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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. In a way, there is already enough data to form an opinion. http://xkcd.com/925/
  2. To a fair approximation, if the gas doesn't condense then the energy needed to compress it to some given pressure is the same. But they don't use gases like that for refrigerants; they use ones that do condense because they can then use that phase change to move energy around more efficiently.
  3. There are lots. Some are alcohols, some ketones some amines and whatever. Also some of them are more than one thing at a time, for example epinephrine is an alcohol and an amine.
  4. Compared to the idea that they all, individually, made the decision to hate something that doesn't actually exist, yes it does seem likely. And, btw, "They all do. Every one of them." doesn't have a lot to do with it, the original postulate was just that " so many" do. The Captain's explanation is reasonable for that case.
  5. Even if they didn't reproduce the algae would spread out and fill the lake by diffusion. An estimate of the time taken for that would depend on the size of the lake.
  6. I strongly suspect that, if you are not "at work", OSHA can't do a lot and I also suspect that the OP was working on an amateur basis.
  7. Oddly, it seems many politicians say the same about maths.
  8. I don't know about maths education, but the sub-title of this thread should be "affects" rather than "effects" and it shouldn't have a capital letter. There's not much point knowing all this clever stuff if you can't write it down. On the whole, I agree that you can't teach science in any depth without an understanding of calculus and the curricula should reflect that.
  9. Do you actually have any evidence for that, or is it just flagrant racism?
  10. Phenolphthalein is available on eBay, but it won't help you directly. The test for blood uses phenolphthalin which is a bit different. IIRC you can make it from the phthalein by reduction with zinc dust in alkali. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kastle-Meyer_test Why do you want to know?
  11. You seem to have tried most of the things I would have though of. Have you tried activated charcoal? The only other idea I had would be to roast the lime before you begin which might oxidise off the organics but that would take a lot of energy and would also give you the problem of handling quicklime. Blowing ozonised air through the solution might work. Ozone generators are available on eBay and such for use with aquaria. The other thing to note is that a lot of organic oxidations are quite slow. You might need to leave the stuff to stand for a while for the oxidation to take place.
  12. That definition isn't much help here since a country can hardly advocate a theory and no country actually adhered to it. It might have been slightly more use if the link worked.
  13. There seems to be some debating room on that point. http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=mass+spectroscopy&x=0&y=0#/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=%22mass+spectroscopy%22&rh=n%3A266239%2Ck%3A%22mass+spectroscopy%22
  14. Perhaps not, but the fact that acetone rots vinyl gloves does.
  15. Did you look here? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrous_oxide#Other_routes Also, you can do that reaction with NO which might be easier to get (Copper and nitric acid)
  16. The real problem here is that the data are lousy. The 3 highest concentrations are pretty much on a straight line through the origin, but the low concentration ones are odd. They are all too high.
  17. Acetone P***es straight through most disposable gloves including vinyl, nitrile and latex. Never take advice from someone who can't spell the things he's talking about.
  18. Yes. Why, what do you want it for? (and you might want to read the forum rules before you answer that)
  19. So, Americans hate (at least some) dictatorships. Big deal, so do the rest of us. I don't see that as much of a reason to start a thread. I think what the Americans hate is a bogey man that's called Communism and used as a label for "Bad Things" even though, according to the strict definition, it doesn't actually exist. I think this bit from the WIKI article on Communism says a lot. "The exact definition of communism varies, and it is often mistakenly, in general political discourse, used interchangeably with socialism; however, Marxist theory contends that socialism is just a transitional stage on the road to communism" The definition they give is "Communism is a sociopolitical movement that aims for a classless and stateless society structured upon common ownership of the means of production, free access to articles of consumption, and the end of wage labour and private property in the means of production and real estate." So, any state that is Communist doesn't exist because it becomes stateless. It's a bit silly to ask for a list of stateless states and even more silly to ask why nobody has a list of either the "states that are states" or the "states that are not states".
  20. A lot of what you say that society "demands" would now be illegal under the equality act if you did it at work. The law requires both sexes to be treated as equally as possible.
  21. " Even the CIA World Factbook lists these countries as communist states." The CIA may have a vested interest in doing so. According to WIKI "The National Security Act of 1947 established the CIA, affording it "no police or law enforcement functions, either at home or abroad". One year later, this mandate was expanded to include[clarification needed] "sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures...subversion [and] assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas and refugee liberation movements, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world"" Now, you can't support anti-communism if there is no communism and if they stop doing it, someone will cut their budget. So, can you trust them to honestly report whether or not there are communist states? Now, can you tell me the states that have abolished private property? A few religious communes might manage it but that's about as close as you will get.
  22. John Cuthber


    "How well do we understand weather, and do we really have to remain so helpless to control it?" We understand it well enough to know that we will never control it.
  23. It's not my field but here's my 3d worth. The higher masses are due to pairs of molecules sticking together (and sometimes picking up another small ion or molecule like sodium) so you can get ions with masses like (2M +23). MRM is a process as well as an abbreviation. It refers to tandem mass spec systems typically with 3 quadrupole. The first selects some ion- say the molecular ion, but there might be lots of things with that mass. The second quad just focusses the ions so they travel in a tight beam, but it is placed in a chamber with a small amount of something else- for example nitrogen. The ions collide with it and get broken. You then set the third quad to select one of the fragments. The chances of the double coincidence are small so the selection Mass, react, mass gives a very low background and so the stuff you are looking for is easier to detect.
  24. I take it that you are unaware that penicillin (still by far the most widely used antibiotic) doesn't actually kill bacteria. It stops them reproducing, but it doesn't actually kill them. So the immune system still has to do that. Your unevinced assertion about "I mean that by rushing to massacre the invader with outside help you're not allowing the body to develop the antibodies that will stop the next invasion, and so what you're developing is a dependency on outside help, which is not advisable." just doesn't hold water. "I'm not being deliberately misleading. I repeat that "in my case most episodes of influenza (or whatever gives you the said symptoms) now last for about half an hour or so". Six decades of frequent battles leave you with an impressive collection of antibodies, especially if you've kept away from antibiotics for one half of that period." A couple of points Firstly, since influenza is caused by a virus the antibiotics can't touch it. Secondly, have you heard what happens when a bunch of people who will never have met any antibiotics come across a new strain of flu? It's not pretty http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1918_flu_pandemic
  25. Yes. It will never work.
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