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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. It isn't. Tetrafluoroethylene is a gas. Polytetrafluoroethylene is a thermoplastic.
  2. I can't help thinking that the problem is not that a foolish man said something foolish, but that somehow he gets to say it on national television.
  3. A neon atom, a more or less free positron and a citrate ion. The positron is kicked out at a huge energy and will plough through the material bouncing round until it loses most of that energy. Then it will anihilate whatever electron it hits and form a radical ion. If it happened to destroy an electron that was part of a citrate ion it would produce a citrate radical, but it's more likely to make H2O+.
  4. Re "If there isn't enough evidence to convict them, what makes anyone so sure they are the "worst of the worst" anyway?" IIRC the answer is that the commander in chief of the millitary (who will be running) the "trial" said so. It's easy for the army lawyers because their boss already pronounced these men guilty. Finding them not guilty might be judged as insubordination and they are not going to risk that.
  5. It's possible http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrodialysis
  6. Two thirds of the earth's surface is covered with water and 88% of the mass of that water is oxygen. (things may have been a bit different back then, but oxygen wouldn't have been rare)
  7. The radiation hazard from a personal fusion reactor might be tiresome.
  8. " i saw all the scientist wonder in amazement over the giant gypsum crystals. Is it really all that suprising that there are giant crystal caves? " Scientists are allowed to have emotional responses to beauty; understanding the geology doesn't detract from that..
  9. No.
  10. Are you trying to dispose of it? If so the simplest solution is to take it somewhere away from people and buildings etc and set fire to it carefully. Obviously you need to do this somewhere where a fire will not uspet anyone. The official way would be to get some hazmat company to take it away.
  11. Sound is a form of energy andthe conservation laws require it to be emited whether there's anyone to hear it or not. Incidentally re "Aristotle loved empirical research,..." and "He ended up at some of his crazier assertions by extrapolating from "common knowledge." Which do you mean? Extrapolating from known to unknown is hardly empirical. "sometimes the easiest way to get an answer was to actually look." Aristotle is noted for saying that spiders have 6 legs (or was it flys have 8).
  12. Is this a homework question?
  13. I have never asked it. To be honest, I wasn't really aware it had feelings. I thought the comment in the HHGTTG about the "small green pieces of paper" not being unhappy was a joke. I think that you could replace a significant part of the cellulose (perhaps the majority) in paper with nitrocellulose and treat it so that it feels close enough to the same as paper that nobody would spot the difference unless they happened to spend a lot of time feeling banknotes.
  14. "It is doubtful that nitrocellulose could pass as regular cellulose anyhow. " What's your second guess? Gun cotton looks a lot like cotton; flash paper looks a lot like paper. I think that when the scriptwriters chose urea they were taking the piss.
  15. About 1000 times less KCN will do it too. Come to think of it, the only way to inject just oxide ions into someone would be to put them in the path of a particle accelerator. Given time that would shut down their cell chemistry too. The easiest way to shut down someone's cell reactions is to wait. Typically 100 years will do the job. It has the remarkable (in most cases, unique,) advantage of being legal.
  16. If urea were explosive then toilet cleaners would be in trouble. It's a totally bogus story.
  17. I thought that one of the problems might be that everyone would think of you as "the permanently late guy who can never plan his schedule so he ends up running all the time". People would look at you as if you were an idiot because they might reasonably think you were an idiot.
  18. I agree that this could be a lot clearer but I can't help wondering something. If you start by saying "Elementary proof of FLT Let us assume that for natural A, B, C 1°) A^n+B^n=C^n [or E=A^n+B^n-C^n=0], where prime n>2, " doesn't that mean you have assumed the truth of Fermat's last theorem?
  19. Yeilds are seldom 100%. To say where the rest of the stuff has gone we would need more details of the experiment.
  20. As far as I can see there's a formula for S given in wiki which I can't seem to cut and paste and Boltzman's fomula. It should be easy enough to put the numbers in. I'm just feeling lazy. What w means for a black hole is another question.
  21. Generally, at least one of the products is more stable. Things like organometalic reagents can do neat tricks because one of the products is something very stable like salt or MgCl2. A grignard reagent with phenol will just deprotonate it to give magnesium phemoxide and an alkane. I'm not sure but I think much the same will happen with aniline.
  22. I see the vid is titled "Researchers grow penis in lab" Why? The lab I work in already seems to have a surplus of big dicks. It also has its fair share of... I think I'd better not finish that sentence.
  23. Consider the Cd at the bottom right. It's not just part of the unit cell pictured- it's shared between 6 unit cells so there's only1/6 of it in this cell and there are 8 like it so that's 8/6 Cds per unit cell. Then there's the Cd in the middle of the square face- it's shared between 2 unit cells so it counts as 1/2 There are 6 of them so that's another 6/2 Cs atoms in the cell. Do the same with all the types of Cd and O atoms in the cell and the ratio should come out as 1:1 (I think- it's a long time since I did this sort of thing)
  24. I don't know how your system works but If I voted for someone to act as my representative and they chose to behave like a naughty school-kid they wouldn't get my vote next time. If I were running in oposition to this guy I would be laughing myself silly. All I would need to do to win votes would be to play that clip and finish with the tag line "Vote for me or vote for an idiot". Whether they system favours this sort of thing or not he can hardly expect to get away with it in the long run.
  25. Just a thought, I am sure I was told that s=k ln w Can someone who knows what the constants are please calculate w for me. Say for a nice, simple, non-rotating black hole with the same mass as the sun.
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