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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. Both are important
  2. Close. To be a good analogy, their captain would have needed to deliberately steer at the iceberg and he'd need to know that there was a small balloon ready to lift him clear of the carnage. Meanwhile, while some of the crew continued to serve desserts, others would start a panic about a non existent fire in the engine rooms.
  3. Is this a homework question?
  4. When he wrote it, there was widespread- almost universal- acceptance of an alternative "unnatural" version. The word "environmental" has connotations these days which would make the phrase "Environmental Selection" ambiguous. (Does it only select for Green party activists?) I don't see it as doing any harm to remember the Origins of the phrase (pun intended)
  5. My dad's named Norman. He was born in Kenya. Clearly there's no way to "edit" that fact. In the same way, you can't change your ancestors.
  6. It's starting... https://wokesloth.com/tax-refunds-are-down-8-4-and-trump-supporters-are-freaking-out/stefan/?utm_content=buffer50501&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=thegoodlordabove&utm_campaign=bloomjoy&fbclid=IwAR0k2_zVNCtVfzM5Cu41vSb_qIa2vIAM8lozT_HSddYXyhjvmb6FrcnjLdU
  7. If God can only create good and God created man, then man is good. And yet man creates things that are not good. So you are wrong.
  8. Not all of us do. http://www.californiaindianeducation.org/science_lab/indian_stars.html And the reason that different nations of people grouped the stars differently is that the groupings are arbitrary. Constellations are pretty much meaningless.
  9. You would need to put it somewhere warm. Copper chloride is hygroscopic.
  10. In a crystalline solid like Ra3N2 it's also probable that you will end up with crystal defects. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystallographic_defect and also the electrons, kicked out of the way by the reaction may fall back into place and emit light. Some luminous paints worked on that basis. You can also get electrons "stuck" in a crystal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-center
  11. If the focal point wasn't in the plane of the book, the image would be blurred. Magic eye pictures rely on shifts of convergence, rather than shifts of focus.
  12. They will ignore the emails issue until the cows come home. But if their tax bills go up, he's toast.
  13. Trump's supporters didn't care that he's racist, His misogyny passed them by They put up with his dishonesty. The fact that he was elected on the back of Russian involvement is OK by them. They will accept that the economic damage of his wall was somehow the fault of Obama, or the Mexicans or whatever. In April, the end of year tax demands will arrive. They will see that he lied about cutting their taxes and his popularity will fall to somewhere between that of Hitler and dysentery.
  14. And rationality is founded on evidence so please provide evidence supporting your earlier claim.
  15. Does this help? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulfur_dioxide#Structure_and_bonding
  16. Very little. If it had a proper meaning, you wouldn't need to ask.
  17. Isn't the fundamental difference that, for a living, one tells jokes and the other tells lies?
  18. I'm not sure what you mean but, if you want to change the pull from an electromagnet it's much easier to change the voltage (or current) than to change the distance.
  19. Maybe... https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/01/us/politics/trump-inf-nuclear-treaty.html
  20. Yes. In the link I posted. No, it's not.
  21. You were born touching genitals... It didn't do any harm.
  22. The Earth is not actually expanding, nor could it ever have done so in the way you are talking about.. Stop ignoring reality.
  23. If you are using a translation table to alter the force on something, it may be easier to use a spring instead of the electromagnet. What are you actually trying to do? Controlling the current is the obvious way to control the force, and I wonder why the OP hasn't chosen it. For a few hundred kilos of force you really don't need superconductors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_lock#Electrical_requirements
  24. I'm fairly sure that I can use an arbitrarily weak magnetic field and still make as powerful a motor as I wish by using lots of turns of thick wire. It would be stupid, but I can do it. And that proves that there's no single answer to the question. If I wanted to get a sensible design for a 10KW permanent magnet motor... I'd look on the web and copy someone else's design. I can buy one with a shipping weight of 31 KG (the first one I found on Google) so the answer must be "Less than 31 Kg".
  25. Thanks. That's clear enough. We know the Earth's not expanding so we know we can discount one of the theories. I suggest you hold a vigil for the lost soul of your idea and then lay it peacefully to rest. It's not coming back.
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