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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. "if you know how to read then you better read the article so you can tell whether it is scientific or not. " I can. It's not.
  2. It's just a slight pity than nobody quoted it.
  3. " will it work?" No. By the way, would you like me to open the document and look at it?
  4. Actually, that is the biodiversity problem (or at least part of it) The diversity of different sorts of intelligence is vital to the species. "I think education is great but perhaps we could extend our maximum abilities to?" To what? Perhaps we should restrict the breeding of those people who don't know the difference between too and to, at least until they learn to respect the lives of others.
  5. You may be missing the fact that alcohol is a natural product and is a normal part of ecosystems (though I wouldn't expect it to be a major part of an aquatic system)
  6. There are treatments. None of them is perfect and they depend on the individual. The best way to find out about the treatments and how well they are likely to work for you is to talk to a physician / doctor. It's obviously impossible for us to give such good advice because we don't know your circumstances (and most of us are not doctors).
  7. Roughly half the population is male and roughly half is female. In each of those two groups there are heterosexuals and homosexuals. So none of the 4 groups formed by the combination of those traits can be a majority. Congratulations! you have just defined the whole of humanity as abnormal. (and you forgot the apostrophes too) Homosexuality is observed in many species. It's normal . However homophobia is only observed in one species. What are you calling "normal"?
  8. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=snii
  9. Why is it that people are happy ta accept that biodiversity is a good thing, but don't realise that this applies to us just as much as other species?
  10. On a pointless technical note the OP says with out rather than without. Perhaps he's highlighted it because he's referring to the other use of the phrase; meaning outside.(The opposite of within like "There is a green hill far away without a city wall"). If that's true then it's not absolutely unreasonable to say that electricity is generally transmitted outside a wire. That's why the speed of the signal depends on the nature of the insulation.
  11. "Metaphorically its true: think with one's dick means to be overpowered by one's libido. " I know. So what? What "thinking with your dick" means is not actually thinking with your dick. It's true "metaphorically" but not really so it's not actually true. "In terms of damage, define damaging the brain." A cheap and cheerful definition here would be a psychotic reaction that doesn't go away when the drug is metabolised and eliminated. So called "flashbacks" are probably the best known example.
  12. No it wouldn't http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angular_momentum#Conservation_of_angular_momentum
  13. John Cuthber


    What do you think you are talking about?
  14. Quite a lot of conditions. In particular if it's hot or under pressure (more than about half an atmosphere above ambient) or mixed with air or another oxidant. You should probably have checked on this before it became urgent.
  15. My guess is that the original was based on this stuff http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zinc_sulfide#Luminescent_material It's important to realise that the glow may have faded over the years but the radioactivity will not have. The stuff is just as big a radio-toxic hazard as it ever was (if not more so, from the daughter products) The radiation from the radium damages the phosphor and so those bits stop glowing. The range of the radiation is tiny- well under a millimetre- and so most of the phosphor is out of range of the radiation. (The radium is never perfectly mixed into the of the phosphor, it's in tiny lumps.) The rest of the phosphor still works so it still glows faintly for a short while after you turn the lights off.
  16. Great! Progress! Now there seems to be acceptance that my house is not outside itself. It shares that property with space-time.
  17. Nonsense.It makes no more sense than saying "I think therefore I am I think I am the king of Persia therefore I am the king of Persia." Nope, it's much more likely that I'm mistaken in thinking that. And the problem with people whose minds are broken is that they might well believe that they are the king of Persia and that the sky fairy is looking after them
  18. Keep trying, you might get it eventually. The important thing is that they both include the whole of themselves. No part of the set of all sets is outside the set of all sets. No part of my house is outside my house.
  19. Any theory that says that c isn't the speed limit needs to explain why we observe that it is. Why, for example, do particle accelerators get "stuck" as the speed approaches c?
  20. If you get a positive lens with a focal length of an inch or two it will do the job. The magnifying glass on my Swiss Army penknife would do just fine (though it's a rather expensive way to buy one). There are plenty of suitable magnifying glasses on eBay. So, my reply was " in the right direction" in that it got to the destination.
  21. Do you take your coffee cup to the fridge to put milk in it (one trip) or do you go to the fridge, get the milk, put it in the cup, then make a (second) trip back to the fridge with the milk? Many or most people make 2 trips where 1 will do.
  22. This is well established technology that you can buy off -the=shelf. http://www.musclewires.com/AboutMuscleWires.php (others are also available; that was the first one Google found for me) If you need a lot of force or distance then things might be more difficult
  23. The universe may not share your view.
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