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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. What you are talking about is a map that shows the presence of a gene in roughly 90% of "some population" in parts of N America. Well, if the population of the USA is 14% African Americans, 10% Irish Americans and 5% Italian Americans (virtually none of whom would have the gene) then the population represented on that map is not the population of the USA, is it? So, what are you talking about? Do you even know? Your claim is the opposite of the map you have linked to. You are going to need to work very hard to convince us that you are worth listening to.
  2. That's unrealistic, given how many are from, for example, Ireland ot Italy. It's even more absurd once you consider African Americans who form about 14% of the population. Are you able to explain this, or is your assertion simply incorrect? By which argument, most people in France, Germany < England and so on would be black. But they are not. And so we know that the argument is wrong.
  3. What do you think the word "acidic" means?
  4. Granite has not been looked for anywhere other than Earth. If there was granite on the moon, how would we know? No https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/bizarre-planet-largest-known-rocky-world-40-times-as-massive-as-earth#:~:text=Bizarre new planet is largest,times as massive as Earth&text=The planet TOI-849b is,close to its host star.
  5. Did you understand what was meant by
  6. The more sensible way to look at that is that, since Mars is about 6,700 km in diameter, your idea is wrong.
  7. Adding a layer of insulation to a vehicle isn't difficult; it's just that nobody thought about it before because they had plenty of heat available. Looking at the figures, the lowest power Ford Focus or WV Golf- a fairly typical car- delivers about twice as much heat as my new gas boiler uses to heat the whole house. We might end up with double glazed cars , which will be interesting.
  8. It isn't me who provides the evidence that you are wrong. You have already done that.
  9. The problem is that, thus far, you have refused to accept that you are wrong (on this forum and others), even though the evidence is clear. So it's fair to assume that you would never admit that you had lost. So, since you would never pay, why take the bet with you?
  10. Actually I rarely ask for them- unless there is good grounds to suspect that the assertion is untrue, or, at least, speculative. Whereas the fact that the UK public schools are charities is well known and easily checked.
  11. Vey easy to google https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/4010044/charity-overview
  12. Well, for a start, it is factually correct, and documented as being so.
  13. Doesn't stop it being true. The major error seems to be that they still think the Chinese are communists.
  14. Why? Time does not make a vaccine better. You don't fatten a pig by weighing it.
  15. So... the guy who thinks profs are arses is not treated with respect by profs. The other people are treated with respect. I wonder if those observations are related.
  16. I'm curious. Why didn't you consider it with an open mind? If you had, you would have realised that we keep on sending rockets, but the hole is shrinking. So, it's obvious that the idea is wrong. Why didn't you notice that?
  17. Do you even realise what that means? It would mean that those affected didn't snatch their hand away when they put it on something hot. They also wouldn't have the classic "rest of reflexes" response to being tapped just below the knee. Do you somehow imagine that people wouldn't have noticed these traits?
  18. People measure the actual forces in bones by connecting strain gauges to them. http://www.ismni.org/jmni/pdf/43/02YANG.pdf If the results weren't what was expected from normal physics, people would have noticed.
  19. Not really. Second cousins, especially double ones, are quite close. So, not only is there a correct English term for this, your suggestion is factually wrong.
  20. That's what they thought in the 19th century. In the 20th , they realised that the smoke doesn't "blow away", because there is no "away".
  21. I'm pretty sure that the OP has posted this idea on other fora and failed to listen to the replies he got. I can't see why it's going to work better here. (and the same goes for his other ideas based on magic.)
  22. That may be the only "useful" thing that anyone learns from this thread.
  23. You were beaten to it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secchi_disk#Secchi_depth but it's a good, simple, cheap way to compare turbidity
  24. Do you understand that pages like this one are a joke? http://hmpg.net/
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