John Cuthber
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Everything posted by John Cuthber
Glider, "I know of only one kind of sensory receptor cell that comes into direct contact with the external environment: the chemoreceptors lining the nasal cavity and on the tongue. All others are internal. Cochleal mechanoreceptorss are in the inner ear, photoreceptors are in the retina and all skin touch receptors are dermal or subdermal." True, but I was talking about organs rather than cells. Ears do stick out. Skin can shed waste products straight into the outside world in a way that, for example, a liver can't. Since earwax etc are not waste products anyway it hardly matters.
Particle accelerator relative mass and redshift
John Cuthber replied to Jacques's topic in Relativity
I'm not sure I understand. Do you mean that for a field to act on the particle to accelerate it virtual photons have to reach the particle; catching up with the particle means they are red shifted an they have leass energy? If I have understood that bit then please help me ot here because my physics isn't that good. Imagine I have an electron between two metal plates. I put a voltage beween those plates and the electron accelerates towards the positive one. Do the virtual photons that carrry the energy move from the positive plate (in which case they would be blue shifted or the negative one (red shifted) and how do they know which plate to come from- after all, until they get there they don't know if I started with a positron? Do they come from both plates and, if so, do the effects cancel out? -
Looking at that curve I'd say it's clear that you have several acids present. What you need to do is work out which kink in the pH/ volume curve happens at the right pH to be carbonate rather than phosphate or citrate (or whatever)
Why isn't meat the healthiest food?
John Cuthber replied to Sisyphus's topic in Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience
The iodine in the thyroid gland is in the form of various compounds like thyroxine and I think you could eat them because they would be degraded by stomach acids. I think the problem has 2 sides- you would get too much of things like iron and protein that the body usually keeps and too little of things like carbohydrates that the body uses up. -
It may be a bit late to say this but did you measure the pH afterwards? I think the catalase solution you used was buffered (possibly by accident due to impurities) to some pH a bit lower than its optimum. When you added this to the dilute NaOH solution that was your pH10 solution you changed the pH to nearer the optimum and got a faster reaction. With the other solutions there was either not enough NaOH to get to the optimum or so much as to drive the pH further from the best value on the alkaline side. Adding acid wouldn't help if the stuff was too acid to begin with. What you need to do is repeat the experiment using buffer solutions to ensure that the pH stays (pretty nearly) the same when you mix the solutions.
OK, that explains why he has to worry about it, what about the rest of us.
I think the only real answer is to run away, fast.
To understand molarity you need to know what a mole is (and I don't mean a small burrowing mammal). This might help
It seems to me that they really should have thought about how they were going to pull out before they went in.
"4. Yes, at room temperature there is only really 3 pure metals, iron, cobalt and nickle" Er, there's certainly a 4th; gadolinium is magnetic too. I did once hear that one of the crystal modifications of plutonium is too, but I don't feel like checking that one so I don't know if there's a 5th. BTW, why do so many people spell nickel wrongly? "I should have said above that diamagnetic materials will also stick to magnets." No you shouldn't. Diamagnetic materials are repelled by magnets. "It's a diamagnet (a very very strong one) which means in the presence of an external magnetic field it will become magnetised (and therefor magnets can stick to it)." No, it doesn't mean that at all. While bismuth and pyrolytic graphite are strongly diamagnetic as diamagnetics go, the effect is still weak compared to the effect of a magnet on a steel nail.. Most compounds are diamagnetic including water. Since yiou are mainly water you could be held up by a sufficiently stong magnetic field gradient.
If enough people do that you get a negative rate of inflation (and broke).
I want to know where he buys his radioactive nitrogen from and how he gets it delivered before it decays?
If taking people and imprisoning them for no clear reason is an act of war then, thanks to Guantanamo bay , Brittain and Australia (among others) should declare war on the USA. Diplomacy seems like a better bet. I suspect the Iranian sabre rattling is more to do with propaganda aimed at the Iranian people. I feel sorry for those taken prisoner and for their fammilies but I really don't see a military solution to this.
Why America will never switch to the metric system
John Cuthber replied to bascule's topic in The Lounge
Snail, you said "Ounces and fluid ounces are different". In a very real sense; one is weight and the other is volume. But (from the OED) here are the conversion factors. liquid measure One pint=20 fluid ounces = 0.568 Litres Weight (avoirdupois) 1 pound =16 ounces 1 ounce = 16 drams = 28.35 grams To the extrent that 568/20 ie 28.4 is not the same as 28.35 (and, let's face it; that's just a rounding error) it is true to say that an ounce is not the same as a fluid ounce. A fluid ounce of water weighs an ounce, and an English pint is 20 ounces or 568 ml. I'd still like to know how strong typical beer is in the US. -
Don't forget that you don't start from zero ppm CO2.
If exactly half the total nitrogen is ammoniacal nitrogen then it's probably ammonium nitrate, for pure ammonium nitrate it would be 35% total nitrogen. Chemhero, Do you actually think "NH3-N" is a compuond?
Lime kilns have been practical since at least Roman times. Not easy to set up in the kitchen.
I still don't understand how this is a war. On whom was it declared? Which are the neutral countries? Probably most important are 2 related matters How will you know when it ends? Who will sign the armistice? Until we have answers to those, all this talk of "all's fair in love and war" is irrelevant.
Why isn't meat the healthiest food?
John Cuthber replied to Sisyphus's topic in Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience
I understand that many people in the Western world have pesticide levels (particularly DDT) that are higher than those permitted in food. People, like most animals, have quite high protein levels and low carbohydrate levels. While it's possible to get by on that for a while it's far from ideal because we would have to produce energy by protein metabolism; breaking them down to produce the energy required to make carbohydrates (the brain can only run on glucose). A better aproximation to "what we really out to live on" might be milk, but even that will be far from ideal. An entirely carnivorous diet would also contain lots of iron- we would need to shed most of this; there are studies that link high iron levels to heart disease. I'm sure we are short on B group vitamins too. If you were looking for the best way to transmit parasites, eating raw human flesh would be a pretty good start. One final point in favour of eating people. Imagine I take a muscle biopsy from my own thigh and culture it up. Is this the only morally acceptable way to get a steak? The animal from which the meat is derived explicitly consented to being used in this way; cattle don't. -
Can I just check on something? Bush is saying he will veto a decision, made by the representatives of the US population, to withdraw the troops who are meant to be there to bring democracy.
Why America will never switch to the metric system
John Cuthber replied to bascule's topic in The Lounge
My word! Do you lot really not know that a pint is 20 ounces (568ml)? For the record a gallon is 8 pints or 10 pounds of water (about 4.54 Litres). The stone (14Lbs) makes perfect sense- it's half a quarter. A quarter is 1/4 of a hundredweight and 20 hundredweight make a ton (2240 pounds). BTW, what's the typical strength of American beer (I realise there will be a huge range; whats the mode?) -
Money is a medium of exchange. It can stand for hours worked but, since my hourly rate of pay is more than some peoples and less than others it can't be that simple. I'm not much good with animals but I like eating meat. The farmer doesn't have much tallent as a chemist but, ocasionally he wants the benefit of knowing chemistry. If those were the only two jobs in the world it would be fairly simple for us to simply get together and agree an exchange rate; they feed me and I check the concentration of stuff in their sheepdip and the vitamin levels in the feed (or whatever). Once you have many jobs going on- a potter or baker would probably have been a fairly early profession (and we needn't worry what profession was first) things get complicated. It makes it much easier to have an accepted mechanism for agreeing how to get the chemistry, farming, pottery and bakery done by those who have talents for those jobs. There may be other ways to achieve this but money seems to work quite well.
If you are planning to replace it you might want to look at heat pumps.
Respect can go any way it likes. If your country, even in a single instance, decides to suspend the presumption of innocence and the right to a fair trial then anyone else from any other country is able to judge your country on the basis of that decision. GWB and co decided to go that way and at that point I decided that they ought not to be in government. I doubt I'm the only one. For what it's worth, current opinion poles here are running about 2:1 that we should not have invaded Iraq. I'm not certain, but I think more people have been killed by terrorist and related acts since the "War on terror" started than were being killed before; perhaps having it stalled by the lawyers might be an improvement. You say "There is no question that he is an enemy combatant." I say no, he's just a terrorist and there's no need to make up new names for it. More importantly of course is the fact that, while there is clear evidence to arrest him and bring him to trial (and there was, as you say, before anyone tortured anyone, that video footage) that's a poor argument for detaining all the others without trial. "No country has yet come to grips with how age old precedents should be applied in an asymetrical war where the combatant would take out one of our cities given a chance." Which side is which here? As far as I'm aware, the ony comabatant involved who has the miliitary strength to take out a city is the USA. What the other side would do if it could isn't important since they simply don't have the power.
Pentagon Plane Crash...Was It Really A Plane?
John Cuthber replied to Tiger's Eye's topic in Trash Can
Just a thought, quite a lot of this topic seems to debate the effect of temperature on steel and says that jet fuel doesn't burn hotter than about 1000C. Here's a quote from the Wiki article about jet engines. "Cooling systems All jet engines require high temperature gas for good efficiency, typically achieved by combusting hydrocarbon or hydrogen fuel. Combustion temperatures can be as high as 3500K (5000F), above the melting point of most materials. Cooling systems are employed to keep the temperature of the solid parts below the failure temperature." You can melt copper (at 1083C) in a candle flame so the idea that a straightforward saturated hydrocarbon fuel like jet fuel won't get that hot is strange. Blacksmithing is done with red hot steel. The flames in the WTC are clearly glowing at least that hot.