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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. How might you hope to define n? The speed keeps changing with distance. (And that illustration is wrong- for the critical angle the path is along the surface of the interface. Let's see you get a bullet to do that.)
  2. You can't patent something that already exists. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=vibrating+bed&oq=vibrating+bed&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l2j69i60l2j0.4297j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8
  3. When the front end of the bullet hits the water it has one velocity. When the back end of the bullet reaches the water, it has a different velocity. Which one do you think is "in water, it has velocity V2"? Obviously, there's a force which acts on the bullet, but the similarity to refraction is pretty slight. Among other issues, it depends on the shape of the bullet. Where is that factor in Snell's law?
  4. It's not clear that ammonium hydroxide exists in most circumstances. To the extent that it exists, it's an ion pair. NH4+ OH-
  5. Snell's law refers to the refractive index. That, in turn is the ratio of the two characteristic velocities. But a bullet in water or air doesn't have a characteristic velocity so no, Snell's law doesn't apply. Try Newton's laws.
  6. Ignore the specific example. If you were a moderator, how would you address the fact that some people's idea of a joke or a valid point is other people's idea of an insult? You can't please both groups.
  7. The point I was making is that, if the North Koreans were in charge of the moderation of the website any criticism of the political leaders would be forbidden. I think it's reasonable to criticise a regimen on the basis that it dictates what haircuts men are allowed. I also think a poster in a shop window is a reasonable way to express that criticism. Some people found the poster offensive; others didn't. Which viewpoint is "right"? If you were a moderator, how would you address the fact that some people's idea of a joke or a valid point is other people's idea of an insult?
  8. Couldn't help[ being reminded of this http://www.funny-joke-pictures.com/2013/12/science-anti-dark-dont-matter-class.html#.U1EwTvmIBPk
  9. Indeed, it seems you have a general block about seeing the truth in this discussion. Hence "All those heat related deaths in Northern France.... Nope. That's drivel." Do you realise it looks to the rest of us like a kid with his fingers in his ears saying "I can't hear you so it's not true"?
  10. Oh look, Putin lied about the annexation of the Crimea. http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/04/17/vladimir-putin-admits-for-first-time-russian-troops-took-over-crimea-refuses-to-rule-out-intervention-in-donetsk/ Yet now he says he's got nothing to do with the same thing happening in the Ukraine. "“It’s all nonsense, there are no Russian units, special forces or instructors in the east of Ukraine,” Putin said." But March 28 it was a different story "At the height of the tension in Crimea, when armed men who really looked like soldiers surrounded Ukrainian military bases, Putin dismissed claims that there were Russian soldiers on the ground on the peninsula. He instead argued that they were just "very well-trained self-defense forces" who had bought their uniforms from stores." So, this Putin, of whom Alkis3 said ",I say that now among presidents there is no wiser President than Putin" is a liar (and not even a convincing one) as well as directly responsible for the deaths of those involved in his land grab. He should be jailed as a common murderer.
  11. "If a thread is not unnecessarily offenssive but remains questionable a moderator could warn the patron and ask them to clean up their post to be less offenssive. That rather depends on the mod. Is the poster in this story offensive? http://www.thestar.com/news/world/2014/04/16/north_korea_asks_uk_to_take_necessary_action_against_barbers_bad_hair_day_poster.html
  12. LOL It didn't say 150 it said 5,150 "So, in a simulation study of the UK, 5, 140 more people die due to increades temperatures, 820 less die due to fewer cold temperatures." So, what you have labeled as a good thing which you hope happens is 4330 extra deaths. So, as you say, "Read your quotes before you post them."
  13. My local DIY store sells a "filler" that must be foamed because it's very low density. I can't recall the product name, but it's easy to find. Go along the shelf picking up the tins of ready mixed filler; the remarkably light one is the one I mean. I think it's foamed PVA with CaCO3 in it or some such
  14. "So if this technology is being used by Argentina successfully on their range-fed beef, which means it can't be adversely affecting the animals," The cows may disagree.
  15. Hello! This thread is ancient history and completely pointless. Even 8 years ago we knew that the idea of "we only use 10% of our brains" was simply wrong. So, please remember, before you post anything. 1 you will probably look silly. 2 we already use 100% of our brains so the answer to the question is "Nothing new would happen" (And wolfmilenko needs to look up the meaning of the word "theory".)
  16. Well, here's a politician's blog* https://bobkerslake.blog.gov.uk/2014/03/06/performance-management-addressing-your-concerns/#comments you can see for yourselves how good a job he does of actually answering questions. * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Kerslake arguably, since he's not elected, he's not a politician. I think this still illustrates the problem.
  17. I see the picture fails to include the car battery needed to supply the power. I have experienced the discomfort of an over-warm room and also of carrying a car battery. I know which I prefer. There's also the fact that people are actually quite good at dealing with excess heat as long as we are kept adequately watered. I understand that humans are (,at least, among) the sweatiest animals on the planet. Also, that heat sink will run hot enough to burn you if you touch it; be careful if you give someone a hug.
  18. In some places they kept a different set of the planet based names. So, for example, the French have Samedi , Dimanche, Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, and Vendredi.
  19. How conceited does someone have to be in order for them to think that their lack of experience to count as evidence? BTW "told his wife he was choking" And exactly how did he force air through his vocal cords to speak? Seriously; when the evidence contradicts itself you shouldn't believe it.
  20. Bananas don't contain a lot of tryptophan (and it's an amino acid, rather than a "type of protein") Here's some actual data http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tryptophan#Dietary_sources bananas are at the bottom of the list for % tryptophan and near the bottom for "tryptophan as a % of total protein". Bananas taste nice and so people like them. Weight for weight, chocolate contains 10 times more protein than a banana.
  21. "79 percent of Americans believe the Bible is sacred" "19 percent of Americans are “antagonistic” toward the Bible," Not much room for the "Don't know" crowd is there? Are those numbers credible?
  22. Why would I need more than one? ( the required 1 reason can be found in the other thread you started about this)
  23. If you did this in a woodworking shop you would have reinvented MDF.
  24. The most likely explanation is that it's psychosomatic.
  25. There are two scenarios. Something miraculous has happened or someone is not telling the truth. Miracles are rare (at best) but lies and mistakes are commonplace. Why do you believe the impossible, rather than the obvious?
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