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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. If the different light sources are different colours then it's a fairly standard bit of equipment https://www.edmundoptics.com/f/Dichroic-Laser-Beam-Combiners-8f67c2b5/14451/
  2. I am no longer welcome at the local zoo.
  3. "Engine that sucks piston instead of pushes" You are about 300 years late. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newcomen_atmospheric_engine
  4. If you ask most people how they would calculate square roots (without a calculator ) they would say they use logarithms... Is this new method of finding ln(x) quicker or less demanding of memory than the usual methods (I think they used chebyshev polynomials last time I looked into it)? If not, it's interesting, but not really useful.
  5. It's an interesting identity, but I'm not sure it's useful. How fast can you calculate it and how fast is the conventional method?
  6. Did you hear the story about the predatory pedophile who told his friend about his criminal activity and his friend said "That's OK, because my invisible friend says you are forgiven"? Are there any longer nails?
  7. I also live in the UK, but the only time I see this tosh is when you post it. One reasonable answer is that her symptoms are psychosomatic.
  8. I look forward to you enlightening us.
  9. If you throw a rock, it's a kinetic energy weapon.
  10. When? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_ancient_Rome On the other hand, it was forbidden in the UK by the Victorians. It's one of those things that goes in and out of fashion. Well, it's unlikely to be in their elbow.
  11. Have you seen those teachings? " According to this story, 75 million years ago Xenu brought billions of people to Earth in spacecraft resembling Douglas DC-8 airliners, stacked them around volcanoes and detonated hydrogen bombs in the volcanoes. The thetans then clustered together, stuck to the bodies of the living, and continue to do this today. "
  12. Water. Just diluting the corrosive material will help enormously. The aftermath of an acid (or caustic) attack is one of the few circumstances where it is acceptable to push someone over and urinate on them.
  13. Someone must have, or nobody would.
  14. Well, yes, a good answer would be more constructive. But a bad answer is less constructive than none at all, isn't it? Why send the OP off on a wild goose chase? Pointing out that something will not work (Or, at least, won't be easy or practical) is not "nitpicking". I could, of course have come up with other suggestions- but the ones that I thought of had already been put forward- so I didn't waste everyone's time with something repetitive or new, but silly. I note that, in all the excitement, you seem to have forgotten to answer my question.
  15. Am I the only one who read that and thought " watch this space"?
  16. That's part of it, though multi tonne crystallizations are fairly common in industry. (I assume that MT is metric tonnes rather than megatons) But I really look forward to (1) data for the solubility of each component in the presence of varying concentrations of the other (2) the way in which that data varies with temperature (3) the behaviour of other species like sesquicarbonate and carbonate that will form when the mixture is heated. (4) the nature and properties of any binary and ternary mixed salts that form and, most of all, some semblance of a justification for this assertion I'm not saying it's wrong. I just wonder how anyone who understood the very complex problem could be so confident that they were right.
  17. And do you think that started out as a deep and abiding love of the West? Imagine you are mister religious zealot nutter. You want to recruit people to your cause. There are some "floating voters" as it were who have not made up their mind about your view There are " The other people"- it hardly matters what the differences are. If "The Other People " behave kindly towards the floaters is that going to make it easier or harder for you to recruit to your cause than if "The Other People" behave like arseholes?
  18. Last time I checked, that was a hot hydrogen atom, rather than a neutron.
  19. Einstein's reply was something along the lines of, "if they had a point, it would only need one author." Can we get back to science now?
  20. I suspect that the answer to "Does society tend to flourish better when it's patriarchal or matriarchal?" is "no".
  21. Would you like to expand on that?
  22. It's the general policy of not giving in to blackmailers.
  23. The thing I asked about was And the thing you have answered is "Where did it end" Why did you do that?
  24. And where did that come from? How was it "justified"?
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