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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. "how could you explain the fact that most people with HIV do not have AIDS?" " i want YOUR REASONING about why people with HIV do not get AIDS. what do you think ?" OK, no problem. Probably for the same reason that I carry the chickenpox virus, but don't have chickenpox. My immune system knocked it back. This is boringly standard behaviour for a virus. Sometimes HIV does it. So what? It certainly is not evidence that HIV doesn't cause AIDS.
  2. Doing anything quickly without adding power is a challenge.
  3. If we ignore the outrightly untrue statements about it then the assertion here is like saying that sex doesn't cause pregnancy. There are plenty of cases where sex does not lead to pregnancy even in some couples who really want a child. There is also a recorded case (about 2010 to 2020 years ago) of pregnancy without sex. (I'm editing this too add that, for those who don't trust 2000 year old books as evidence you can consider Dolly the sheep. Since she didn't have a father there can't have been much sex involved in her procreation. The facts may possibly be true, but the claim is still clearly absurd.
  4. Oh come on. "A case can be made for the earth and our sun to both be holding negative electrical charge charge." That is just silly isn't it? The sun is hot enough to emit electrons thermionically if it has a net negative charge. It certainly wouldn't stay charged for long. The earth is weakly electrically connected to the sun by the ionised gases in the solar wind so it too would soon lose any significant negative charge. The whole idea is preposterous. Also "As such, both bodies would posses downward-pointing electric fields that lead to existence of a congestion of positive particles at their central cores." Nope, the field inside a conductor (like the ionised gas of the sun or the not very good insulator that s the earth's crust) is zero. Have a look at the ice pail experiment. At best this should be moved to speculations.
  5. I'm not sure. Does this guy count? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgDw7_L82kU
  6. Cooling the water will also help.
  7. That's not an example of anything really is it? It's pretty much begging the question: you assume some nonsense "From the notion that Earth and her atmosphere possess a downward-pointing electrical field" to prove your point. It's not a valid proof unless you can demonstrate that "From the notion that Earth and her atmosphere possess a downward-pointing electrical field" is actually true and, since "down" isn't defined from the point of the earth as a whole, it doesn't make sense to talk about a downward pointing anything.
  8. Did you read the first post? For the sake of this thread there is no God. Anything that ever was attributed to Him is, therefore, miss-attributed. He didn't exist so He didn't inspire the bible (or any other book) It was written by people. Those people understood (at some level) the ideas of right and wrong and they did so without a God. so your jokey little remark "I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that point " Is clearly nonsense. In this thread, when I say there is no God, I'm right. If you don't agree then you are wrong. You also seem to fail to realise how the world currently works "Yes, that's right. If one does not believe in a God, then morality would be decided by the individual. However, people can have very different perceptions of morality, and what one person might consider to be a heinous act may be considered perfectly ok by somebody else" That's what happens now. That's why people kill in the name of a God who commands them not to. And it's a lot easier to justify killing another human if you are working under the delusion that God told you to do it.
  9. Why would the Americans have done it when so many of his own people would have queued up for the chance to do it for them?
  10. Why is it that Christians think that their morality comes from a book that tells then to kill children who are cheeky to their parents? As for "but we (humanity as a whole) would eventually lose our moral compass" Remember, if it was proven that there was no God, then any morality that we have comes from ourselves (because there's nowhere else it could have come from). religion claims to be the source of it but there's no evidence supporting their claim. "Governments could make laws of course, but no human authority could ever match the authority of an all-knowing, all-powerful God." Yes they can because religion's current rules are not based on the authority of a God- He doesn't exist.
  11. Unless you give us a plausible reason for us to think that your proposed action is legal I don't think you are going to get much help. I, for one, don't want to end up in trouble as an accessory.
  12. I don't know. Are Bush or any of his cronies in the Tea Party? If so there's a valid case for tea party members having been involved in war crimes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_the_Iraq_War Sorry, did you think it was a rhetorical question?
  13. Thanks, but I bought a new lens with a better anti reflection coating.
  14. There are lasers that could drill a hole through your head in a single flash. They could certainly cause blindness.
  15. Flammability, toxicity, corrosivity and, in at least some cases, electrical conductivity.
  16. I think the reply is even more awesome.
  17. Is anyone else betting that make-up had something to do with this?
  18. Sorry, which side are you batting for here? Nobody said Ryan was the champion: that's Romney As far as I can see the webpage you list gives fewer lies in several years than Romney managed in 30 weeks. (and, in what seems to me to be typical Republican style, it double counts some of them so it's hard to judge the true number) Seriously if you want to say that Obama is more of a liar than Romney then you need to be able to point to a period of 30 weeks in which he told more than 533 lies. Can you do that or are you, not to put to fine a point on it, a liar?
  19. Can we start with the people who can afford two homes? Most of us have enough trouble paying for one.
  20. Unless / until the OP actually comes back and responds to what has been said, I suggest we let this thread die now.
  21. No. Nobody is putting forward that general case are they? But there is a view that it applies to the specific case of somewhere to live. You don't need a car but you need somewhere to live. If someone wanted to take your car because they needed it to get their child to hospital would you say no?
  22. The chances are 1 in 124.73 But I'm not using a conventional definition of genius.
  23. Why? Probably the most widespread teratogen is alcohol, and that's natural. Incidentally, the prevailing "wisdom" at the time was that the placenta prevented harmful materials from reaching the foetus so testing in pregnant women was pointless. I suspect that the FDA's decision to require more testing was a fluke. They were concerned about other forms of toxicity.
  24. Just cooling the water won't kill anything. In fact, some bugs will carry on multiplying slowly. The best bet s to leave the water in the tap. If you really need to get rid of micro-organisms then boiling the water is the simplest way. What are you trying to achieve here?
  25. The viruses which affect humans seldom infect other mammals- never mind aliens. But there are bacteria that degrade all sorts of things, including materials that we think of as toxic waste. I doubt that the aliens could be made of things so "unearthly" that some bacteria wouldn't be able to treat them as food. Our alien invaders wouldn't have any immunity to those bacteria (in the sense that we have). They might have a general immune system which would protect them from earthly micro-organisms in just the same way that it protects them from the bugs they (presumably) had on their home planet.
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