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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. I take it you mean this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_factorial which I just looked up. That's a rather uncommon use of the word common. Ok,if you insist. (((((((((9!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!
  2. Here's a test of what? My likelihood of doing something pointless? When you have finished talking balls and jello, gravity won't have changed. It will still pull. Do you not understand that?
  3. "If God exists, and He created the Universe, He must have done it for a reason." Nope, our universe might be God's snot. Of course, if He doesn't exists that addresses the OP's problem.
  4. 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and so on, just 1 digit, but rather a big number. However I think 9/(9-9) might be bigger (as long as you ignore the fact that it isn't actually defined)
  5. The books will change? What timescale do you have in mind? Gravity has been known to pull for about 400 years Nobody has aver found any evidence for it pushing. Yet you expect the books to change because you say it pushes.
  6. Stealth weapons are made by applying known technology. Making a beam that travels through dusty, misty air and optics isn't. Swansont's analysis doesn't inlcude the self focussing effect (or the simple focussing effect of raindrops) or the effect of less volatile strong absorbers like dust. Once they get hot, they ionise the air round them and then that air is opaque. You can hide an air craft (especially a stealth plane- that's the point). Ye' cannae change the laws of physics. Incidentally, re "It was DECADES before anyone knew about the SR-71 and the F-117 was flying missions directly over Eastern Europe on the Soviet Side without ANYONE knowing about it." Unless you are a senior member of the Russian intelligence service, there's no way on God's earth that you can know if that statement is true. Why did you post it on a science site?
  7. "Right now, the free-electron laser produces a 14-kilowatt beam." It still wouldn't work in fog, mist rain or spray. And , outside of a clean-room, the optics would die very quickly. It's not using all the power from a large nuclear reactor. It's not cutting a hole through a thousand feet of steel. And, if the Russians are familiar with colloquial English they are probably laughing even more at the name of the USS Ponce. It's a nice toy. Now, if they can just crank the power up a thousand times they will only be about a hundred fold short of the original claim. Meanwhile on WIKI "The CO2 laser can be constructed to have CW powers between milliwatts (mW) and hundreds of kilowatts (kW)" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_dioxide_laser Since 8KW is "off the peg" http://www.rofin.com/en/products/cosub2sub_lasers/ the 14KW figure doesn't look so good.
  8. Just for a start, that's not a FEL. It still wouldn't work in fog, mist rain or spray. And , outside of a clean-room, the optics would die very quickly. It's not using all the power from a large nuclear reactor. It's not cutting a hole through a thousand feet of steel. And, if the Russians are familiar with colloquial English they are probably laughing even more at the name of the USS Ponce. .
  9. Please explain how the widespread use of, for example, hypochlorite bleach, will increase the incidence of immunity to penicillin.
  10. Hence the popular bumper sticker which says "homoeopaths bang it repeatedly against a lump of rubber and it still doesn't work"
  11. The world's messiness doesn't enter into it. You can't meaningfully prepare for a fight unless you have some ideas of the enemy's strengths and weaknesses. Since Zombies don't exist, you can't say what those are so you can't prepare.
  12. Whoever originally made the 1000 foot claim, you reported it and you have yet to cite the original author/ publication. You said it was a magazine, but the on-line version doesn't mention it. Mirrors can, in principle, be made thinner and lighter than prisms or lenses so you have just told us they made the targeting problem more difficult. But they still have surfaces so they have not made the dust problem any easier. So, in effect you have said they made things worse, not better. The reasonable response to solving the heating problem is that they have not solved it. Though this does not matter, since they don't actually have a laser that powerful. And, if they did, they wouldn't have a power supply that could drive it. In the history of military invention past experience shows one thing quite often: they lie. What will it take for you to accept that you have been suckered?
  13. You need to understand the difference between antimicrobials and antibiotics. Nobody is using penicillin (for example) to make dish washing soap. Overuse of antibiotics is a major concern, but this is a different problem.
  14. Can you offer any evidence of zombies? If not, you might as well be talking about dragons. (And you seem to have failed to address the point about not being able to do science on them since they can't be observed).
  15. "Actually, Homeopathy is unsuccessful to prove its reality for the problem of its medicine-selection procedure." No it is unable to prove it is real because it simply doesn't work. Come back to us when you have a double blind trial.
  16. I'm well aware of the placebo effect and that pile of gibberish in the OP isn't talking about that.
  17. Pending even the arrival of even the most feeble evidence, yes. In much the same way that I don't expect a party of dwarfs to turn up at my door with a wizard and ask me to join them in a dragon hunt. It would be preposterous of me to, for example, buy in the food for them. It would be equally preposterous for me to ask how I might expect to kill zombies- not least because, until they exist (if they ever do, which is very doubtful) there is no way that anyone could have any idea how they react. Given the utterly speculative notion of their existence and behaviour, it might turn out that the best defence is a crappy old carving knife, rather than a platinum one. They might, like witches of old, be unusually susceptible to iron. or maybe they die if you recite "Mary had a little lamb" backwards. It's impossible to predict so, as I said, there is no science of zombies. And, if you can afford enough Pt Ir to make anything better than a doll's house dinner set, then you can pay for metallurgical advice.
  18. On the other hand, there are ways to prove the efficacy of real medicine. That's why homoeopathy is written off as nonsense. If it worked, it would be easy to show that it worked. Since it doesn't work, it doesn't need explaining.
  19. As an observable fact, you don't get sick from a so-called overdose of homoeopathy pills. Another, equally observable fact is that they don't work. So when you say "I have practiced Homeopathy for a long time to know the truth. I have realized that it is not any trick or fraud or faith cure. It has an excellent ability of recovery." what you have to face is the painful truth that you have been fooling yourself. Incidentally, the other end of the stupidity of homoeopathy is the joke about the homoeopath who forgot to take his remedy and died of an overdose. It follows from the absurd notion that the more you dilute a material, the more potent it becomes. However, that's enough about homoeopathy. Please show us the results of a randomised double-blind trial of mahapathy. (or accept that it isn't scientific)
  20. If a theory is unknown, how can it be German?
  21. The Nazis condemned some physics - notably mots of modern physics but not because it disagreed with their physics, but because it disagreed with their political ideology. That was part of their problem. Reality didn't care about their beliefs and carried on as usual. They departed from that and got lost in the wilderness. The USSR did the same thing with evolution http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolutionary_theory_and_the_political_left
  22. You are talking about something which does not exist and which would be practically impossible . That's not "keeping an open mind" that's "making up stories". So, like I said, there is no science of zombies. There is some science of things vaguely related to zombies but that's just playing with words. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrodotoxin#Poisoning
  23. "MahaPathy (briefly– MPathy) is a super excellent system of Alternative Medicine" There are two sorts of treatement for illness, Medicine- which is pretty much defined as things that make the patient better or "Alternative Medicine" which are the treatments which don't work "like Homeopathy"
  24. Anagrams of "salt confinement": "self containment" is one.
  25. That's not a bad summary. I'd just add that I read as far as this "To know the hidden truth of Homeopathic Medicine" and thought "But homoeopathy isn't medicine: it doesn't work." So this is a pseudo-scientific explanation of how something that doesn't work, would work. At best, it should be in speculations. Perhaps this explains it as well as anything http://xkcd.com/765/
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