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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. Nor did I. Did you notice this?
  2. I did try. I tried to save you from the disappointment of finding out that reality thinks your idea is silly. And now, I will try again. Study.
  3. If you think I am "blunt", try reality. It makes no attempt to let you down gently. It just carries on doing what it always did; without any regard to your feelings or beliefs.
  4. Having a random idea, that's known to be contrary to all that science has discovered before, then calling it a "theory" is not how science works.
  5. Given that silver tarnishes + turns black and these are " and that wafer switches are commonly silvered, how sure are you that they are ?
  6. Important to whom? He's been dead for 30 years. It's hardly sensible to judge his actions by today's standards. Times change.
  7. Every bit of his theories has been tested to the greatest precision we can. No observation has been made that does not agree with the theories. We have a choice; we can believe the evidence or we can believe you. Why do you think we should discount a hundred year's worth of experiments and accept what you say (even though it doesn't make a lot of sense)?
  8. The addition of two sine waves of the same frequency only gives a sine wave of the same frequency. There is no "combined higher frequency". Also, if the combination gave rise to the "wrong" frequency for the receiver, how come you ever get a signal? And how do you explain the fact that the pattern of peaks and troughs- both in position and intensity- exactly matches that expected for interference?
  9. I think those contacts are silver plated (and then tarnished).
  10. Yes. For example, it is less real than the Bomb.
  11. What does 500 cubic KM of air weigh? what density would you have if you squashed it into a 1 meter cube?
  12. Water has strong absorptions in the IR too. It's a very effective greenhouse gas.
  13. I see your problem. You didn't understand a joke about the idea that only dogs and mosquitoes think humans are useful. OK. Did you understand my comment about jokes not getting taken seriously? OK. Hey variola major, we extinguished you. Though the flip side of that is that we killed off many more species by accident, than by design.
  14. To whom were you pointing that out? It's obvious to anyone, so pointing it out is redundant.
  15. What "stupid woman" comment?
  16. Nobody mentioned police No That's not what I said- it's something you made up.
  17. Because people don't take jokes seriously.
  18. In the same way that they were sorted out when Russia joined the UN. How well did that work out? I suspect that, in this case the confusion is between the EU and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_Europe
  19. You missed out the fact that he didn't say it at all.
  20. catalase- present in blood- does a good job of catalysing the decomposition of peroxide. I'm guessing that frozen is good
  21. That may well be the most widely quoted wrong "fact" on science fora. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nernst_equation
  22. It leads to an interesting question. Why have the manufacturers not had the testing done? OK, it's expensive- but the alternative would be massively problematic restrictions on the use of TiO2. The cost of testing is small compared to the cost of having the stuff classified as a carcinogen. Plenty of testing houses would be happy to take the money. One possible reason they haven't done repeated, robust testing is that they are scared of the result. Perhaps TiO2 behaves like asbestos? Who knows? OK there are no reported excess deaths in the industry- but that might be simply because exposure to TiO2 is controlled- not for health reasons, but because of good process design. After all, you can't sell the stuff if it is your workers' lungs.
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