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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. "Well, I emailed CERN" Try this; you might get a better response. http://www.claus.com/postoffice/tosanta.php One (among many) concerns with CO2 production from fossil fuels is the damage being done when it dissolves in sea water. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_acidification So saying " I think we as humans ought to go ahead with the idea and implement it anyway" suggests that you are an idiot or a maniac. Which is it?
  2. That's particularly funny if you grew up in sheep farming country. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang We have a fairly good answer to "What was the early universe like?" going back to a time where the conditions were such that matter could not exist. So, the issue isn't that science has failed to answer it. The problem is that you failed to understand (even at the pop science level) one of the most widely discussed scientific ideas in cosmology. How hard had you tried?
  3. How would you know? It's not as if you understand science, so what possible qualification do you consider yourself to have?
  4. One of the major advantages to starting with an "acid bath" is that it kills things. So, if there were insects in that apple- who cares? They aren't going to be causing trouble for long. Pathogenic bacteria? Soon to become additional dietary protein.
  5. That's not an assumption, it's a definition. Why do you think your redefinition of the word is better than the one that's currently in use? Who are you that we should all suddenly change what the word means?
  6. I really can't gauge it for myself. I wasn't there at the time, so I don't know what really happened.
  7. As Ghideon said, if the draw is "fair" then no numbers are more probable than any others. Are you thinking of something like this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambler's_fallacy
  8. I'm fairly sure that the saline used in storing contact lenses is 0.9% NaCl and is isotonic with blood (and tears) so it causes less irritation when you put the lenses back in. It's not, in any way, intrinsically bactericidal. However it's likely to have some bactericide added to keep it sterile. My guess is that the stuff being sold is a solution of salt in a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide. Once the peroxide decomposes you are left with saline. It's also possible that some spore-forming microbes would survive long enough for the peroxide to decay, and then start growing. Ask your optician.
  9. Why? A few billion years of evolution has equipped us to deal with the amount normally present.
  10. You do not know what you are talking about. The pizza flour is mainly starch and it tuns into sugar (It starts as soon as you chew it)
  11. The body can, and will, make sugar (specifically glucose) even if there is none in the diet. It is also rather difficult to eat a diet that contains no sugar- starches are converted to sugar in the gut. Just about everything is said to cause cancer. Next time, try a doctor. Being devoid of sugar will cause your brain to die- pretty much instantly.
  12. Others... not so much. NASA’s Long-Term Climate Predictions have Proven to be Very Accurate, Within 1/20th of a Degree Celsius https://www.universetoday.com/142324/nasas-long-term-climate-predictions-have-proven-to-be-very-accurate-within-1-20th-of-a-degree-celsius/
  13. For all practical purposes, nobody makes artificial sugar.
  14. I wasn't aware it was any sort of secret. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainwashing
  15. Is brainwashing the same as propaganda? To me it implies more than simply not telling people the truth.
  16. UNLESS you don't remember because... the techniques worked.
  17. Yes, I read about them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatland
  18. For the most part, it's not the alcohol in beer that kills the bacteria- it's the fact that the brewing process requires prolonged boiling. Making tea also works. There is a (not too serious) suggestion that the British empire was a success because we adopted both reasons for boiling our water.
  19. iron nanoparticles will catch fire on exposure to air, and they won't last much longer in water.
  20. Who does what?
  21. Not while she's courting Brexit and Trump.
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