didn't agree. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shortt-Synchronome_clock
  10. I apologise for making it less clear to you; I guess I should have said nation or something.
  11. Has everyone seen this?
  12. Shouldn't this discussion be in Tonkawa, Comanche or some such?
  13. you did a fine job of explaining that I'm a twit.
  14. A current can flow through one of three paths. Via "4" with probability P Via "5" and "6" with probability P2 or via "2" and either "1" or "3" with probability P X 2P Adding gives P + 3P2 so I agree with Arupray. I also agree with Strange's comment "I don't understand how there can be negative values in there ..."
  15. Well, congratulations on turning this on it's head https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suppose_They_Gave_a_War_and_Nobody_Came It seems you think they had a war in a place that didn't exist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1947%E2%80%9348_Civil_War_in_Mandatory_Palestine Do you understand why I might disagree with your view that it needed to be "declared" before it was a country? Juts to clarify the terminology; from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandatory_Palestine "During its existence it was known simply as Palestine, but, in retrospect, as distinguishers, a variety of other names and descriptors including Mandatory or Mandate Palestine, also British Palestine and the British Mandate of Palestine, have been used to refer to it."
  16. It is best understood by some model that actually gives the right answer. Since you say that your model won't work for a strong absorber, your model doesn't work.
  17. An electron that's been knocked free from a piece of metal is a free electron. in the absence of an electromagnetic field it only has kinetic energy. and it can have pretty much any amount of that which it likes. So there's no defined energy and thus there's no resonant transition. Also re. "If the material reflects the light then it's not absorbed. " Thanks for clarification of the fact that you don't know how mirrors work. Perhaps you should stop worrying about our smoking habits and go and learn some science Actually knowing what you are talking about can be very rewarding. perhaps you might try it some time.
  18. Perhaps a more interesting question is Who is actually wiping another country off the map?
  19. Did you think that was actually going to be a challenge? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scintillation_counter#Gamma Are you aware of this? http://phys.org/news/2015-01-light-sensitive-cells-frog-eyes-photons.html
  20. No you didn't. Feel free to try to prove me wrong.
  21. No, we don't. Which is just as well, because none of us can. We can guess if we like but...
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