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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. I don't know a lot about ISBNs or and I know less about Chinese publishing houses. But I know that I can claim to have a two foot manhood and I can publish that claim. Publication is not any proof of accuracy.
  2. Grouchy, do you realise that, if you don't have a lot of experience behind you your question is a bit like saying "I'm thinking of learning to drive, does anyone have any handling tips for an F1 race car?"
  3. Fundamentally there is somewhere in the system that is the "best" place for the fluid to be. It might be at the pole of the magnet, or it might be in the tube. But it can't be both. If it's in the tubes then it will go there and stop, If it's at the pole of the magnet it will get to the pole and stop. If you really think the problem is due to evaporation, put the thing in a plastic bag with a wet sponge. When it still stops, you will have to dream up another excuse for it.
  4. Hypothetically a copy of you would be you, but the copying is impossible due to the uncertainty principle.
  5. Why is this in quantum theory?
  6. Never mind that you won't accept that 1/0 is not defined, let's have a look at the rest of your post. "Although its hypothetical, if nothing existed in fact, then maybe this equation could be the reason for everything." If nothing existed then that equation wouldn't exist- so it couldn't be the reason for anything.
  8. "I'm neither a Christian nor religious. I do think that there is a creator for this Universe " Which one is right? Belief in a Creator is religion.
  9. The units are Joules per kilogram. Why is that a problem?
  10. "I must add that the storytellers couldn't just "make things up". If your stories were significantly different to the other stories, then you got a reputation as a poor storyteller and were no longer welcome." The Sun still sells a lot of copy. (for those across the pond, the Sun is roughly the equivalent of the national enquirer; it doesn't make money by telling the truth, it makes money by telling people what they want to hear. A poor storyteller is one who tells poor stories, not one who tells false stories.
  11. The bit about homosexuality was offensive nonsense. The rest was just nonsense, especially in a thread about science education. Still, it's nice to know that I am what I eat. According to my breakfast cereal I'm now "New and improved".
  12. According to this http://www.freepatentsonline.com/3100718.pdf you can make it from copper hydroxide and boric acid. There are, of course, an infinite number of possible copper compounds. The one you have made is probably copper (II) borate rather than the teraborate.
  13. If you want to believe, then you will read "the sun stopped in the sky" as a solstice. If you don't want to, then you will read "the sun stopped in the sky" as a ridiculous breach of the conservation of momentum. "And if people are p*ss poor they enjoy hearing stories about great deeds done in the past and how their people were "selected" by God and it will all be okay in the end. Wouldn't you?" Yes, and so, if I was a professional story teller, I would make up the sort of stuff they want to hear. It still happens "Freddie Starr ate my hamster" sold a lot of copies. It had, of course, nothing to do with the truth.
  14. Glycine in interstellar space http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ApJ...593..848K
  15. Foot pound second or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_units Anyway, I'd like to know what alpha2cen thinks this thread has added to human understanding.
  16. As far as I'm aware nobody has come up with any evidence for the existence of NH4OH.
  17. So, it seems that, among other differences, if science writes that the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old it means about 4.5 billion years, but if religion says it is six days it could mean 6000 years or it may also mean 4.5 billion years (or anything else). That leads me to wonder how you can get advice from, for example, the bible on , for example, how to live your life. If you end up choosing whatever variation you like from the bible, why not just be honest and say that you chose it because you wanted to, rather than because "the bible says..."
  18. One point to make is that weeds only "don't need pesticides to grow healthy" because nobody is trying to grow a field full of them Also, "At least, they are native," Not really. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_knotweed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kudzu A cabbage in a rose garden is a weed; so is a rose in a cabbage field. A weed is defined by where it is, not what it is, so you can't make any generalisation about nutritional value. Having said that, I suspect that eating a variety of different plants, rather than just one monoculture, would give a better balanced diet.
  19. As far as I can see, it's difficult to tell gloss paint from matte unless there is a small bright light source about the place somewhere. This is England so the sun isn't a reliable answer. Your own car's headlights are pointing in the wrong direction. I don't think glossy paint would help nearly as much as a signpost to warn drivers about the other road merging.
  20. The OP was talking about eliminating gears- not the clutch. Though it would still be a pig to start off with a fixed gear system and not stall unless the wheels were really small (in which case you would need to race the engine to get any decent speed). It's not a viable idea..
  21. I suspect that one of the best things to land on would be the top of a water slide, but if your luck is that good, you won't ever need to fall out of a plane. Aiming for the steepest part of a snow covered hill is probably the best bet- that way you can be brought to a halt over a longer distance- sacrificing vertical speed for horizontal speed, then dissipating that by sliding along.
  22. Does anyone know why this makes me think of the phrase "Ugh! I hate beer"?
  23. Fundamentally, all perpetual motion machines are the same thing- a doorstop. The differences are, as I say, in the detail and you just haven't understood it. The ferrofluid will be attracted to the strongest part of the magnet and, because that's the place it's most attracted to, it will stay there.
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