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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. Acids are well known for catalysing the charring of carbohydrates. https://www.sciencekids.co.nz/experiments/invisibleink.html And it's a pH effect more than anything else. As you say there's no need for a heat gun
  2. I presume it's this sort of thing. (The commentary is inaccurate, it' s the HCl that chars the wood rather than the ammonia.) It would probably work in an oven but I don't know if "350 degrees" wold be hot enough. Units are important. There's a risk that the HCl fumes would corrode the oven too. The HCl is very corrosive towards metals (and not very good for people either).
  3. What worries me is that people may be leaving the party because they see it as no longer supporting their hero: Trump. OK that makes republicans unelectable which is good, but it is still terrifying that people might think that way. They might not be leaving because they recognise that the Reps are crazy; they might be leaving because use they don't think the reps are crazy enough. What happened to Rep party membership when he was selected?
  4. It is probably better to buy the girl some flowers which might not work, than to buy a book that certainly won't work The authors usually rely on the fact that, when you realise you have been made a fool of, you will be too embarrassed to take them to court.
  5. No, or , at least, not at atmospheric pressure.
  6. There goes the neighbourhood. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Cayce#Criticism You can't cite "clairvoyants" on a science site, and expect to be taken seriously.
  7. Yes. Do nothing about it. The outcome will be the same as anything you might try, but doing nothing is very cheap. Incidentally, you are taller than I am.
  8. coincidence /kəʊˈɪnsɪd(ə)ns/ Learn to pronounce noun 1. a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection. "it was a coincidence that she was wearing a jersey like Laura's" Similar: accident chance serendipity fate a twist of fate destiny fortuity fortune providence freak hazard a piece of good fortune (a bit of) luck (a bit of) good luck a fluke a happy chance happenstance 2. the fact of corresponding in nature or in time of occurrence. "the coincidence of interest between the mining companies and certain politicians" Similar: co-occurrence coexistence conjunction simultaneity
  9. "why people are not protesting over cancer and Heart disease?" They did. We no longer allow smoking in public places.
  10. I didn't know they were making printed masks in 2017.
  11. Nobody said it was. But the thing is that tanking works. So this is, at best, rather dubious. It may "tend" to do so, but if it actually did so, tanking wouldn't work.
  12. LOL I pointed out that you were wrong. That's what happens in science. And I rather think that you calling me names was the only "base attack" here. There's nothing you can say here that's going to make you look good.
  13. Like this, perhaps? Perhaps, instead of saying things that are wrong, you should say things that are right or say nothing. Kind regards JC resident smartarse.
  14. We can't spend less money any more than we can drop the death toll. Expenditure goes up. And since any disaster lies in our future rather than or past we always head towards it. It's like saying "the nearer we get to the year 3000, the more people who will have died from tripping over a frog".
  15. You said and I pointed out that it isn't the case. I backed this up by the observation that many cellars are tanked from (and on) the inside. Nobody said the OP's room was a cellar Nobody was talking about "new build". The answer to your question is, I'd build a waterproof wall.
  16. Tanking of cellars is commonplace. It does not usually involve digging round and under the house to tank the outside (where the water is).
  17. Then they are unlikely to be in that sentence.
  18. Depending on circumstances, the limiting factor might be something like a capacitor in the power supply. Good temperature control is also a big factor so dropping the power is almost certain to help.
  19. Overpainting bitumen may not work out as planned, you may end up with a sticky mess that never dries properly. Fatty acids don't eat anything. Microbes might, but they would only grow in the presence of plenty of water. I really think the best plan is a fan and patience.
  20. White spirit has a fairly strong smell and it will take a while to get rid of it. If you can arrange the fan to blow air out of the window (and take the smell with it) that will avoid having the fumes in the rest of the house. Leave the door to the room slightly open so the fan can draw air through from the rest of the house. The smell will go quicker if you have warm air drawn through the room, or warm it as it enters the room with a non flame radiator near the door. Soda and vinegar are not going to help here.
  21. One would work if it was tall enough.
  22. I don't think it is very volatile. It decomposes on heating and gives HF which is ... bad for you.
  23. There are several options. Replace all the blanks with "one". Replace all the blanks with ">=1" Replace all the blanks with "unimportant". Replace all the blanks with "less than 99"
  24. Doh. It's me failing to account for BC / AD.
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