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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. This is heading into troll territory. If ArtW wants to continue to believe something silly even after it has been explained why it's wrong, I don't think it's our problem.
  2. The conspiracy bit has been done before. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_in_the_White_Suit
  3. Some of the symptoms match this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scombroid_food_poisoning OK, so it's not from fish, but there are plenty of other types of food poisoning. And this " so I know how many bones to brake…" as understandable as it may be, isn't going to help you much.
  4. There certainly used to be a problem with petrol "going off" in that the alkenes in it polymerised and became gummy, so they messed up the carburettor etc. I don't know if modern refining has addressed this (they certainly tried to- because it was a problem for the makers, just as much as the users). Why do you ask?
  5. GX, Why are you trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist? It's perfectly possible and reasonably cheap, to buy and eat a healthy diet. Why do you want to go to a lot of trouble to do something that would achieve less, at much greater cost if it were possible (which I doubt)?
  6. When it comes down to it, the experience of many divers shows that Artw is just plain wrong. He has failed to understand that the rise in air pressure inside the balloon is a consequence of a reduction in volume. That volume is what provides the buoyancy. Reducing it will reduce the buoyancy and the system will sink. Quite what the Chinese have to do with this I'm not sure, but it look like most of them got it right.
  7. "so what can be the processes to prevent cells from dying" Cancer. If cells don't die, but keep on multiplying they become a cancer. Did you not know this? Incidentally, we are quite good at banning people who break the rules and one rule is that once you are banned, you stay banned. Your style of writing is so distinctive that if you came back under another name you would be spotted banned, and deleted.
  8. He seems not to understand that if he makes an anti gravity device then he already has the basis of a perpetual motion machine. That's how we know his plan is impossible. Incidentally, re."or the third time, i am not looking for a superconductor. i am looking for a SUPERFLUID." then WTF are the tread title and OP about a superconductor? Would I be right in thinking you have absolutely no clue what you are on about.
  9. This is clearly dangerous nonsense. In GX world "Insoluble fibers [such as cellulose] are also completely removed as they don't offer much benefit other than to add bulk to the stools." In the real world " Intake of dietary fiber is inversely associated with colorectal cancer risk. " from http://www.epic-oxford.org/publications/1547/dietary-fibre-intake-and-risk-of-bowel-cancer
  10. I'm not going to waste time going into details here (not least because it's not really my field) but you cannot have a liquid superconductor. Also, this is a science website. Things like "The nazi's had achieved it using thorium" should be on www. balderdashforums . net rather than here. In the meantime, would someone like to calculate this index http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/crackpot.html for pyrofire's posts?
  11. "If I can define a process for the product then we can have a GMP manufacturer produce it for us according to that process." You can personally afford to underwrite a factory that runs to GMP? Anyway, if you plan to sell it as some sort of health tonic the local legal authorities will require real evidence that it works and frankly, I think it is much more likely that you are experiencing the placebo effect than any real benefit. Even a very simple double blind test with a few of your friends would help you a lot here.
  12. "If this product did exist it would greatly benefit obese patients." Why? Because they wouldn't be able to afford much of it? Because it would taste filthy? (Most amino acid oligomers don't taste good, and you have removed all the sugars that might offset them) "all proteins & fats are pre-digested completely"
  13. " nobody uses any system to chemically react CO2 to form carbonates" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanolamine#Gas_stream_scrubbing Granted that some is probably trapped as carbamate but most is converted to carbonate. On the whole though I agree. this idea is not going anywhere. The OP's idea of gravity separation is a particular non starter.
  14. A litre of lime water contains about 1.75 g of Ca(OH)2 That's about 0.024 moles which will react with 0.024 moles of CO2 which is about 0.6 litres of gas. So rather than having to store the CO2, Future Farmer will have to make, store, and dispose of nearly twice as much volume of lime water. If that's your idea of "help" then perhaps you should keep quiet.
  15. It would be much easier to measure the minerals present and make up a mixture from those components to mimic the stuff (without the salt). Incidentally, nobody is going to invest money on a scheme founded on "with the way it makes me feel when eating it, I have a suspicion it has a great mineral profile."
  16. You seem to have missed the point. "Different variations of the product can be made according to gender, climate, and amount/intensity of physical exercise of the consumer." So, with 6 billion people you will make 6 billion different varieties? Also, how will people know which variety to buy? Are you going to offer genetic screening in the shop?
  17. Since an anti gravity field is a breach of the principle of conservation of energy I think it's fair to assume this won't work. So you shouldn't take the risk, spend your money on something else.
  18. About a million gallons of it.
  19. I take it that, unlike the OP, you are trying to win a Darwin award by mixing up lots of methane and oxygen. You can scrub the CO2 out of the gas with NaOH, but doing so costs you in raw material and gives an annoyingly alkaline waste product. If you use a different base you can recycle it by heating it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monoethanolamine#Gas_stream_scrubbing This will also strip out some hydrogen sulphide which may prove difficult to dispose of, that problem has been addressed in the past too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_sulfide#Reaction_with_iron_oxide It used to be commercially viable to sell the spent iron sulphide/ oxide/ sulphur mix to the people who make sulphuric acid. If you scrub the H2S out of the CO2 then you can feed the CO2 back to the plants.
  20. I don't know what you mean. There are lots of alcohols; a few of them are hormones but most are not. There are lots of different hormones. Some are alcohols.
  21. Nope. It wouldn't. People are different. one very simple example is that I need less iron in my diet than a woman of the same age, weight etc. So, in order for her to get enough iron she would have to consume a bit more of your product than I would. If it provided me with enough calories then it would give her more than enough and she would get fat. OK, you could do a "His" and Hers" version, but the same problem would still happen with other nutrients because of other factors. My requirements for salt will depend on the losses by sweating. So does your "magic formula" provide the right amount for Summer or Winter (and what amount of exercise does it assume I get?) It's time to drop the idea: it won't work. And, BTW, re. "Any carbohydrate that raises blood sugar. These carbohydrates are bad for health." the only source of energy that your brain can use is glucose. If you don't eat it the body will make it anyway; if you eat lots the body will store it; initially as glycogen, then later as fat. Your blood glucose level as you read this is almost certainly within 20% of 5 mMol/l no matter what you have been eating.
  22. Yes, alcohols. For example testosterone is a ketone (at the bottom left of the molecule in the diagram here) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testosterone but it also has an alcohol group (the OH) at the top right. On the other hand estrone http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Estrone2.png has them the other way round. Some other hormones are really rather complicated http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Arginine_vasopressin3d.png http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:InsulinHexamer.jpg
  23. Most people want to get pure salt from sea salt, you want the other way round, but the process is the same (you just throw away a different part). There are a couple of ways of purifying things like this. For most solid materials you can recrystallise the stuff. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recrystallization_(chemistry) In that process they are trying to collect the pure solid that forms; in your case, you throw that away and dry down the other stuff. That will work for salt, but badly. The process relies on the material being more soluble in hot water than cold; that's barely true for salt. Salt is only slightly more soluble in boiling water than in cold water. The other process might not appeal to you because it needs concentrated acid. If you dissolve the sea salt in water and then treat it with concentrated hydrochloric acid some of the salt will crystallise out. Most of the other materials will stay in solution and you can pour that off. You can then distil off the acid (carefully) and recover a mixture with less salt, and more of the other things. If you repeat that you will remove a lot of the salt. Neither of these will remove all the salt. Having said all that, once you remove the salt and water there's not really much left. Why do you want to do this?
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