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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. Unless they realised he was unfit for office and kicked him out.
  2. When Romney's the good guy, you know things are bad. Because he'd be in jail.
  3. Well, since you ask; can I take it back and get a refund? It rallis isn't what I was hoping for.
  4. Inside of it, the death toll is already (reportedly) one. The person who died from misunderstanding hydroxychloroquine as chloroquine Outside of the fact that he's wrong, I don't see the fact that he's wrong causing a problem. ... obviously... I'd like him more if he didn't lie about his competence to deliver medical advice. Why does he choose to kill people (who don't dislike him) in this way? That's OK. just as long as the rest of the world calls him the "German president of the USA".
  5. It it turns out to be dangerous snake oil (and it looks like it wil), do you think Trump will take responsibility for the damage he caused?
  6. I used the word "pathogens" for a reason. So, what you are saying is that if there are significant (i.e. pathogenic) numbers of them, it's because the chlorination process is inadequate and you have a problem. I can spend my day indoors with very little exposure to coronavirus. I can't avoid drinking water.
  7. Very sensible of them. If ill-informed rich Americans start trying to buy the stuff then there won't be any left for poor Indians who need it to treat malaria (for which it actually works). No great shock that Trump's being a bully about it.
  8. If your drinking water does not meet the specification of being "pretty much devoid of pathogens" the coronavirus is not actually your big problem.
  9. Sort of... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid-state_nuclear_track_detector
  10. A bad drawing of this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrahydrocannabinol
  11. Not using a conductor like silver is probably a good start.
  12. Could be worse; the Americans don't even seem to know what cider is. "Hard cider"; LOL.
  13. That's actually a much more interesting concept than Sorry; too much scrumpy. which reminds me of Arthur Dent's comment when being launched into hyperspace for the first time. "I'll never be cruel to a gin and tonic again".
  14. That statement is true of my lunch, if you look carefully enough. It's not a statement that would be made by anyone who actually knows the issues. So... not actually thulium.
  15. Why misrepresent what I said?
  16. Sure, but to do that we need to know what's good and what's bad. If we know that already, what does the Book add? There's a depressingly good argument that twisting people's minds to the benefit of the powerful is exactly what religion is for. You shouldn't be sorry for learning.
  17. I don't think that religions are a guide to morality. A book that tells you where to get your slaves and how to treat them is not a guide to good behaviour. You can look at the past where churches opposed the equality of women and promoted homophobia. Or you can look at the modern world https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-51701039 and see that religion is not the "force for good" that most adherents claim.
  18. No. A similar approach is used with drugs to thin the mucous. (Probably not beta blockers but...) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mucoactive_agent I don't know. But, if they can, they should. If they can't they shouldn't be taking the taxpayers' money.
  19. OK, nor is the local jam making factory; but they aren't trying to get a govt contract. are you aware of this issue? https://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/18339699.worcesters-gtech-told-not-produce-much-needed-ventilators-government-chief-executive-says/
  20. It's a strong contender for "least useful element".
  21. " mass manufacturing of PM products did not begin until the mid or late 19th century" From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powder_metallurgy#History_and_capabilities tells us that it would have been a well established technology by the late 20th Century. So , yes, it would have been trivially easy to do it in 1979 (I have to admit I misread "tholium" as thulium. ) Mixing real elements is usually easy. Mixing in stuff that doesn't exist is more difficult. Well, maybe he couldn't, but I could. Do you want to believe me, or the guy who declared himself incompetent?
  22. There is some suggestion that he should have asked someone who knew about them. We don't need a new design- the things are complicated and our medical staff have enough to do without learning a new system. He would have achieved more if he had got his existing factories to make the current design. But, obviously, that wouldn't have got much publicity.
  23. If the only source is laundry detergent, I'd not worry. Dioxane is roughly as volatile as water so, any that isn't rinsed away is likely to evaporate when clothes are dried. I'd imagine that , with considerable care, and good analytical chemistry you might be able to show that there was some tiny trace left behind but 10,000 ppb Is already not much. Ten parts in a million is a thousandth of one percent. That's before you dilute it in the washing water, then rinse it, then dry it.
  24. Have you been tested? I haven't.
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