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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. Most people look pretty similar; two arms, two legs, one head..
  2. As 10 Oz has pointed out, that's nonsense ayay but, even setting that aside, you are failing to note the difference between delaying payment for work done and refusing to pay them at all for that work. The latter is shitty, even by Republican standards. Did you really think they were equivalent?
  3. Why? You can google the vapour pressure of lead.
  4. Actually, he weighs it just before he cooks it. Obviously, the water content of the spud- which is variable- will affect the cooking properties. I'm still wondering if Sensei boils 200 grams of rice for twice as long as he boils 100 grams.
  5. I misread "spots" as "sports" We call it weighing because , in most cases that's what we actually do. I have yet to see anyone weighing a potato to work out how long to microwave it for. On a related note, I boil pasta/ rice/ noodles for about 12 minutes (or whatever). It doesn't matter if I'm boiling 1 portion or 4.
  6. Is weighing potatoes a sport?
  7. The Leave campaign repeatedly broke the law (not to mention their outright lies) What "honour" is there in letting the cheats win?
  8. I have an image of Sensei, in the supermarket, weighing potatoes until he finds one that's exactly 200 grams.
  9. An increased demand for Cl2 might indicate a leak anyway. The chlorine will probably react with the hydraulic oil.
  10. Parliament is not trying to do that. They may be trying to assert the will of the people and overturn the government which seems obsessed with getting a Brexit, regardless of what the people may now want.
  11. It would be really useful to have a 2nd (or 3rd) referendum to find out what the majority actually is.
  12. What does it mean to "honour" a referendum when enough people have subsequently changed their minds to mean that the majority now want to remain? It's like honouring the decision to keep slaves. The point of a referendum is to find out the will of the people. That will has (at least very probably) changed. We need a 2nd (strictly, a 3rd- the 1st was in the 70s)
  13. I wonder if people have the same problem about nouning verbs. We could have a meeting. I have seen few microwave ovens rated over 1KW or below 500W. So, if I make the assumption that they are all 707.106 W I will be within about 30% That's probably about the same accuracy as saying "take a medium sized potato". If you don't specify exactly what the starting temperature is then that's another poorly controlled variable. Cookery is based on trial and error; live with it
  14. Chlorine kills fluorescein- it may take a while.
  15. Is asking a question not sometimes a way of making a statement? It doesn't help that the question is so poorly worded.
  16. Fusion is pretty stable in small scale experiments. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Schematic-view-of-the-LBNL-D-T-sealed-tube-neutron-generator-prototype_fig1_253185937 So this is plainly wrong
  17. It seems raider's not the only one trying to blame the Democrats
  18. If Trump was proposing to spend the money on schools and libraries, most people would support it. If he was spending $5B on a gold statue of himself, people might not support it, but they might accept that it's a small price to pay to get government moving again and thus vote it through. But the true cost of Trump's wall isn't $5B, because of all the knock-on costs. Nobody knows how big the full cost is. But since it does no good, it would be too expensive, even if it was free. The folk waiting for their paychecks are in a hole. But that hole gets worse if you set a precedent where Trump- or anyone else- can get anything he wants by screwing them over, simply because it teaches him to do it again and again. That's the real cost- not just $5B.
  19. I presume that's directed against Trump and his supporters who are actually responsible for the problems. You know the old example of the moral dilemma where there's a runaway train and you have to decide whether or not to switch the points to kill one person, rather than 10? Well, Trump has set that up, and you are blaming people for switching the points. The real crook is the ****who tied the people to the track. Stop trying to defend him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trolley_problem
  20. How much "doing the plainly wrong thing and hurting America" should they allow, to compensate for the Republicans' incompetent choice of candidate? This really isn't the Left's fault. Stop trying to pretend otherwise.
  21. Aha! That's a different problem. Can you add something like fluorescein to the hydraulic fluid? If so, then you can look for leaks using a black light lamp. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dye_tracing Trickier underwater but it tells you where the leaks are and, also, you can follow the fluorescein concentration in the water over time much more easily. (A fluorescence detector for an HPLC system is much cheaper than a mass spectrometer). Other tracers could also be used- it depends what you can measure easily.
  22. How would you react if a woman had said it?
  23. This sort of thing? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charged_aerosol_detector The last time I looked they weren't very sensitive- but that's probably improved and they will be cheaper than MS.
  24. It's very water soluble, so extraction into a solvent won't work- pity, because that's ofte a very useful first step. You could remove the water by simply boiling it off. The poly glycol will remain. But, so will all the other stuff you find in swimming pools. Let's be polite and call it urea. The urea would upset any attempt to identify the PAG by IR. So IR is not going to get very far (and it's also not very sensitive) The mixture of materials present is going to be complicated so it's probably best to try to unmix it before you do anything else. The go-to method for sorting mixtures in the laboratory is chromatography. As has been pointed out, this stuff is too involatile to try to GC it. So we are looking at HPLC There's no useful chromophore so UV detection's not going to work (not at ppm levels anyway). So I think you are pretty much stuck with HPLC MS. I hope you have plenty of money.
  25. And those battles are every bit as much of a white elephant as the wall. It's time to kill the idea before any more money is wasted on it.
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