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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. He's a looney. People lose the plot from time to time.No "magical" explanation is required.
  2. Sounds like bas sci fi.
  3. If you are lucky you don't even need that tiny sample. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrochronology
  4. I think you will need to learn about buffers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffer_solution
  5. http://xkcd.com/675/
  6. That wouldn't trouble Hollywood. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1999-03-04/news/9903040067_1_enigma-machine-code-breakers-german-enigma
  7. John Cuthber


    "Dog's, cattle, horses, sheep, goats, chickens, the list of animal's we have changed drastically via selective breeding is long. In fact, to me, religion smells very strongly of a selective breeding program by aliens... Be that as it may, no i am not trying to go OT, why would you say that eugenics wouldn't work for humans? " Well, we know it doesn't work in dogs. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7569064.stm Why do you think it would be any better in humans?
  8. It's difficult to say because there is some overlap but I think he would probably be Tory from a financial point of view but his stance on some other things like gay marriage would put him with the lib dems. On the other hand Mr Cameron isn't that troubled by gay marriage - he points out that marriage is a symbol of commitment and he's happy to accept that commitment has value to society, whoever is showing it. It's also entirely possible that he is actually a lot further to the left that he seems, but he doesn't waste time trying to enact policies that the population are not likely to accept.
  9. The fact that our Commander in Chief at the time was mad might have also had an effect.
  10. No, but he's only Left wing compared to other conservatives. Here in the UK he would probably be thought of as moderately right wing and in quite a lot of Europe he would be thought of as definitely right wing.
  11. What I believe doesn't enter into it. No left wing politician in the US is taken seriously. You have a choice of two right wing groups.
  12. John Cuthber


    Interesting mix that. There's the logical fallacy of argument by appeal to authority. Just because he invented the transistor doesn't mean he knows anything about population genetics. There's the morally questionable use of coercion. " paid to undergo voluntary sterilization" Payment is coercion whether you like it or not. Perhaps the biggest issue is that the "problem" of the dumb out-breeding the bright is that it doesn't work. For one thing there's a mechanism that over-rules it. It's the regression to the mean. For an encore, people have been worrying about the same thing for ages, yet IQs of the population stubbornly rise. And to top it all, there's the idea that IQ measures anything useful. Personally, I think we owe it to our children to teach them that there's a whole lot more to life than being attractive. Of course, if we can teach them to be intelligent then they will figure it out for themselves.
  13. It would let you run more fuel into the engine (though pre ignition would probably be a problem so this would be more worthwhile for Diesel engines). It would also save the energy of heating up nitrogen though, since the hot nitrogen expands and helps push the pistons I'm not sure how much that would help. It would raise the combustion temperature which would improve thermodynamic efficiency as long as the engine could cope.
  14. That's OK, some of us celebrate getting rid of you. In any event you only won because you had the "Cheese eating surrender monkeys" on your side. BTW, Rigney, no we don't celebrate the 5th of May, but we celebrate international star-wars day the day before.
  15. By "middle of the road" do you mean quite clearly right wing by the standards of the rest of the Western world?
  16. Yes, but what do you think July 4 means to me or to the other 95% of the world's population who don't live in the USA? Do you celebrate the fifth of November?
  17. Are you going to add a 4th drug to counter the side effects of the propranolol? And a fifth to counter whatever you add as as antidiuretic? What about a 6th and 7th to offset numbers 4 and 5? Does this answer your question about "Why don't drug companies currently make a mix of the 3 substances?" A lot of us are happy to drink coffee to wake us up a bit and we ignore the side effects.
  18. "Is the 4th of July just another day?" Yes.
  19. Also, Europe includes quite a lot of countries where the age of consent isn't low so the clear answer to the original question is No.
  20. Most of the valid points have now been raised. I think we are just flogging a dead horse here.
  21. OES can cover a number of things from flame tests to ICP/OES. It's impossible to say which is meant here. It's true that the ground state is most populated. On the other hand the absorbtion method involves measuring a very small change in a large light intensity, which is also difficult.
  22. On a related note, does anyone know if Americans are still permitted to have sex with animals? http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=129_SB_191
  23. Oops! Fair enough. If (big if) you could calculate the interactions in each and every atom in the prey and the predator why would you not be able to work out the relation between them? In principle, it's physics. That was my point. Where do you draw the line? Or does the fact that some of these are, in principle, incalculable mean that physics really couldn't explain the predator prey relation? In any event I agree it's silly to talk of any branch of science "winning".
  24. I'd need to check, but optical emission spectroscopy isn't a bad way to do elemental analysis.
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