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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. Well, for one thing, it seems to get unduly upset about people occasionally taking a pee in the street (even though this is harmless) which is an illogical point of view. (As evinced above)
  2. "cracked" is indeed the right word.
  3. Just very very very wrong. Please find out just a little bit about how evolution works. Murder is wrong because, as it should have been explained to you while you were very young: "Just think what would happen if everyone did that!". And, by the way, though a few Christian sects have gained some favour since the crusades, were they not all Catholic at the time (in the sense of owing allegiance to the pope in Rome)?
  4. Been there: done that.
  5. Incidentally, can anyone point me to a website or a store where I can buy a bulb that is the right fitting for my lamp (ie bayonet aka BC or B22d) the right voltage (230+/- 10) As bright as an old fashioned 60 Watt incandescent bulb. Based on LEDs rather than tungsten halogen or CFL and a reasonable price?
  6. Tungsten/ halogen lights like to be kept hot. It's when they are run cool , for example via dimmers, that they fail rapidly. If the envelope isn't hot enough the chemistry doesn't work.
  7. "John, why do you characterise people as "gay haters"? " Because they advocate violence towards gays. Is that a complicated issue? Also re "They simply think that marriage is based on procreation and should be kept between a man and a woman. " If that were true then contraception wouldn't exist. Marriage is about sex for pleasure as well as getting kids. However there are several major churches who believe that sex s only for procreation. You seem to have mistaken the church for the population. Also, claiming that, because we advocate marriage for gay couples, means that we advocate under-age sex is a strawman. (and, judging by another thread, it seems you are quite good at them) http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/66951-the-republican-brain/page__st__20
  8. OK, so now we have established that you think a toilet in Brisbane makes any difference to someone in the UK and you still don't understand that some things are OK from time to time, but not as a habit (like eating too much). Fair enough. . So the answer to your question , but transferred into the the real world where sometimes someone pees in the street is. I probably wouldn't notice. That's why it doesn't matter. More importantly, unless you believe that the original research paper I cited included "streets running with piss" as one of the scenarios they described as "harmless" then your scenario is a strawman.
  9. John, either these gay haters are a tiny minority, in which case we can go ahead and let gay couples marry, or they are not, in which case they are a much bigger problem than this and you shouldn't say they are unrepresentative. You can't have it both ways.
  10. Are you trying to imply that evolution favours murder? Surely nobody is that dumb so I must have misunderstood. Could you clarify what you meant by "The Crusades were un-Christian. Murder is wrong? Of course it is, but by what standard? The scientific survival of the fittest? No. The Judeo-Christian thou shalt not murder? Yes. " please? Parallels have certainly been drawn between the so called War on terror and the crusades. It's not the same thing but the comparison is not without some validity.
  11. "Again, you don't see the difference between spiritual and bodily." I rather doubt that the victims of, for example, the crusades saw that difference as they bled out. You can dress it up however it works for you, but in the end, the battlefields are covered in bodies. If we are talking about people killing other people (or not doing, because they know it's wrong), on the battlefield then the nuances of fighting urges really doesn't matter a fig.
  12. It isn't the scientist who has put you back in your place. Reality did that. You were wrong before anyone pointed it out.
  13. Can you let me know what the Left's equivalent of Fox is please? Also, re "Down here both sides have a tendency to hand out "Jobs for the boys" the only real difference is that the conservatives make at least a bit of an effort to ensure the "boy" can actually do the "job", " Not reliably http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Coulson http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Hunt_(politician) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Archer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Aitken
  14. Given that correlation, all the winners at the forthcoming Olympics should be the same colour. Anyone betting on that?
  15. Actually, the Church already has a word for the marriage ceremony that isn't a marriage ceremony. It's called a blessing. My cousin married a woman who was divorced. His religious sect didn't recognise divorce so it wouldn't let them marry in church. So they married at a registry office then went to the church for a blessing ceremony (which looked a lot like a wedding to me). So the church was quite happy to take their money to host a service of blessing for what they must logically have thought to be a bigamous relationship and therefore illegal by both the law of the land and by their creed. Since the church already has this idea why not extend it to all the "couples getting together to live together" that they wish to? They can choose not to offer it to same sex couples if they like. Then they can let the rest of us carry on using the idea of marriage as we have done for centuries (give or take some interruptions) without the church getting in the way. After all, it's not just religions for whom " it is actually the word that is important, not the act. " many people think the same way and they therefore think that they should be allowed to marry whom they choose.
  16. The rest mass of a photon is notionally zero but it does have a mass given by E=MC^2
  17. I was taught not to piss on my hands in the first place. There are very few public toilets in many cities in the UK. Also, the one arguing bullshit was, I think, the one who thought that a person taking a leak in the street was the same as the streets "running with piss". Similarly when you say " You are telling me that if there are two cafes side by side of equal quality and one has a pool of piss for you to walk through to get inside and the other is clean, you would walk through the piss, sit down in the smell and order breakfast. I call bullshit on that. " No. I wasn't telling you that. It's another strawman. As such, it's a plain breach of the forum rules. Stop doing it.
  18. You could write a book about the differences in toxicity for different species- someone has. http://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Selective_toxicity.html?id=V7gwAAAAIAAJ In the case of the organophosphates there are a number of ways in which they make chemicals that are more toxic to bugs than to people. One important one is to use thiophosphates rather than phosphates. The insects metabolise them and convert the thioester to the oxy ester which is much more toxic. On the other hand, mammals hydrolyse them which pretty much destroys their toxicity. There are a whole bunch of regulations concerning, not just pesticides, but all chemical products on the market. This one is a particularly good cure for insomnia. http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=oj:l:2006:396:0001:0849:en:pdf There are also regulations that apply just to pesticides. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1986/1510/contents/made What do you think a rogue chemist could actually do if he worked in the product development group?
  19. Oops! Typo. try again with "The first half is clearly not true- felsh an blood is exactly what you stick a sword into. The second half is the "justification", you pretend that you are killing the "forces of evil"." Or , if you prefer " spiritual forces of evil". It hardly matters because actually it's killing people.
  20. According to this http://www.churchofengland.org/about-us/facts-stats.aspx there are 19,500 or so ministers of the Church of England in the UK- about 1 for each 2,500 of the population. I call that a minority and they are the ones who would make the decision about whether or not the church marries gay couples. That's what I meant when I said "You shouldn't let minority interest groups make decisions about important stuff" (Unless you can show that most Americans are preachers of some sort)
  21. No. Sorry Ukgazzer, but that's not how it works. The people making strange claims have to prove them true, not the other way round.
  22. "Please let me know what you think of these numerology methods." They are complete and utter dross. Please don't waste any more time on them.
  23. John Cuthber

    Ohms Law

    Well, it seems you have both learned something. The resistance of a piece of wire varies with temperature. For pure metals the resistance rises roughly with the absolute temperature. The tungsten filament in the bulb when it is lit up is very hot indeed and so it's resistance is much higher than when it's cold.
  24. And my (repeated) point has been that you can get married in the West without needing a church. So you have been repeatedly wrong.
  25. It is instructive to note that the right wing has both: An unshakable belief in an economic theory (the free market) which rests on the population being fully informed and being logical and Fox news which resolutely ensures that they are not. It's my opinion that if you need to tell lies to support you position, then your position is wrong.
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