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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. So, there are two errors, the number and the spare "the". Perhaps the site needs a new rule "Please don't post paradoxes"
  2. So there's just one error then- the pair of "the"s
  3. You need to understand what it actually says on that battery. " 6V, 4.5 Ah, 20 h" Not 4.5A It's a capacity, not acurrent. The battery can deliver roughly 4.5 amps for 1 hour or 9 amps for half an hour or 0.25 amps for 18 hrs. I say "roughly" because the efficiency of storage is a bit dependent on the current drawn. So the manufacturer measures the capacity at a known current. In this case they chose 0.225 Amps and the battery lasted 20 hrs. 20 hours * 0.225 amps =4.5 amp hours
  4. Did it occur to you that there might be a good reason why the body doesn't bother to absorb more than 65mg? Done carefully, you could probably inject 1000 mg safely (though you would need to talk to a medic about how to do so). The effect would be that your urine would contain more vitamin C than usual for a day or so until it was excreted. Why bother? As you say "making mega dose (1000mg) tablets nothing more than a money spinner for drug companies."
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_der_Waals_force
  6. Just to illustrate Externet's point, I would say "I registered with this site" but, to some extent, it is a matter of choice.
  7. This thread is now ridiculous. The question has been answered and any assertion that scientists don't believe in love is insulting: of course they do, they are not stupid. Continuing to assert that they do not is a breach of the rules.
  8. And, can we see the extraordinary evidence that goes with that extraordinary claim please? (Probably in another thread since I think it would be off- topic in this one)
  9. What happens is that the guy in this story goes to the morgue, rather than the emergency room. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/poland/9739414/Man-burns-his-head-after-mistaking-iron-for-phone.html In the meantime, I guess the gun advocates will continue to say that the US needs more guns. I understand that rather a lot of guns have been sold since, for example, Mr Obama took office. Can I just ask how many guns the US will need, before they stop shooting eachother?
  10. You need to consult lawyers for each jurisdiction in which you will operate. Good luck.
  11. My guess is that they use a bunch of these http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strain_gauge What are you actually seeking to measure?
  12. "I'm sorry are these the protocols of science or am I confused on this???" You are confused. Re "What does it look like? Does it have a color? Can you touch this " physically? Does it have mass???" the same can be said of plenty of abstract scientific ideas like gravity
  13. This is a science website and so energy is the capacity to do work. What inappropriate definition were you hoping to use?
  14. The amino acids are zwiterionic materials, they have very low vapour pressures and, consequently, no odour. At best, you noted the smells of some impurities in the acids.
  15. People remove O2 and produce CO2. To do that they eat food. The food was made by plants taking CO2 from the air, and making O2. Those two processes ballance out. You have forgotten that people grow a lot of crops. The problem is not that we breathe, but that we burn fossil fuels.
  16. No, it didn't. Nor can it hope to do so, because it's based on stuff like numerology.
  17. According to this table the resistance of 32 gauge wire is about 164 ohms per thousand feet. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/tables/wirega.html You have about 710 feet of it so that should give about 116 ohms. Ohms law I=V/R tells us that the current will be I=6/116 = 0.051 Amps So your value of 0.06 Amps is pretty much what you would expect to get. Why did you think you would get 4 Amps?
  18. Well, if the write up in WIKI is correct, nobody will ever be able to tell if they exist, so they are not science. "This idea continues to attract some attention among physicists, but in the absence of a viable theory of quantum gravity, the accuracy of this speculative idea cannot be tested. " It's hard to see how that could clarify anything about the nature of space (even if you use CAPITAL LETTERS).
  19. You are rambling.
  20. It's a bit like the freezing point. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_transition
  21. It was answered in the 3rd post in this thread.
  22. How would they know? Also if, as is fairly reasonable, the stuff in the rubber bung isn't volatile, it won't end up in the distillate. Incidentally, distilling 70% IPA won't get the pure material. You can't get more than 88% w/w that way http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azeotrope_(data)
  23. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gematria "Gematria (Hebrew: גימטריא/גימטריה‎ gēmaṭriyā) is a Jewish system of numerology" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numerology#Skepticism Numerology isn't science. You can't use it to back up any claim on a scientific website.
  24. OK, You think you can do this. Does anyone else think so? Have you tried asking them?
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