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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. According to this http://www.thekatespanos.com/scrabble-score-calculator/ the difference is 21 points vs 18 points if you are playing scrabble. An infinitely massive moving object is moveable so it's not immoveable but it is inacceleratable
  2. There's nothing there to "pollute". It started out as crackpottery. If there was a real effect on people's health then it would be physics or medicine. But no effect has ever been seen. There's no point invoking quantum gravity to explain something which doesn't exist.
  3. Interesting. Is it possible that the myths have been spread by Right-wing propagandists a bit like the "Gold plated" public sector pensions myth in the UK?
  4. Do you understand that you don't need to have a religion to believe in those ideals?
  5. Do you realise that there's no reason to believe there was a star of Bethlehem? And, just to save anyone repeating the calculation, the midwife has a bigger gravitation affect on a newborn baby than any distant star has.
  6. This was a perfectly serious political party- it is not a joke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=438UKM1Av1g honest! they are real- there's a wiki page about them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_Law_Party More importantly, what looks "naturally" right to me may not agree with what what you think so there is no "natural "law.
  7. The thing that struck me was that I had never heard of any of those "myths" in the first place.
  8. I think you will find that it is. "Astrology consists of several pseudoscientific systems of divination[1] based on the premise that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world. " from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrology though I personally think it's not even close enough to being science to count as pseudoscience. I think it's more of a religion. More importantly, it's not a case of "there is not enough evidence to prove it.": the fact is that there is plenty of evidence to disprove it. For example, why does this http://www.horoscopes.co.uk/Sagittarius/Weekly-Horoscope.php not tally with this? https://uk.astrology.yahoo.com/horoscopes/sagittarius/ Ironically, I just looked at my"horoscope" from a TV listings magazine. It tells me that I'm not at my most confident, but that my humility will endear me to others. Anyone taking bets?
  9. Judging by this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McLaren_P1 it's probably below 20 MPG. I don't think I will bother.
  10. Commander, Before you start asking questions, you need to answer the ones that others have asked. "How arrogant does someone have to be to post something that, in effect says " I don't understand something; so it must be impossible"?"
  11. Commander, Before you start asking questions, you need to answer the ones that others have asked. "How arrogant does someone have to be to post something that, in effect says " I don't understand something; so it must be impossible"?"
  12. We tested it the real world, and it failed. There is only one universe and it's not one where astrology works.
  13. Do you think that's the only way?
  14. Or, perhaps because the French don't know what an eddy is. eddy ˈɛdi/ noun 1. a circular movement of water causing a small whirlpool. "the current was forming foam-lipped eddies along the bank" synonyms: swirl, whirlpool, vortex, maelstrom; More verb 1. (of water, air, or smoke) move in a circular way. "the mists from the river eddied round the banks" synonyms: swirl, whirl, spiral, wind, churn, swish, circulate, revolve, spin, twist;More
  15. As far as I can tell,it has McLaren written all over it. How many miles to the gallon?
  16. One way is to not install the transformer in an electrical circuit of any sort but just use it as a paperweight. Seriously, do you think that is much of a test?
  17. It's not enough to say that I'm wrong, you have to show why I was wrong. that's going to be difficult for you since you already agreed with my point.
  18. Or it can kill you. http://jat.oxfordjournals.org/content/29/8/838.long http://www.peruviantimes.com/14/american-found-dead-after-taking-ayahuasca/16785/ http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/apr/27/british-backpacker-dies-hallucinogenic-drug-colombia
  19. The arrogance I was talking about was yours. It is extremely arrogant to say "There is no further continuance of this Relationship from the Logical and Scientific point of view." since you clearly don't know enough about logic and science to comment on it, yet you choose to belittle it. If you did understand logic you would have realised that your claim simply isn't true.
  20. Just plain wrong. The logical point of view is to realise that friends come and go, but enemies accumulate; so it makes sense to be reconciled. How arrogant does someone have to be to post something that, in effect says " I don't understand something; so it must be impossible"? As far as I can tell the only advantage to the religious point of view is that it lest you be really lazy about explaining things. Whatever the question, the answer is "Goddidit"
  21. Before you start to do any work in a glove box, the first thing to do is work out how you get stuff out of it safely. If you can't do that, don't start. Incidentally, working in a glove box is a total pain in the neck.
  22. I wouldn't recommend that course of action, but at least it will give you a chance to answer the questions I asked earlier. Just to be clear, that's twice I have asked now.
  23. I didn't jump to conclusions about what you meant: I asked you about it. You didn't answer Please do.
  24. If the Earth's axis wasn't tilted, the day would be longer in Winter. It would be shorter in Summer. (All other things being equal, the day would be 12 hours (very nearly) all year round and the seasons would be much less noticeable). There would still be some "season" effect because the Earth's orbit isn't a circle.
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