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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. I guess you know the basic idea of evolution- the kids are similar to the parents but there's a bit of variation. If the kids have some variant that gives them a competitive advantage they will have more kids, in their turn, than those who don't have that advantage. So that advantage becomes more common in the group as a whole. OK, That's a simplistic description of evolution. If you say it doesn't happen, why not? It's more or less tautological that the meaning of the word "advantage" here is that they will have more kids so those kids too will have that advantage. What stops it working? without some means to explain how evolution can fail, there's no sensible way to deny it.
  2. It's possible, but highly unusual for the man's contribution to be the cause of a birth defect. (Not least because if the sperm are not "fit" they don't make the marathon swim.) Sadly the fact is that the cause of many such defects simply isn't known, it's just "bad luck". It is a very typical human reaction to look for a "cause" for bad things, but in cases like this there's really not much point. Even if you did find some cause, it wouldn't help much because you can't turn the clock back. It makes more sense to look to the future as much as you can.
  3. I have done that experiment. What happens id the the ball bounces for a while but it never gets quite as high as it started from so energy is lost all the time and quite soon, it stops. The overall effect is that the potential energy is converted to heat. Not much use as an engine. And, BTW, re ""Most people don't believe but there are some intelluctual people who can take interest in the analogous principle of my engine which I have discussed and learn from it how real gravity engines could be made." No, they can't because gravity engines don't really work.
  4. Aman, do you realise that there is probably nobody here who believes you? And there won't be until you show some real evidence so you might as well stop posting.
  5. I'd have a lot more sympathy with him if his response to being told that he needs to find proper scientific evidence had been to ask where he could find that out, rather than posting more videos. His total failure to actually provide real information in accord with the rules he signed up to was, quite simply, rude. If others (such as me) responded in kind who can blame us?
  6. "I was wondering how 0 to 9 and letters are saved on Microchips" Things like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII are used to encode the letters and numbers which are then stored like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_memory
  7. Someone once asked Mark Twain what he thought men would become without women. His reply was "Scarce: mighty scarce". How long would that government last? The answer can't be more than a month or so because, as humans, they too would starve. It was a silly post, why did you bother with it, particularly as a response to a comment on the weather in Texas?
  8. John Cuthber

    A Wish

    Well, I'm happy to try and help. Lets see if this brings any progress. Hey! You Americans! You pay a lot for healthcare and don't get good value for it. I mean, seriously, I'm planning to visit the US later this year and, for the first time ever, I will need to buy health insurance. I don't need it here in the UK. I don't need it if I travel in Europe. I didn't even need it to go to Africa. The only place that I have ever been before where I needed health insurance was Romania under Ceausescu. * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolae_Ceau%C8%99escu Isn't that a tad embarrassing? * I was a kid- my folks paid
  9. It has indeed been peer reviewed, by us. And we are all laughing at it because it's so absurdly wrong. The biggest joke is that, as insane alien points out anything that is toxic needs to react. And "Theorist knows this because, as I quoted, it's part of his "big idea". He hasn't realised that his explanation of why H2O2 is toxic is a contradiction of about the only sensible part of his whole notion. So, back to one of the clearest examples. Theorist, why is water not as toxic as H2S even though they both have the same number of lone pairs ?
  10. John Cuthber

    A Wish

    Thanks for posting that video. The way it states things is a bit questionable, but it seems that the US is finally getting healthcare sorted out. Glad to hear it. Now all you have to do is get rid of the death penalty and you will start to look like a civilised society. Seriously, do you guys realise that most of the Western world has a healthcare system like the one proposed and we pay less for our healthcare and (depending on the way you measure it*) we get better services for that money? * Heres' one measure http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_infant_mortality_rate Here's another http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_life_expectancy feel free to look for others. and here's what you pay for it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_total_health_expenditure_(PPP)_per_capita
  11. The surfaces of crystals react with air, water or whatever else is around. So, for example, that diamond would lose the single C from it's tip and acquire an OH group.
  12. LOL I studied a little bit. This is the least controversial part of your idea, quoted from the web page you cited. "The assumptions are as follows: • Intoxication is a chemical reaction". I agree that in most cases, possibly all of them, some sort of chemical reaction has to take place to make something toxic. Something like nitrogen which barely reacts with biological materials isn't toxic. So, obviously, in at least most cases, everything has to react before it's toxic. Now, I agree that hydrogen peroxide is also toxic because it reacts with things. It oxidises them. In fact it will oxidise quite a variety of things so it essentially reacts with something important in the body and, as such, it does damage and so it's toxic. So what? It still has paired lone pairs, and according to your idea it shouldn't be toxic. Meanwhile, how do you account for the toxicity of things like chloroform, benzene, DDT, Carbon tetrachloride and so on which have no lone pairs.
  13. That's hardly fair. I also see a person who has his hat on the wrong way round and can use the word "dude", without apparent irony,to address me.
  14. Probably reduction of nitrate to nitrite by zinc followed by decomposition of the nitrite to NOx Why did you think this would work, or more precisely, why didn't you just look up the outcome?
  15. And really really big lungs.
  16. Immortal, re. "At this point of human history neither science nor religion has any authority to make any positive assertions about metaphysics" From a practical point of view, what is metaphysics? What use is it?
  17. Step 1 Count the lone pairs in a water molecule. Step 2 count the lone pairs in H2S Step 3 abandon the idea that lone pairs are responsible for toxicity. That's before you start to worry about the compounds with no lone pairs that are toxic. If you get past that there's yet another killer problem What exactly counts as toxic? You couls ask this guy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracelsus
  18. You might want to look at things like this http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg163.pdf which give a structured approach to the risk assessment process. Obviously, it's not designed for a home lab, but the ideas are pretty similar.
  19. Yrreg, do you really not understand the contradiction in saying "Here, I am not assuming the existence of God, but I have solid reasoning to present my claim that God exists, read the following from post #1. Now, the God I am talking about is the God in the Christian faith Who in His fundamental relation to the universe is that He is the maker of everything in the universe that is not Himself." ? Ascribing any property to God - for example that " He is the maker of everything in the universe that is not Himself." implies that you assume He exists. So the first thing you do is assume there is a God. Then you try to deny that you did so. Did you think we wouldn't notice?
  20. Probably the most characteristic reaction of manganese is that you can oxidise it under strongly alkaline conditions to green Mn(VI) and then if you add acid it disproportionates to give purple Mn(VII).
  21. Life is a sexually transmitted disease: it has a 100 % mortality rate.
  22. second vid in post 21 where he says something like "I want to talk about the necessity of doing hallucinogens..."
  23. I didn't say it was practical. An obvious improvement would be to call the first one Ab, the second Iz the third Izab, the fourth Iziz followed by Izabab Izabiz Izizab Iziziz Izababab etc. It would be a bit quicker to write the names if you use 0 for Ab and 1 for Iz I think that if you used this system you could name everyone on earth with fewer characters than supercal.... Three different syllables would be even better. Even with these few syllables it's clear that very few of the combinations are already in use as words.
  24. Incidentally, if they decide to follow Exodus after seeing it reproduced here, is that somehow my fault? Surely the blame lies with those who have failed to expunge that dangerous nonsense from their Bible. Saying it is in any way my responsibility would be like blaming the Gideons.
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