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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. You are saying that charge conservation is wrong. That's an extraordinary claim. Unless you have extraordinary evidence it just isn't science.
  2. I loled a bit, then I stopped. The problem with this absurd denial of the link between HIV and AIDS is more tragic than comic. It offered an opportunity for two bad things to happen. firstly it gave an excuse not to treat the disease with antivirals which is bad news for the patient,. Secondly it gave snake oil salesmen a chance to prey on those unfortunate enough to be infected.
  3. Some people saw a link between the Harry Potter books and Satanism. People also saw the canals on Mars. It doesn't mean any of these things are real.
  4. Nope, I attacked the guy who cited the work. I attacked him on the basis that he clearly believes nonsense and can not be trusted as a reliable source of information. Thought it would have been better if the guy who did the original work had made some attempt to show that the effect wasn't just due to the mirrors bending. A couple of toooth-picks and some superglue would have answered the question. Let me get this straight. The better the equipment is, the less the fringes shift and so one can extrapolate to the idea where the kit is perfect and the firnges don't shift at all. You think that's evidence that the fringe shift is real. Do you want to think that through again?
  5. I think you should ask them. However, my guess is that someone lied.
  6. The MME is a very good way to test how flexible optical systems are. The one with the fringe shift failed the test. Nothing complicated- just poor equipment design gave a spurious result. What would you expect from someone who also cites the idea that there are men on the moon, but NASA missed them?
  7. Do you mean this "The electrons that prevail as solar wind emerge as excess negative particles that can be due to annihilation of positive charges by static fusion within the positive core. "? Because it doesn't make any sense. Positive charges are not annihilated during fusion. Do you have a reason that actually obeys the experimentally determined laws of physics?
  8. So, you actually meant "Two objects one of which has some sort of propulsion system start along side each other and fall towards a black hole. Before they reach the event horizon one accelerates away. What you have is simply two objects accelerating away from each other. " That makes a huge difference. In that absence of such a drive you could model the system using the conservation of energy and/ or momentum but if it has an engine that makes a difference to how you work out what should happen. Is there anything else you didn't specify? The thing is that with science you really need to make it clear what you are talking about. And you have not.
  9. Illuusio, That is the experiment which inspired the video I linked to. It has been shown to be flawed (by a better experiment with a more rigid optical system). Why did you post it?
  10. "What is the capital of the world essentially?" There isn't one.
  11. I note that the second of those papers assumes than chimps are the ancestors of man (or rather that they had a common ancestor). Do you consider the appearance of our species to be "decaying"?
  12. "The one that accelerates away is using conventional acceleration. " Why?
  13. Quite possibly. You can't be "rather unique" any more than you can be slightly pregnant or mildly dead. If there's only one of something then it's unique- otherwise it isn't. A picture would be interesting anyway.
  14. It may be an open issue to you, but that's probably because you don't understand it. You have yet to show that there is an error with the MME, never mind discussing it. Mellinia, Illususio has not done the maths or the experiment. I guess he can't, though I'd be happy to be shown to be wrong about that. However others have done both. Here it is on youtube The result is that the MME works just fine in the vertical plane. Also, the details are slightly different from the classical MME but the way that ring gyros are used proves that the MME would still work if you balanced it on it's end. His ideas don't agree with the observed facts.
  15. It's entirely possible that I'm an idiot; I have no doubt others will come to their own conclusions about that. However you are the one making the weird implications. You keep saying "So and so isn't true!" when nobody ever suggested it was. That particular logical fallacy is called a straw man. Logical fallacies and personal insults like "your an IDIOT" are both a breach of the forum rules. I don't much mind being called an idiot but I'd prefer that you didn't waste the forum's bandwidth with the illogical nonsense. Incidentally, the sentence preceding ""Selection can do NOTHING." was "Mankind is DECAYING." Do you have any actual evidence of that? It would be expected from someone with "scientific intelligence and ability to think critically". I rather doubt you will be able to supply it.
  16. Nope, I generally prefer to use my brain while it's working properly. (I was at a beer festival yesterday- but not drinking beer). Why would you imagine that it mattered? Anyway, perhaps if you actually set out your point clearly you might get somewhere.
  17. Whatever. The fact is you started this thread with a post full of strawmen. The best you can actually come up with is sloppy use of language. From the wiki page you cited "A teleology is any philosophical account that holds that final causes exist in nature," So, that includes most religions- the final cause is labelled "God" The stuff you say isn't taught: how much of it can I find a wiki page about? Seriously, it's not as if this is suppressed at all. "Selection can do NOTHING." And, once again, nobody said otherwise. You need change as well to get evolution. Why do you keep saying things like that as if they are important?
  18. Very finely divided metals are usually black. According to this http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0009250912003168 a solution of nanoparticulate silver would be yellowish. So called colloidal silver has been used for centuries as a disinfectant. The particle size for colloidal silver makes it nanoparticulate.
  19. A wal, you say "Two objects start along side each other and fall towards a black hole. Before they reach the event horizon one accelerates away. " Why. That's not what I'd expect to happen.
  20. "Scripture fails to get something wrong" is not really worth posting.
  21. Nobody mentioned ATP. Keeping people alive is not, in my opinion, evidence of "wrecking" biology. Where did you hear about the bit that you say teachers omit? Was it, by any chance from a teacher or a text book or something? Did you actually do the primary research yourself, of did you learn it from someone? People from whom you learn things are teachers. If teachers don't tell people about this stuff, how do you know about it? Atheism is a religion like bald is a hair colour or dead is a lifestyle.
  22. LOL Sammy, This is a science forum. You can't cite fairy tales as evidence.
  23. 1 Do so. 2 Thanks for another serving of word salad.
  24. Lock in needs sorting out. But it occurs for known reasons which are nothing to do with ether flow. If you think that the MME would be different if it were not horizontal, why not actually do an experiment rather than posting unsupported guesswork?
  25. You seem to have copied and highlighted some bits from some old books. Would you like to explain why we should be interested?
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