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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. Each wedge shaped bit of metal could be magnetised after it was cut to shape, but before assembly into a sphere. And it still wouldn't help. Imagine the lines of force round the magnet. As you put the next magnet near it the lines of force round each one still have to go from one end of the magnet to the other. So, once you assemble the whole sphere what you have is a bunch of magnets each with a closed loop of field round them and practically no external field.
  2. Ant super intelligent life form could presumably fake a human artefact so perhaps the flower pot on my window sill is evidence of alien visitation. On the other hand, plenty of animals use tools and some of themadapt the tools to the purpose so we do know what some non human artefacts look like. What was the point of this thread?
  3. That's obviously ridiculous; how do you put a number on "adictiveness"?
  4. Why would they use expensive epoxy when they can use cheap concrete?
  5. The mystery is why you don't simply accept that there is no way that a hover-board will work. it's fake and it always was.
  6. You could make the metal wedge-shaped then magnetise it; that's not the problem. The problem is that it doesn't work.
  7. Old chemist's trick (passed on to you all by an old(ish) chemist)
  8. In fairness,an object's emissivity is wavelength dependent. It has to be because some things are coloured. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirchhoff%27s_law_of_thermal_radiation
  9. Neodymium magnets are real. You can buy them easily enough. But they won't make a board hover
  10. In my experience, crystaline salt works better. I think the salt grains give the water something heavy to stick to
  11. I'm not interested in whether you are a liar or you have been lied to. But the story is fake In particular this http://im46.gulfup.com/XkiqPo.jpg proves it; you can't use a He Ne laser as an ionisation source (not that it would help if you could).
  12. Do you understand fake ?
  13. Not really. If they are a stain they are (almost certainly) a solid so you need to dissolve them.
  14. You might try pouring off the (mainly) diesel layer into a second container and adding salt to it then stirring.
  15. The density of uranium oxide is a bit of a red herring. once the temperature is high enough the oxides will all melt and mix. If you leave a bottle of wine in the cellar the alcohol doesn't float to the top of the (denser) water to any measurable extent.
  16. Just for the record, what do you think the minimum voltage drop across an electrolytic refining cell is? Only a project with the sort of budget that the Manhattan project had would consider using a mass spec to separate macroscopic amounts of materials. to do it for something as cheap as silver (or gold) would be bizarre.
  17. It is fake. There are no hoverboards.
  18. http://heavy.com/tech/2014/03/huvr-tech-hoax-fake-real-hoverboard-video-debunk/
  19. So, the original problem wasn't properly described. No wonder some of us thought it impossible.
  20. Would you care to explain what you mean by that diagram?
  21. I wonder where you get a function like y=tan(exp(ax^2+bx+c)).
  22. One is one too many Because swimming pools and bikes are not actually designed to kill and because the guns are absolutely unnecessary Did you really not know that? re. "Ah the sirens song. All we need is a few minor adjustments to your rights and the government can bring you an endless stream of sunshine, lolly pops, and rainbows. Your rights only need to be rolled back a bit and before you know it the government will feed, burp and tuck you in bed at night. Think of how happy you will be when those pesky rights are all gone. How do we know you will be happy? Because we will tell you that you are. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slippery_slope Please don't do that again; it's a breach of rule 4.
  23. "Yes, I am clear. Your assertion has nothing to do with my experiment so your assertions are contrary to my 37% relative humidity, i.e. opposed in character. You have made no assertion about what would happen in my experiment. Perfectly clear, thank you. That observation is not contrary to what I said; it's in perfect agreement with what I said. What I said was that If the humidity is high enough then water will condense into the solution; the pretty obvious corollary is that if the humidity is low then the water will evaporate from the salt solution. It did. You might want to try again with a saturated solution of calcium chloride and see what happens.
  24. Lets be clear about this. I only said what would happen if the humidity was 75% or above. You have done no experiment at 75% or above. Your observations have nothing to do with my assertion. They can't confirm or refute it. (I should have pointed out that the 75% figure is for a saturated solution; for dilute solutions you need an even higher humidity for condensation to take place)
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